
Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

author:Xi Yan said
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Mr. Jin Yong's fourteen books of "Flying Snow Shooting White Deer in the Sky, Smiling at the Heroes Leaning on the Blue Duck" are more exciting than the other. Among them, whether it is the chivalrous Guo Jing, the eccentric Huang Rong, or the righteous Xiao Feng, or Zhang Wuji, who slays the dragon in the sky, Ling Hu Chong, etc., all have left a deep impression on people.

However, although they are the protagonists, they are not the strongest among them, and the names of several of the strongest people actually sound like dragon sets, and some people don't even have names, only a code name, so who are they? How strong is it?

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

Sweeping monk, woman in yellow shirt

The strongest person in the book "Tianlong Babu" is not Xiao, Xu, and the three brothers, but an unknown Shaolin Temple sweeping monk, who doesn't even have a name, can only be called a sweeping monk.

Although the name is ordinary, what he does is not simple at all, the first time he made a move, he shocked the world, when Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, the two peerless masters, sneaked into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion several times to steal the exercises, he was aware of it, and easily told the time and exercises, but Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo didn't know it.

When the Xiao father and son and Murong father and son and the Tubo Dharma King Gu Mozhi were talking, no one noticed that there were people nearby, which shows the depth of the internal strength of the sweeping monks.

Then Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, two peerless masters who hit at will, "faked death and escaped." Later, the Tibetan Dharma King Gu Mozhi expressed his dissatisfaction and wanted to sneak attack the old monk, but he was completely dissolved by a finger.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

Speaking of the woman in the yellow shirt, everyone must be impressed, she is a character in the book "Heaven and Dragon Slayer". Like the sweeping monk, he also has no name, only the code name Yellow Shirt Girl, and some people also call Sister Yang. Although the woman in the yellow shirt only appears twice in the book, she has left a deep impression on everyone.

The first time was to quell the rebellion of the Beggar Gang and help Shi Hongshi ascend to the position of the leader of the Beggar Gang.

The second time was even more impressive. Zhou Zhiruo, who was in the limelight at that time, had just won the first place in the "Lion Slaying Conference", and wanted to obtain the whereabouts of the dragon slaying knife, but she never thought that the flowers were scattered in the air, and a woman in a yellow shirt floated in front of her, and easily defeated Zhou Zhiruo with the orthodox "Nine Yin True Scripture".

And she used the "Nine Yin True Scripture" at that time, not the peerless school of the Tomb Sect, everyone knew that she was very strong, but no one knew how strong she was.

There are also different opinions on her identity on the Internet, some people think that he is the descendant of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu, some people think that he is the descendant of Yang Guo and Cheng Ying, and some say that he is the descendant of Yang Guo Guo Fu.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

There is no clear record in the book, only leaving a sentence when leaving the scene: "After the end of Nanshan, the tomb of the living dead, the condor heroes, extinct rivers and lakes".

In fact, it doesn't matter who the offspring of the woman in the yellow shirt is, her appearance is more to fill the lack of the "Condor Trilogy". Because whether it is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" or "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there is an important through-line, that is, "Nine Yin True Scripture".

The five peerless Huashan fighting methods in the Condor Shooting are to compete for the supreme martial arts cheats of the "Nine Yin True Scripture", and the grievances of many masters are also caused by it. In the book Condor, Yang Guo practiced the "Nine Yin True Scripture" and the three martial arts of the Tomb School and the Quanzhen School.

In the book Yitian, the "Nine Yin True Scripture" true scripture was directly published, and Zhou Zhiruo, who was in charge of fur for the first time, became the first existence in the lion slaughtering conference from an unpopular disciple. Later, the descendants of the Yang family, that is, the woman in the yellow shirt, will show the whole picture. This can be regarded as making up for the regrets that the first two parts did not show.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

Former eunuch and wine fighting monk

If you want to say that the first two are very rare appearances, then these two have not played at all.

However, the legacy left behind by the two is enough to influence the entire book, or even a few books, and has also produced several top masters, who are the eunuchs and wine monks of the former dynasty

Everyone may not be familiar with the eunuchs of the previous dynasty, but when it comes to Lin Yuantu and Dongfang Undefeated, everyone has an impression.

Lin Yuantu is the founder of the Fuwei Dart Bureau in the book "Smiling Proud Jianghu", and the seventy-two ways of warding off evil swordsmanship created are even more unparalleled. Lin Pingzhi is his descendant, and his famous stunt of the seventy-two ways to ward off evil is comprehended in the fragment of the "Sunflower Treasure Book".

Dongfang Undefeated is also based on the fragments of the "Sunflower Treasure Book" to practice peerless martial arts, reaching the peak, fighting alone in the Black Wood Cliff so that Hu Chong, Let Me Go, Xiang Wentian and other masters of the world will not fall behind. And all this is closely related to the eunuchs of the previous dynasty.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

It is recorded in the book "Smiling Proud Jianghu" that this person was mentioned in the exchange between Linghu Chong and Chongxu Daochang. Chongxu Dao Chang explained the origin of the "Sunflower Treasure Book" to Linghu Chong and said that the martial arts people rumored that this book was created by the eunuchs of the previous dynasty, and the eunuchs were also eunuchs.

From this, it is not an exaggeration to say that the eunuchs of the previous dynasty should be said to be the masters of Lin Yuantu and Dongfang Undefeated, after all, these two people have practiced peerless martial arts because of the fragments of the "Sunflower Treasure Book".

