
The final struggle of the First Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army (78).

author:Guarding the terracotta

In January 1940, the Jidong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Provisional Provincial Committee of North Manchuria held a joint meeting in Boli, Soviet Union, and determined a new policy of guerrilla warfare of "gradual contraction and dispersal of guerrillas", but due to Yang Jingyu's sacrifice, the spirit of this meeting was not conveyed to the South Manchurian region. However, proceeding from the needs of the actual struggle, the First Route Army still consciously implemented the new policy of dispersing guerrillas.

After Yang Jingyu's death, the Japanese puppet rulers thought that the "cancer of public order in Manchuria" had been cured, but the fact in front of the enemy was that the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, under the command of Wei Zhengmin, deputy commander-in-chief, continued to wage a stubborn struggle against the enemy.

From March 13 to 15, 1940, Wei Zhengmin presided over an enlarged meeting of the South Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in Toudaotaohe, Huadian County. The meeting discussed the situation, tasks, military work, and party work, and made important arrangements for the future activities of the First Route Army of the United Nations Confrontation Union. In light of the actual situation in which the party's local organizations have been seriously damaged and local work is weak, the meeting decided to transfer some cadres from the army to work in the localities. send people to the Soviet Union in order to restore contact with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China through the help of the Soviet Union; The Guard Brigade of the First Route Army and the Second and Third Front Armies broke through the "Beijing" map line and marched north to Wangqing, Ning'an, Dongning, Muling, Wuchang and other places; The First Front continued to fight in place to cover the northward movement of the main forces and was responsible for raising provisions. The meeting also decided to reorganize the Guard Brigade, because the commander of the Guard Brigade, Fang Zhensheng, was arrested by the enemy during his activities in Huadian in mid-January 1940, and Park Deok-beom succeeded him as the brigade commander, and Han In-ho remained as the political commissar. After the meeting of the first road and the river, Wei Zhengmin went out to the front line to command the battle despite his serious illness. The vast number of fighters rallied closely around the general headquarters and fought hard in the Changbai Mountains to wage an indomitable struggle against the Japanese invaders.

The main force of the Guard Brigade of the First Route Army was separated from Yang Jingyu and rushed to Huadian in early 1940, but failed to meet with the headquarters as expected due to the enemy's pursuit. Han Renhe, political commissar of the guard brigade, had no choice but to lead the team to operate in Huadian, Huinan, Dunhua and other places. In the spring of the same year, after Han Renhe led his troops to join forces with Wei Zhengmin, deputy commander-in-chief of the First Route Army, they carried out activities in Huadian Muji River, Da Yushu Hezi, Northwest Branch, Straw Hat Dingzi, Yangmuqiaozi in Antu County, and Dapuchai River in Dunhua, adopting ambush, surprise attack, and night attack tactics to deal unexpected blows to the enemy.

In the spring of 1940, the main force of the First Front Army, under the leadership of Cao Yafan and Yi Junshan, made frequent sorties on the border of Linjiang and Haojiang counties and dealt a severe blow to the enemy. According to incomplete statistics, the First Front Army had the following major battles in March 1940: on March 2, it attacked the puppet police defense team and the puppet forest police team in the Pearl Gate and Sun Fork area of Linjiang County; On March 5, the 3rd Regiment of the Puppet Army and the Puppet Forest Police Team were attacked southeast of Sanchazi, Linjiang; On March 6, more than 100 people of the main force attacked the Japanese army's Changdao task force in Wangou, Haojiang County, killing and wounding 11 enemies, capturing 1 light machine gun, 9 rifles, 2 box guns, and more than 200 kilograms of food; In mid-March, the main force appeared from time to time in Wangou in Haojiang County and Dabanshigou in Linjiang County to engage in guerrilla attacks with the Japanese puppet army and the puppet forest police force. From March 22 to the end of the month, the First Front Army and other anti-Japanese troops infested Linjiang, Haojiang, Huinan, Liuhe, and Fusong, constantly striking at the enemy and seizing the enemy's livestock, clothing, food, and other materials. On extremely difficult days, the First Front was freezing, without food and clothing, and sometimes marched barefoot in the snow and fought with a stubborn enemy on an empty stomach. When the enemy followed and pursued, the troops often did not eat or sleep for days and nights, and many soldiers could not get up again after lying down. In the course of the arduous struggle, due to hunger, bitter cold and the constant "crusades" of the enemy, the First Front was greatly reduced. In the spring of 1940, the troops, in order to solve the problem of provisions, suffered heavy losses in the struggle with the enemy. At this time, there were only a few dozen members left in the entire unit. On April 8, Cao Yafan was killed by traitors while he was in the West Urn Circle in Longquan Town, Haojiang County. After that, the First Front disintegrated and was disbanded.

