
Badiou's main language



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In Badiou's philosophy, love is not just an emotion, but an attachment to and loyalty to an event.

Such events are unique and unforeseeable, and they break the established symbolic order and structure of reality.

Love is a creative force in this context, which names and creates truth through fidelity to events.

Badiou's main language

Badiou's so-called "subject language" refers to the language used by the subject in the process of being loyal to the event.

The subject language is a language that seeks to name truth events, and it goes beyond the realm of empirical knowledge.

Because it points to things that cannot be fully expressed within the established symbolic order.

Empirical knowledge is knowledge based on experience and facts, which relies on observable and verifiable reality.

Badiou's main language

In this body of knowledge, anything that cannot be confirmed empirically is seen as lacking meaning.

Therefore, when the Juche language mentions Christian concepts of salvation, revolutionary liberation, love, etc., these concepts may be regarded as empty or even irrational by the intellectual community because they cannot be empirically verified.

However, Badiou argues that these concepts, which are seen by empirical knowledge as lacking referentials, are in fact indispensable parts of human experience and reality.

Because they reveal the depth and complexity of human existence, going beyond mere empirical facts.

Badiou's main language

In Badiou's view, the importance of love as a truth process lies in its ability to reveal and create truths that are untouchable within the framework of empirical knowledge.

Badiou's view challenges the traditional epistemology and view of truth, arguing that truth is not only empirical, but also includes non-empirical truths that transcend the empirical and touch the deeper layers of human existence.

Badiou's philosophical ideas were heavily influenced by philosophers such as Hegel, Heidegger, and Lacan, but he also criticized and transcended their theories.


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