
Take stock of the tongue coating of various damp and hot physiques, and see how Ermiao Pill dispels dampness!

author:There is a doctor who says doctor 001

The manifestations of damp and hot tongue coating are varied, including yellow, greasy, thick tongue coating, accompanied by dry mouth, bitter mouth, short urine and other symptoms. Ermiao pills have a variety of collocations in the treatment of dampness and heat, often combined with other drugs such as Coptis chinensis, Phellodendron cork, etc., mainly to clear away heat and dampness, detoxification, the specific collocation needs to be determined according to individual conditions and physician guidance.

Take stock of the tongue coating of various damp and hot physiques, and see how Ermiao Pill dispels dampness!
Take stock of the tongue coating of various damp and hot physiques, and see how Ermiao Pill dispels dampness!
Take stock of the tongue coating of various damp and hot physiques, and see how Ermiao Pill dispels dampness!
Take stock of the tongue coating of various damp and hot physiques, and see how Ermiao Pill dispels dampness!
Take stock of the tongue coating of various damp and hot physiques, and see how Ermiao Pill dispels dampness!