The Second Front Army was active in the spring of 1940, and its main forces, under the command of Kim Il Sung, avoided the encirclement and attack of the Japanese puppet "raiding team", looked for the enemy's weak links, and flexibly interspersed and attacked the enemy in the areas of Phusong, Antu, and Horyong. Among them, the battle of Damalugou and the battle of Hongqihe were the two major victories won by the Second Front Army during the period of arduous struggle.

On March 25, 250 members of the main force of the Second Front Army adopted a roundabout tactic and attacked the pseudo-forest police team of Damalugou Muchang in Helong County. In this battle, the enemy's stronghold was destroyed, and the enemy captured 1 light machine gun, 30 rifles, more than 10 boxes of ammunition, more than 100 sets of military uniforms, as well as a large amount of flour and many other military supplies, effectively striking at the enemy and arming himself. The next day, the troops of the Second Front Army successfully withdrew to the high ground north of Damalugou.

After the battle of Damalugou, about 200 Japanese Maeda "raiding teams" and enemy "special forces" came to pursue the Second Front Army. The Second Front Army set up an ambush on the road that must be passed by the enemy and 30 kilometers north of the Hongqi River in Longxian County. On the evening of March 25, when the enemy entered the ambush circle, the 2nd Front opened fire on the enemy. After an hour of fierce fighting, more than 140 people under the captain of Maeda of the Japanese puppet army were eliminated, and 5 light machine guns, more than 140 rifles, 18 pistols, more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition, and 1 radio station were captured. During the battle of the Red Flag River, Lu Boqi, director of the Political Department of the Second Front Army, was wounded. Later, Yi Junshan, director of the Political Department of the First Front Army, was transferred to the post of director of the Political Department of the Second Front Army.

In the spring of 1940, due to the enemy's brutal tactics of "grate combing the mountains and forests", several secret camps of the Third Front Army in Niuxindingzi Mountain in Dunhua were destroyed. The female soldiers in the secret camp were brutally killed by the enemy, the clothing factory was in ruins, and 18 sewing machines, as well as stored grain and turnips, were all plundered by the enemy. The Third Front lost its rear base and found itself in an even more difficult situation. However, the Guards of the Third Front Army Headquarters and the 15th Regiment, under the leadership of Chen Hanzhang, insisted on operating in the Dunhua area, attacked the Huangnihe Station in Dunhua County, and seized some grain and cloth. However, when the troops retreated to Niuxin Dingzi Mountain, they were surrounded by more than 2,000 Japanese puppet troops who followed them. The enemy, with the cooperation of the aircraft, attacked fiercely towards the Anti-Alliance. During the battle, more than 30 anti-United Nations fighters were wounded and sacrificed, and Chen Hanzhang was wounded in his left leg. When night fell, Chen Hanzhang endured the pain and commanded the troops to break through. After fierce fighting, the troops finally found a gap and broke out of the enemy encirclement and quickly moved to the area along the Dunhuasha River. While Chen Hanzhang was recuperating from his wounds, the 15th Regiment of the Third Front Army, led by the regiment commander Li Yunlong, traveled from Dunhua to Yanji, and later arrived at Wangqing, where it operated with the troops of the 2nd Division of the 5th Army. After Chen Hanzhang recovered from his wounds, he joined Tao Jingfei, director of the Political Department of the 2nd Division of the 5th Army, and they led a team of more than 80 people to persist in the struggle in the Dunhua area.

