
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing

author:Headline jokes
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing
The article "My husband was carried back when he was drunk" is too incisive, funny jokes, and tears are laughing

My husband pretended to be drunk and was carried back

Recently, a bizarre incident caused a sensation in the town, a young man pretended to be drunk and was carried home by a passing good Samaritan, but the truth was shocking. Here's how it happened:

One night, a bar in the town was bustling with beautiful women drinking and having fun. One of them, a young man named Xiao Li, was a little drunk and hazy, his cheeks were slightly red, and his eyes were misty. The beauties in the bar have sent loving eyes, but Xiao Li's heart has long been captured by the virtuous wife at home.

"Xiao Li, hurry up and get drunk, let's go home together." Xiao Li's wife Xiaoli said a little impatiently.

"Okay, okay, I'll have another drink." Xiao Li Yiyan drank a glass of wine again, staggered to his feet, and looked shaky.

"I'm drunk now, let's go quickly." Xiao Li pulled Xiao Li out of the bar, ready to go home.

But at this moment, a speeding car knocked Xiao Li to the ground and fainted on the spot.

"Let's hurry up and carry him back!" Well-wishers hurriedly worked together to carry Xiao Li back to his home.

The next morning, Xiao Li woke up to find himself lying on the bed with a thin quilt on his body and a splitting headache. He glanced around a little dazedly, and suddenly remembered what happened last night, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart.

"Husband, you finally woke up, it was a kind person who carried you back last night." Xiaoli walked in with a bowl of hot soup.

"Good Samaritan? Bring it back? What happened to me last night? Xiao Li was a little confused.

"Don't you remember? Last night you were drunk and hit by a car, and the good Samaritan carried you back. Xiaoli said with a smile.

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and suddenly realized, "So that's the case, I'm so grateful to those kind-hearted people!" ”

However, at this moment, the doorbell rang, and Xiaoli went to open the door, only to see that it was the kind people who carried Xiao Li back last night, and their expressions were panicked and helpless.

"What's wrong? Can I help you? Xiaoli asked curiously.

"I'm sorry, we blamed your family last night, he wasn't actually hit by a car, but we mislooked at the situation and carried him back." The well-wishers said with an embarrassed face.

Xiao Li and Xiao Li were stunned when they heard this, and said in unison: "Then why did he get drunk like that last night?" ”

Well-wishers shook their heads and smiled bitterly, "We just looked at him with a confused expression, thinking that he had drunk too much, but we didn't expect that we were wrong, sorry." ”

Xiao Li and Xiao Li looked at each other helplessly, and couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh in their hearts.

"Looks like I'm really good at pretending." Xiao Li said self-deprecatingly.

As a result, this farce gradually spread, and the people in the town talked about it, and they all sighed at Xiao Li's superb skills in pretending to be drunk. And Xiao Li and Xiao Li have become the laughing stock of the town, and the laughter is endless.

However, in the face of all this, they do not mind, because their love for each other has long transcended these mundane things.

The ending of the story is always so unexpected, just like Xiao Li's "pretending to be drunk" incident, although it is not perfect, but it is full of fun and meaning of life. May every pair of lovers find their own happiness in life, laugh at life, laugh at love!