
After marriage, no matter what the family background is, you also want the "three things" given by your mother-in-law

author:The emotional world of Jingtian

My dear daughter, when you put on your wedding dress and enter the palace of marriage, I am full of joy and a little apprehensive.

Marriage is the continuation of love and the beginning of a new life. At this important moment, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts, especially about getting along with my mother-in-law after marriage.

No matter how privileged your family is, I hope you can get "three things" from your mother-in-law, which are priceless treasures that will make your marriage more fulfilling.

After marriage, no matter what the family background is, you also want the "three things" given by your mother-in-law

The first thing is "respect".

Respect is the cornerstone of interpersonal relationships, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is no exception.

I want your mother-in-law to respect your choices, your lifestyle, and your status as a new member of this family.

As the British writer Jane Austen said, "Nothing is more important than mutual respect." "When your mother-in-law gives you respect, you feel that you are accepted and cherished in this family.

I remember a celebrity whose mother-in-law made it clear that she respected her professional and personal pursuits when she first married into the family.

The mother-in-law said, "You are my son's choice and a member of the family. Your dreams are just as important as your career. ”

This respect warmed the celebrity's warmth and made her more confident and determined in her marriage.

After marriage, no matter what the family background is, you also want the "three things" given by your mother-in-law

The second thing is "support".

It is inevitable that there will be difficulties and challenges in married life, and this is when the support of the mother-in-law is particularly important.

I hope your mother-in-law will lend a helping hand in times of need, whether it's a trivial matter in life or emotional comfort.

As former First Lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, said, "Having the support of others is an important step towards success." "The support of your mother-in-law will make you feel stronger and braver.

I have a friend who has had some setbacks after her marriage, but her mother-in-law has always stood by her side and given her endless support and encouragement.

The mother-in-law said, "You are my son's wife and part of our family. No matter what difficulties you encounter, we will face them together. This kind of support warmed my friend's heart and made her cherish this marriage even more.

After marriage, no matter what the family background is, you also want the "three things" given by your mother-in-law

The third thing is "inheritance".

Every family has its own traditions and habits, and I hope your mother-in-law will be willing to share these precious family cultures with you.

Whether it's the way the holiday is celebrated, the cooking techniques of home-cooked food, or the story of a family's history, these are priceless legacies. As the old Chinese saying goes, "Home and everything prospers." "Mother-in-law's legacy will make your marriage more meaningful and deep.

I am reminded of a writer who once affectionately described the process by which her mother-in-law passed on her family traditions.

From making family-specific dishes to telling stories of the struggles of her ancestors, these legacies have filled her married life with color and warmth.

She said: "It was my mother-in-law who made me really feel the warmth and strength of this family. ”

After marriage, no matter what the family background is, you also want the "three things" given by your mother-in-law

Dear daughter, marriage is a long journey that requires the joint efforts and dedication of both parties as well as family members.

I hope you will receive respect, support, and inheritance from your mother-in-law, these three things will become the most valuable treasures in your marriage.

At the same time, please remember to treat your mother-in-law with the same heart, so that love and understanding can flow between you.

May your married life be happy and happy, and may the relationship between you and your mother-in-law be as close as that of mother and daughter.

No matter when and where, you are my deepest concern and pride.