The wine fighting monk did not appear like the eunuchs of the previous dynasty, but it is recorded in both books "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer". In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", he once won the battle of internal strength and wine with Chongyang, one of the five unique Zhongshentong kings, and borrowed the "Nine Yin True Scripture" to watch.

But there are also puzzling things, Wang Chongyang is such a stable person, he worked hard to set up Huashan Lunjian, just to occupy the "Nine Yin True Scripture", how can he use the means of fighting wine to decide whether the "Nine Yin True Scripture" is a watch?

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

The only explanation is that Wang Chongyang competed with him before the fight and lost. Or maybe Wang Chongyang had already seen that this person was not simple at that time, and found that his internal strength was not as good as that of the fighting monk when he was fighting, so he had to lend the "Nine Yin True Scripture".

recorded in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", Zhang Wuji saw the self-complaint of the fighting monk on the last page of "Jiuyang True Scripture". He said that he pursued the avenue in a book, for the monk for Confucianism and for the Tao, and borrowed the "Nine Yin True Scripture" after winning Wang Chongyang in Songshan Doujiu, and then integrated various martial arts to create the "Nine Yang True Scripture".

And "Jiuyang Zhenjing" has also achieved several martial arts masters, and even the later Wudang Taidou Zhang Sanfeng has also learned part of the "Jiuyang Zhenjing". The apprentice grandson Zhang Wuji is even more integrated to achieve the first master of Yitian, and it is rumored that Guo Xiang Woman is also known as the part of the "Jiuyang True Scripture".

Therefore, although the eunuchs and wine fighting monks of the previous dynasty did not appear, their role and influence are extremely important.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

Zhang San, Li Si

This Zhang San and Li Si are not the passerby A and passerby B we think they are. is the top master of the book "Chivalrous Journey".

The book "Chivalry Travel" is written around Xia Ke Island, and the two of them are the messengers of Xia Ke Island's reward for good and punishment of evil, as their name suggests, they also have enough strength to punish evil and promote good.

The first shot killed the head of the Qingcheng faction at that time, Xushan Daoren, with one blow, and retreated under the encirclement and suppression of many Taoist priests. You must know that the head of the Qingcheng faction was not an ordinary person, but the leader of the entire Xichuan martial arts at that time.

Although it is a sneak attack, it is still two to one, but it is not easy to kill the top master in one hit. Referring to Zhang Sanfeng, the head of Wudang in the book "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", he was attacked and vomited blood, although the skills of the people of Xushan Dao were not as good as Zhang Sanfeng.

Then they made a big fuss about the Bawang dart game, killing dozens of people and retreating. Then he poisoned and killed the two peerless masters of Shan Ben and Kubai.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

When the second went to the Central Plains, it was even more mysterious, and when Xia Kedao once again invited martial arts masters to go to the island, the three major factions and two big gangs that refused to land on the island were killed one by one, and none of them survived. When the Emei faction heard the news, they united with the rest of the sects to oppose Xia Ke Island, Zhang San and Li Si saw that they were outnumbered, so they poisoned the participants one by one by poisoning, which made people frightened and did not dare to besiege and kill again.

When he went to the Central Plains for the third time, no one refused the invitation of Xia Ke Island.

These are enough to prove the strength of Zhang San and Li Si.

Dragon, wood island owner

After talking about Zhang San and Li Si, I have to mention the two island owners, Long and Mu.

The two are also characters in the book "Chivalrous Journey", and they are the masters of Chivalry Island, as well as the masters of Zhang San and Li Si.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!

It can be said that the kung fu of the two was taught by the two of them. There are dozens of existences like Zhang San and Li Si on the island. Being able to suppress them shows that the two of them are extraordinary.

When the two island lords of Longmu were young, they relied on their own strength to besiege the Shaolin Temple, and the status of the Shaolin Temple in the martial arts naturally does not have to be the majority, and the martial arts are not to say that they are the best in the world, but also unique. Shaolin Temple is even more masterful, and the two of them forcibly besieged Shaolin for seven days and seven nights, which is enough to prove its strength.

On Xia Ke Island, the two owners also have a record of fighting with masters on the island. The first time was an exchange with Bai Zizai, Bai Zizai was a famous master in the rivers and lakes at that time, but he didn't even catch the booklet thrown out by the owner of Dragon Island.

The second time was a fight with Shi Potian, the protagonist of the book "Chivalrous Journey". At this time, Shi Potian had already comprehended the peerless martial arts "Taixuan Sutra", and although the two island masters were defeated, it was enough to prove their strength.

Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!


Mr. Jin Yong not only stands out in the portrayal of the characters, but also has his own unique ideas in naming, which hides many small easter eggs. For example, the wild king in the name of Yin Yewang in the book Yitian is derived from the famous mainland writer Gu Yewang Gu Yewang. The smoker in the name of Xie Yanke in the book Xia Ke is derived from the number of the famous mainland painter Wang Shimin.

The five brothers of the Wen family in the book "Blue Blood Sword" are Wen Fangda, Wen Fangyi, Wen Fangshan, Wen Fangshi, and Wen Fangwu. In fact, it is not difficult to find that this is the homonym of our Chinese characters.

As for the significance of the names of the above eight, it is not known.

Although Mr. Jin Yong passed away, he left us many wonderful works. There are many excellent traditional Chinese cultures contained in it, which are still worth reading.


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Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!
Jin Yong's name is the most perfunctory of the eight masters, and the names are like dragon tricks, but all of them are superb in martial arts!