After April 1940, the Guard Brigade of the First Route Army and the Third Front Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation continued to move from south to north to break through the siege in accordance with the spirit of the Toudao River Slip Conference, and advanced in the direction of Ning'an, Wangqing, Dongning, Shulan, and Wuchang respectively. In mid-April, more than 40 people from the 1st Guard Brigade attacked Yangmuqiaozi in Antu County, killing more than 20 puppet policemen and seizing 1 machine gun and more than 10 rifles; In June, he engaged more than 30 puppet soldiers at the junction of Helong and Yanji, killed and wounded more than 20 puppet soldiers, and captured more than 20 rifles.

In late June, Wei Zhengmin and Han Renhe led the headquarters of the First Route Army and the first section of the Guard Brigade to join part of the Second Front Army in Ning'an. After the rendezvous, they fought in the vicinity of Antu, Yanji, and Dunhua in the form of scattered guerrillas, and successively won the victory of attacking the Dunhua Harbaling Station and the Huangnizi puppet police force, and the troop supplies were replenished. However, at this time, the enemy's rule in the southeastern Manchurian region became more and more brutal, and the opposing forces adopted a policy of both military "crusade" and economic blockade, strengthened the "group tribes" in the countryside, and implemented a food rationing system, in an attempt to cut off all material assistance from the people against the United Nations. On 1 July, in a report to the Chinese Communist delegation to the Comintern, Wei Zhengmin gave a detailed account of the difficult situation of the First Route Army, and decided to divide the troops into small units, intersperse them with breakouts between the enemy's "crusades," and gradually advance northward from the Dunhua area, where the enemy's "crusade" was centered. The economic blockade imposed by the enemy caused extreme difficulties in the material life of the Anti-Japanese Federation, and some wounded, sick and infirm personnel died one after another. Due to the long-term march and the shortage of food and medicine, Wei Zhengmin's heart attack worsened, and he was no longer able to command the army, so he had to be escorted by the guard platoon back to the secret camp of Peony Ridge in Jiapigou, Huadian County to recuperate.

The Second Front Army and the 1st Guard Brigade, under the command of Kim Il Sung, Han In-hwa and others, continued to operate in Dunhwa, Ninhyong-

An area persisted in the struggle. In November 1940, Kim Il Sung led the remainder of the Second Front Army across the border into the Soviet Union.

Under the leadership of Chen Hanzhang and Tao Jingfei, the Third Front Army of the First Route Army and the 2nd Division of the 5th Army of the Second Route Army, which were on an expedition in the direction of Wuchang, moved north from the Dunhua area in April 1940. On June 2, they engaged the puppet police at the Shulan County Border Ash Forest Logging Office, killing 8 Japanese puppet personnel and confiscating 8 rifles and some other supplies; In early June, it arrived at the border of Wuchang County and cooperated with the 10th Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance there to achieve some victories, but completely cut off contact with the headquarters of the First Route Army. In order to get in touch with the headquarters and to shelter the anti-union fighters and wounded and sick people scattered in the Dunhua area, they decided to return to Dunhua in three ways. In August, Chen Hanzhang's unit encountered the enemy's Shishang police force several times in the Weihu River area, fought more than ten times, and failed to advance; In mid-August, while crossing the river southeast of Emu, he was ambushed by the enemy again, so he had to return to Wuchang. In September, Chen Hanzhang commanded small units to attack enemy logging stations and puppet police stations in Shulan and Wuchang, and won many victories. In October, Chen Hanzhang and Tao Jingfei led their troops eastward through the Zhangguangcai Mountains and moved to the Jingpo Lake area to carry out guerrilla activities. After the winter, the enemy carried out a heavy "crusade" against the department, and after two battles at Damiaoling and Songyigou, the troops suffered heavy casualties, and there were only about a dozen people left around Chen Hanzhang. On December 8, Chen Hanzhang was surrounded by the enemy at Xiaowanwangou near the southern lake head of Jingpo Lake. During the battle, Chen Hanzhang scolded the Japanese invaders and traitor lackeys while fighting, and died heroically at the age of 27.

