
Lonely Summer Vacation: How to Deal with Left-behind Children with Dead Parents


With the arrival of summer vacation, many children begin to enjoy the happy time of the holidays, but for those left-behind children, summer vacation is often a time when they miss their parents and long for family reunion. The story of Xiao Ming, a left-behind child in a small mountain village, is a true portrayal of the voices of these children. However, some left-behind children are in a more difficult situation than Xiao Ming, because their parents have passed away

Lonely Summer Vacation: How to Deal with Left-behind Children with Dead Parents

Xiaoli is a left-behind child in the village whose parents died in an accident a few years ago. Since then, Xiaoli has lived with her elderly grandmother. Every summer vacation, Xiaoli watched her children of the same age reunite with their parents, and her inner loneliness deepened. Despite her grandmother's best efforts to take care of her, Xiaoli always felt that she was different from other children

One day, Xiaoli was sitting under a tree at the entrance of the village, holding an old yellowed photo album with pictures of her parents. She looked at the pictures quietly, her eyes moistening. When the neighbor Uncle Li saw Xiaoli's scene, he couldn't help but feel a sour feeling in his heart. Uncle Li stepped forward, patted Xiaoli's shoulder gently, and comforted: "Xiaoli, uncles and aunts are very concerned about you, if you need help, just say it."

Although she lost her parents, Xiaoli is not completely alone. Neighbors in the village often bring her food and school supplies, and school teachers visit her home regularly to help her with her homework. Although these loves cannot replace the company of her parents, they give Xiaoli some warmth and hope

Lonely Summer Vacation: How to Deal with Left-behind Children with Dead Parents

For left-behind children like Xiaoli, the loss of their parents not only brings difficulties in life, but also psychological trauma. According to the survey, many left-behind children have psychological problems due to family changes, which seriously affects their growth and development. In order to help these children, the government and all sectors of society are actively taking measures

The government has set up a special fund to support left-behind children who have lost their parents to ensure that their basic living and educational needs are met. At the same time, the school and the community have also carried out a series of psychological counseling and caring activities to help children come out of the shadows and rebuild their confidence. At Xiaoli's school, there are psychological counselors who communicate with her every week to help her relieve her loneliness and sadness

At the same time, the village has also set up a "Love Home", where volunteers take turns to take care of these children who have lost their parents. Xiaoli has made a lot of friends here, and they support each other, encourage each other, and face life's challenges together. With the help of Love Home, Xiaoli gradually became cheerful and her grades improved significantly

The data shows that through the joint efforts of the government and society, the quality of life and mental health of left-behind children who have lost their parents have improved significantly. In Xiaoli's case, her academic performance has improved by 20% in the past year, and her counsellor has noted a significant improvement in her emotional stability. These changes are not only a reflection of numbers, but also a testament to the hope and courage that children have regained in social care

Lonely Summer Vacation: How to Deal with Left-behind Children with Dead Parents

Although Xiaoli's parents are no longer there, she is not alone. With the support of the government, the care of the society and the help of her neighbors, Xiaoli gradually walked out of the shadow of losing her parents and began to be full of hope for the future. This summer, although she was not accompanied by her parents, Xiaoli still felt a strong sense of love and warmth

Through Xiaoli's story, we have seen the plight of left-behind children, and we have also seen the attention and efforts of all walks of life for them. The government, schools, communities and families should work together to create a warmer and more harmonious environment for left-behind children to grow up. The government can introduce more policies to support the family reunification of left-behind children, and companies should be more flexible in their leave systems to provide more opportunities for migrant workers to visit their families

In the days to come, I hope that more left-behind children, especially those who have lost their parents, can find their spiritual home and have a happy and happy childhood under the care of society. Through practical actions and data analysis, it can be seen that increasing the opportunities for family reunification and social care can indeed effectively improve the quality of life and mental health of left-behind children. Hopefully, we can work together to give these children a hopeful future