
Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Look, this skin is as yellow as a lemon, why don't you hurry up and go to the hospital?" This is what the best friend of Sister Qin, a 58-year-old operator, said half-jokingly and half-seriously at a tea party. Sister Qin did feel sallow during this time, without the ruddy luster of the past, and she felt unrefreshed all day long.

Skin isn't just our outer packaging, it's like a healthy beacon. For example, Sister Qin, her skin has been a little sallow recently, which is not just a beauty problem, it is likely that the body is making a small report, telling us that there may be some problems inside. Specifically, we can interpret this signal from several angles.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

The yellowing of the skin, which is usually related to the level of bilirubin. Bilirubin, in simple terms, is a waste product that has been disposed of from the liver. If something goes wrong with the liver and it doesn't get rid of this waste, it will accumulate in the bloodstream and end up on the skin and whites of the eyes, making people look yellow.

Most of the time, this situation is a reminder that the liver may need some help. In addition, excessive carotene intake may also lead to yellowing of the skin, which is not harmful, but it is still important to pay attention to adjusting your diet.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

If the skin is dry and loses its elasticity, it could be a sign of a lack of necessary moisture and nutrients. The skin's hydration and elasticity are largely dependent on moisture and collagen, and dehydration or malnutrition can cause the skin to lose its original radiance and elasticity. This is not only a matter of aesthetics, but may also be a warning of a lack of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E, etc.

If the skin is frequently itchy or has an allergic reaction, such as a rash or rash, it may be related to the body's immune system or allergic reactions. These abnormal reactions of the skin may be the result of an allergy to certain foods, medications, or even environmental factors, or a reflection of elevated levels of inflammation in the body.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

These skin changes are all signals from the body, reminding Sister Qin that she needs to further check and adjust her lifestyle habits. Although her friends joked that her skin was like lemons, the concern behind it prompted her to decide to go to the hospital for a full physical examination. After all, true health is both internal and external, not only to have beautiful skin, but also to have good internal function.

After Sister Qin decided to take a comprehensive look at her diet and lifestyle habits, she realized that in order to maintain her skin and overall health, she had to take more proactive and comprehensive measures. Through professional doctor's advice and some health research, she began to implement several key lifestyle changes aimed at improving her skin condition and improving her health.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

Sister Qin has increased her intake of antioxidant-rich foods that help reduce the damage of free radicals in the body, which are an important factor in accelerating aging and skin problems.

Her diet has been supplemented with fruits rich in vitamins C and E, such as blueberries, strawberries, cherries, and kiwi, which are powerful antioxidants. In addition, she began to consume a small handful of nuts every day, such as almonds and walnuts, which not only provide healthy fats but also contain vitamin E, which is able to repair and regenerate the skin.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

Sister Qin adjusted her water intake. She used to neglect adequate hydration due to her busy schedule, but now she pledges to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep her body and skin hydrated. Adequate hydration not only helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin, but also helps to eliminate toxins from the body and improve blood circulation.

Sister Qin began to reduce her intake of foods high in salt and sugar, which can cause water retention and inflammation in the body, which is reflected in the appearance of puffiness and acne on the skin. She replaces most of her salt with fresh herbs and spices to reduce sodium intake and tries to avoid processed foods and sweets to control sugar intake.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

Speaking of Sister Qin, she is really amazing. She didn't exercise much before, but now she is good, like a chicken blood, and she has to jump around every day. The activities she chooses are also quite suitable for her, either square dancing or lara yoga, no less than five times a week, at least half an hour each time.

No, she looks much more energetic now than before, her face looks a lot better, and she even has a lot more energy to walk. As for sleeping, this is another big change for her. I used to stay up late at night to watch TV series, and my eyes were dark the next day.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

Now, get seven or eight hours of sleep every night and get enough sleep. She said that this sleep is not for nothing, during which the skin cells are busy repairing themselves, replenishing water and breathing. Looking at her now, her skin is bright, and she is more energetic. After sleeping enough, she even has a taste for laughter, which is really different!

Sister Qin not only witnessed a significant improvement in her skin condition, but also felt an improvement in her overall health. She has become more active and in better spirits than ever. These changes have taught her that a healthy lifestyle can indeed bring long-term benefits, and that it is a worthwhile experience for everyone looking to improve their health.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

Sister Qin started using gentler skin cleansing products and avoiding those that contained harsh chemicals to reduce damage to the skin. She also started using a moisturizing mask and natural plant oils (such as olive oil and coconut oil) on a regular basis to provide extra moisture and protection.

For sun protection, Sister Qin also strengthened her awareness. Sister Qin is very aware of the damage that ultraviolet rays can do to the skin, such as accelerating skin aging and increasing the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, she insists on wearing sunscreen regardless of the weather. When the sun is strong, she minimizes the amount of time she spends outside or wears a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to give herself extra protection.

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

But the change of Sister Qin is not only reflected in the protection of her skin, but also in her mentality. She learned to face life's challenges in a more positive way, often reminding herself to stay healthy and have a happy mind at the same time.

These ongoing efforts have significantly improved her quality of life and have made her a source of health inspiration for her friends. Sister Qin's story proves to us that retirement can also be rejuvenated through positive attitudes and changes. She hopes that her experience will inspire more people to pay attention to their health, take action, and enjoy every day of their lives. (All names have been changed)

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible

What do you think about the condition of your skin? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[1] Liu Wanwen. Expression and significance of GLUD1 in malignant melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer, Chinese Journal of Integrative Dermatology and Venereology, 2024-04-30

Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible
Whether the body is good or not, you can know by looking at the skin! The skin has these 3 characteristics, so it is recommended to get it checked as soon as possible