Chen Hanzhang was an excellent commander of the 2nd Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and in the field of resistance against Japan, he was resourceful, repeatedly made military exploits, and shocked the enemy, and was praised as "Jingbo Hero". His sacrifice was another major loss for the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

When Chen Hanzhang led his troops to fight a fierce battle with the enemy in Xiaowangou, Tao Jingfei was going to Beihutou to prepare supplies, but encountered the enemy on the way, and the troops suffered heavy casualties, and finally he only took two members of the team to the east in a roundabout way, and entered the territory of the Soviet Union on March 20, 1941.

In the spring of 1941, Han Renhe, the political commissar of the Guard Brigade, led his troops to move to the territory of Ning'an, and suddenly encountered the enemy in Shangwangou on Jingpo Lake. In the command operation, Han Renhe was unfortunately shot and died. At this time, more than 200 people from the 13th and 14th regiments of the First Route Army, the Second Front and the Third Front Army, as well as the rest of the Headquarters Guard Brigade, had retreated to the territory of the Soviet Union for rest and recuperation.

After the remaining commanders and fighters of the First Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation withdrew to the Soviet Union, together with other units of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation, they began camp training and a small unit attack life, making various preparations for the final victory of the anti-Japanese struggle. Until August 1945, it cooperated with the Soviet Red Army and the Eighth Route Army to liberate the Northeast and won the final victory of the Northeast War of Resistance for 14 years.

After the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Union retreated to the Soviet Union, only Wei Zhengmin remained in the secret camp to recuperate.

At this moment, Wei Zhengmin, who was recuperating in the secret camp of Erdaohezi in Peony Ridge, Jiapigou, Huadian County, was very depressed. Although he left the battlefield filled with gunpowder, Wei Zhengmin still missed his comrades on the battlefield, looked forward to the good news of victory, and was even more eager to return to the battlefield to fight for the motherland. However, due to the lack of minimum material supplies, his illness gradually deteriorated, and his body became weaker and weaker, so he could only painfully suppress his inner desire to fight, write hard, and write letters to the Party Central Committee many times, hoping to get in touch with the Party Central Committee, and at the same time report to the Party Central Committee on the fighting situation of the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Federation in recent years.

In a letter to the Central Committee delegates in April 1940, he wrote: "We are like a boat that has lost its helmsman in the middle of the sea, and we are like blind children, bumping into each other and not knowing what to do. At a time when the current great revolutionary tide is surging, we seem to be caught in an impregnable wall, ...... are silent on all sides, and since we have cut off contact with the higher authorities, we have been constantly suffering unimaginably heavy losses in our work. All we hope for all the time is that we don't lose touch for a long time. In the letter, Wei Zhengmin reported on the development process, organization, cadres, ideological situation of the members of the First Route Army, and the difficult situation at that time, talked about the shortcomings in the work and future plans, and expressed the determination to resist the war to the end: "Although the enemy is frantically attacking us, we still strike at all the enemy's poisonous plans with an indomitable revolutionary spirit, and we are getting stronger and stronger. "

On July 1, 1940, Wei Zhengmin again wrote a report to the representatives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, further pointing out the more serious situation at that time and also reporting on the work at that time, which was a continuation and supplement of the previous report. Wei Zhengmin also wrote a letter to the Eighth Route Army in Guannai, hoping to get in touch and jointly fight the Japanese invaders. However, due to the blockade of the enemy at that time, these letters were not delivered, and his wish was not fulfilled soon.

