
You're welcome to force China! Showdown of the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

author:Armament Aspiration

Compared with the twists and turns of the US military, the PLA is much more straightforward, and Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, responded to the US threats in public at a regular press conference, and netizens exhaled relief.

You're welcome to force China! Showdown of the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Over the past few years, in order to obstruct China's rise, the United States has formulated various measures and has also agreed on various military treaties with many countries, the main purpose of which is to use the Taiwan issue as a starting point to overturn China's "big ship."

Not long ago, Admiral Paparo of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command publicly announced a terrorist plan, at least in their opinion, terrifying, Paparo said that once the PLA takes military action against the island of Taiwan, the U.S. military will launch the so-called "Hell Landscape" program.

The plan aims to create an "unmanned hell" in the Taiwan Strait through the intensive deployment of drones and unmanned boats. Such a hard-line attitude is enough to show the US military's frenzied ambition to meddle in its internal affairs, but from a deeper perspective, this plan inevitably seems too exaggerated and even somewhat unrealistic.

In response, China has made a tough response. Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out that certain forces in the United States have been constantly hyping up plans to harm Taiwan, and the so-called "hellish landscape" argument this time has undoubtedly exposed the true intention of the United States to sacrifice Taiwan for the sake of its own interests.

You're welcome to force China! Showdown of the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, more directly criticized the US side's idea as "madness" and stressed the PLA's determination to dare to fight a tough battle and win the war.

It is worth noting that the "no man's hell" plan proposed by the US side is, in essence, the "replicator" plan proposed a long time ago, that is, the consumption of enemy firepower through the large-scale deployment of cheap unmanned equipment.

However, history tells us that the so-called "cheap" projects of the US military often end up as high-cost investment traps. For example, the Littoral Combat Ship project, which was designed to save costs, turned out to be a costly failure.

China, on the other hand, has significant advantages in the field of drone technology and production. Not only is the product cost-effective, but also the production capacity is strong enough to meet large-scale military and commercial needs. Behind this strength is China's continuous scientific and technological innovation and industrial optimization, so that even in the face of a possible "no man's hell", the PLA is fully capable of coping with and overcoming it.

Although the US is trying to create tension in the Taiwan Strait through various means in an attempt to contain China's development, this provocation-based strategy not only fails to achieve its strategic goals, but may also backfire itself and cause unnecessary military and economic losses.

You're welcome to force China! Showdown of the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Recently, Malaysia also issued a reminder that in the face of the PLA's growing military capabilities, the US military's strategy of relying only on UAV swarms may be a bit too optimistic, knowing that the rapid development of the PLA in the fields of nuclear forces, navy, air force, cyber, intelligence and electronic warfare has actively strengthened its national defense capabilities in an unprecedented way.

As far as the US military is concerned, although its technology is advanced, its strength is also stretched thin in the face of many challenges, and the most direct problem is the shortage of financial budgets.

According to reports, the Indo-Pacific Command's budget this year is $11 billion less than needed, a figure that exposes the economic vulnerability of the U.S. military in strategic execution.

Without adequate funding, even the most advanced plans and strategies cannot be successfully implemented. In addition, the U.S. military still does not seem to have found an effective defense against the threat of "carrier killers" such as China's hypersonic missiles and potential attacks on space assets.

You're welcome to force China! Showdown of the Ministry of Defense: The PLA dares to fight a tough battle, and there is no need for intimidation

Taiwan's reaction to this is also worth watching, with local media expressing obvious dissatisfaction with the US military's so-called "hellscape" strategy, which in essence shows that the US military is unwilling to risk casualties to stand for Taiwan.

To some extent, this strategy is seen as a stopgap measure, and whether it will be effective or not is perhaps uncertain for the US military itself.

In contrast, the PLA's recent military activities, especially the large-scale military exercises around the island, are undoubtedly an important impact on the security situation in Taiwan and the region. In this way, the PLA not only demonstrated its military strength, but also sent a strong signal to both inside and outside the island that Taiwan has only one ultimate destination, and during this period, the idea of "relying on the United States to seek independence" is doomed to failure.

And the United States should not think that a few cruel words will make China retreat in the face of difficulties; since ancient times, Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China's territory, and realizing cross-strait reunification is an irresistible historical trend!

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