
People's Daily and other reports: Enrollment is employment, and some provinces have a preparation! This profession is out of the circle

author:What is higher education?

Recently, with the announcement of the results of the college entrance examination in various provinces, the voluntary filling is in full swing. Among the vast professional choices, archaeology, a major with profound heritage and new vitality, has been reported by many mainstream authoritative media such as CCTV, People's Daily, People's Daily Online, CCTV Finance and Economics, and has become "popular out of the circle". The report pointed out that this year, in some provinces, archaeology majors are employed when they enter the school, and they are widely concerned by all walks of life.

Capital Normal University, located in the west of Beijing, has a strong "Wenbo Tiantuan" and offers a "super popular" undergraduate major in archaeology.

People's Daily and other reports: Enrollment is employment, and some provinces have a preparation! This profession is out of the circle
People's Daily and other reports: Enrollment is employment, and some provinces have a preparation! This profession is out of the circle

Source: CCTV

Archaeology gives people a glimpse of the development of human civilization. Constantly breaking the cognition and making history "within reach", archaeology attracts the attention of students with its unique charm.

In 2003, the Department of Archaeology was established at Capital Normal University. In 2004, the school enrolled students in History (Cultural Relics Identification and Conservation); In 2010, the Department of Archaeology was born; In 2020, the major was selected as a first-class undergraduate major in Beijing.

Touch the historical context and listen to the pulse of the times. The archaeology major of Capital Normal University is based on field archaeological excavation and comprehensive research, and at the same time carries out research on the interpretation and research of archaeological heritage, display and planning, protection and utilization.

People's Daily and other reports: Enrollment is employment, and some provinces have a preparation! This profession is out of the circle

At present, there are more than 10 internship bases inside and outside the school, such as the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Chinese Cultural Relics Exchange Center of the Capital Museum, to meet the diverse practice needs of young students.

In the field, see the truth; Find the old and give new songs. Professional practice includes field archaeological relics restoration and protection, museum exhibitions, heritage planning and other links, as well as archaeological research, academic investigation, etc., to cultivate comprehensive talents with both theories and skills in archaeology, museology, cultural relics restoration and protection, and estate planning.

People's Daily and other reports: Enrollment is employment, and some provinces have a preparation! This profession is out of the circle

Archaeological excavation site

Over the years, the archaeology teachers of the School of History of Capital Normal University have worked diligently and willingly to educate newcomers, and insisted on writing their papers on the ground.

In March 2024, the 2023 National Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries Final Evaluation Conference hosted by China Cultural Heritage News and the Archaeological Society of China was held in Beijing. The Wangzhuang site in Yongcheng, Henan Province, excavated by Capital Normal University and Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Shangqiu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and other units, was successfully selected, which is the second honor for the Wangzhuang site after winning the "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in Henan Province in 2023". In the excavation and research work of the project, there are 2020 undergraduate students and some graduate students majoring in archaeology, demonstrating the professional strength of the hard core and providing a broader space and platform for talent training.

People's Daily and other reports: Enrollment is employment, and some provinces have a preparation! This profession is out of the circle

Focusing on the cross-integration between disciplines, in 2023, Capital Normal University will add a double bachelor's degree compound talent training program of "Archaeology + Geographic Information Science", including two enrollment majors: Archaeology (Geographic Information Science Double Bachelor's Degree Program) and Geographic Information Science (Archaeology Double Bachelor's Degree Program) under the responsibility of the School of History.

Among them, the major of Archaeology (Double Bachelor's Degree Program in Geographic Information Science) relies on the high-level talent training platform of archaeology and geographic information science, based on field archaeological excavation and comprehensive research, and at the same time systematically grasps the theory and technology of geospatial information, comprehensively carries out research on the interpretation and research of archaeological heritage, display and planning, protection and utilization, and cultivates archaeological comprehensive research and practice talents who master the theory and practical ability of archaeology and geographic information science.

In the face of ancient remains, archaeologists are always "teenagers". Graduates of archaeology and archaeology (double degree) can not only work in various archaeological and cultural institutions at all levels, but also serve in civil servant positions related to their majors in customs, public security and other departments, and engage in related work in schools, publishing houses, newspapers, radio and television stations, and other cultural, educational and communication units; Or be admitted to graduate school, study abroad, and continue to go to the "archaeological dream" in your heart.

People's Daily and other reports: Enrollment is employment, and some provinces have a preparation! This profession is out of the circle

Field Mapping Practice in Archaeology (Geography Double Degree).

Asking the land of China and exploring the source of civilization, archaeology connects the distant past with the infinite future.

In 2024, we welcome all aspiring young people with enthusiasm and dreams to choose the archaeology major of Capital Normal University to start a vibrant archaeological journey. On the vast land of China, those "former glories" are looking forward to it, waiting for you to explore!


Source of material for this article: Capital Normal University official website/official WeChat, Capital Normal University Admissions Office, CCTV, etc