The guards were worried about Wei Zhengmin's health, so they had to hide his paper and pen and force him to rest, but he always said affectionately: "Time is too precious for me, how can work be stopped?" Give me pen and paper, please! He knew that his time was running out, he was working for the party in the last days of his life, and he was doing his best for the great cause of resisting Japan. At the last breath of his life, Wei Zhengmin handed over a package of documents to the guards and instructed: "Be sure to hand over this package of documents to the party organization." He also encouraged the fighters around him: "You are all young, and the revolution depends on you." Don't be sad, the revolution is hard, and to defeat the enemy, you have to shed blood and sacrifice. But our blood will not be shed in vain, and the red flag of revolution will definitely be planted throughout China! On March 8, 1941, Wei Zhengmin died of illness in this secret camp of the Anti-Japanese Union in Changbai Mountain, at the age of 32. Wei Zhengmin, formerly known as Guan Youwei, was born on February 3, 1909 in a peasant family in Wang Village, Tunliu County, Shanxi Province. After the "918" incident, he actively participated in the anti-Japanese struggle: in May 1932, he was sent by the party to the front line of the anti-Japanese struggle in Northeast China, and successively served as the secretary of the Daowai District Committee and the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in Harbin; In the winter of 1934, he came to East Manchuria and successively served as the secretary of the East Manchurian Special Committee of the Communist Party of China, the political commissar of the 2nd Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, the secretary of the South Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the political commissar of the 2nd Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, and the political commissar and deputy commander-in-chief of the First Route Army. Wei Zhengmin made a major contribution in leading the people of southeast Manchuria and the anti-Japanese armed forces to carry out the arduous anti-Japanese struggle, he dedicated his life to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation, he was an outstanding political cadre in the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army, an outstanding military commander, an outstanding national hero, and a strong communist fighter, and his death was another major loss to the people of Northeast China in the anti-Japanese struggle. The historical monuments of the 2nd Army and the 1st Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army are deeply engraved with the glorious name of Wei Zhengmin.

From 1940 to 1941, it was the harshest stage of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army's persistence in the War of Resistance in Northeast China, and every anti-Japanese Allied soldier was undergoing the test of life and death. For the First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, after entering April 1941, the First Front Army of the First Route Army was almost completely lost; Although the remnants of the Second and Third Front armies persisted in fighting in accordance with the principle of "gradually shrinking and dispersing guerrillas," due to the huge disparity between the forces of the enemy and us, the attrition of the troops continued to increase, and at that time there were less than 500 people who were able to persist in the battle. In addition to the sacrifices of Yang Jingyu, Chen Hanzhang, and Cao Yafan, Han Renhe, political commissar of the First Route Army Guard Brigade, died heroically in a battle with the enemy on March 15, 1941 in Shangwangou, Jingpo Lake, Ning'an County, so the Guard Brigade also suffered extremely serious losses. Li Longyun, commander of the 15th Regiment of the Third Front Army, was surrounded by spies in Tianqiaoling Mountain in Wangqing County on October 20, 1940, and died heroically.

When these anti-Japanese heroes were loyal and unyielding, and sacrificed their blood and lives for the great cause of resisting Japan, there were also a few people who were diametrically opposed to them, who could not withstand hardships and hardships and the test of life and death, and became shameful deserters or traitors. For example, Cheng Bin, commander of the 1st Division of the First Front Army, and Lin Shuishan, chief of staff of the 2nd Front Army, surrendered to the Japanese army one after another, and became loyal lackeys of the Japanese invaders, turning back to the anti-Japanese coalition forces as enemies. In addition, Quan Guang, the former head of the General Affairs Department of the First Route Army, also defected after his arrest on January 30, 1941. The traitors in the anti-Japanese ranks brought serious harm to the anti-Japanese cause, and they were spurned by the people.

Although the remnants of the Second and Third Front Armies of the Anti-Japanese Federation were relatively weak, they were the essence of the anti-Japanese forces. With their glorious achievements that are not afraid of hardships and dangers and sacrifices, they have written countless historical chapters that can be sung and cried. A soldier of the 4th Division, who was wounded in the battle of the Muji River, had his finger broken, and he gritted his teeth and cut the attached skin with scissors, and his finger was taken off. A cadre in charge of quartermaster of a certain unit of the Second Army had frozen and rotten toes, and his feet and legs were swollen, which was life-threatening. But unfortunately, the place where he was recuperating was discovered by the enemy, and when the enemy frantically pounced on him, he did not want to be a prisoner, and resolutely jumped off the cliff and died a heroic death. A female soldier in the Second Army had just given birth to a child, and after just a few sips of hot water melted by the ice and snow, she dragged her extremely weak body on the journey against Japan...... In the years when the country was ruined, the fighters of the Anti-Japanese Union endured the baptism of blood and fire, the test of life and death, and their immortal achievements were indeed touching the heavens and the earth, crying ghosts and gods.

The glorious history of the heroic anti-Japanese guerrilla war of the First Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation will be passed on forever!