
The powerful girls have a little bit of charlatanism

author:Yu Xiaoya Y

1. Strong communication skills

Kindness is a virtue, kindness with edge, which can not only allow you to stick to your heart, but also not fall into the abyss of being bullied.

Good girls come out to mix, it is inevitable that they will be targeted by old treacherous and cunning people, if you don't know how to deal with it, it is a matter of time before you suffer.

A really powerful girl, with a little bit of charlatanism.

They are not limited to dealing with a certain type of people, but different types, different fields, different classes of people have contact, if the ability does not expand with the ambition, then, waiting for you will be surrounded by all kinds of gods, so that you have nowhere to escape.

Such a girl is particularly sophisticated in human affairs, she can put down her body when she should say good things, she should give small favors when she should win people's hearts, and she knows how to give grace and power when she should use people.

The powerful girls have a little bit of charlatanism

She is well aware that in different situations, different people are faced and different methods are used.

Some people like to listen to beautiful words, then say more, some people value affection, then use sincerity and good deeds to impress, some people value profit, then use actual interests to buy, in the control of people's hearts and grasp the human nature, this piece, easy to come.

Such a girl does not stand on a high place and look down and use authoritative orders, but blends in with the crowd, handles the relationship first, and then solves the problem.

This kind of Jianghu atmosphere is undoubtedly the icing on the cake for the development of the cause.

She has strong communication skills, occasionally chatting with fox friends and dogs, occasionally talking with people of insight, occasionally exchanging business trends with industry bigwigs, and usually accumulating contacts, which is beneficial and harmless for the acquisition of resources and the grasp of information.

A powerful girl like this, with a wide range of friends, many friends, a wide range of contacts, a wild path, well-informed, and a change in the overall situation, she often knows before others, and her ability to capture information is super strong, which is convenient for her to plan and layout in advance in her career, and get out of the encirclement faster.

The powerful girls have a little bit of charlatanism

2. There is a bit of gangsterism on the body

Carefully observe those girls who can achieve great things, and rarely see the type of delicate Sven, but often see the domineering side leakage style.

Because of such a girl, there are far more obstacles and troubles on the road to fighting than you think.

If you don't have any means, no gangsterism, and no brains, you will soon be crushed by the strong, and it's hard to say whether you can mix it up, let alone succeed.

However, it is not enough to be unscrupulous, and it is more appropriate to vary from person to person.

Some people, too strong will scare her away, and some people, don't give a little ruthlessness and don't know what to do, in management, both soft and hard, Huairou and thunder are the best policy.

Treat reasonable people in a polite way, and deal with unreasonable people with strong tricks, and when encountering scoundrels, use appropriate pungency and moderate barbarism, which will convince them.

The so-called gangsterism can be understood as revealing the necessary edge and wildness on the basis of having good literacy.

You don't have to be delicate all the time, when you are provoked, respond slowly and methodically, sometimes, it doesn't matter if you are rough, when it is time to punch hard, do not hesitate to hit it, do not give some color, do not know how powerful.

Many times, gentleness can't be exchanged for respect, but it's okay to be tough, and the girls who come out to mix are a little bit gangster, and there's nothing bad about it.

The powerful girls have a little bit of charlatanism

3. Chivalrous and courageous

A very powerful girl who can really achieve great things not only has the wisdom of strategizing, but also has the chivalrous integrity.

Such a girl, if you help her, and then she breaks out, she will treat you well, and something will cover you, and in the future, you are likely to become her right-hand man to stabilize the country.

No one wants to follow a mean and unkind person, but someone wants to support a generous and righteous person.

When a person's ability and vision reach a certain level, she does not need to treat the people around her with restraint and care, because she has no mind, where does she have a bright future.

Only those who are narrow-minded, must be compared, and only care about immediate interests will be stingy in repaying others.

The powerful girls have a little bit of charlatanism

And such a person is destined to be only suitable for fighting alone, with no competent soldiers under his command, and no equal partners, reluctant to surrender their own interests, do not know how to give back and repay gratitude, sooner or later unpopular, how can they enjoy the long-term dividends of mutual benefit?

It is extremely important to regard small profits as petty, and for people who are confused about the long-term layout, they have nothing to do with the power at all, but they are just a superficial person without a pattern.

And the really powerful girls are well versed in the doorway of value exchange.

She will not be good to people for no reason, nor will she stand idly by to those who are gracious, she should know that she will not commit a shaft when she is righteous, she should not be generous and not a small family, she should not be cold-blooded when she should be affectionate and righteous, she will not eat free lunch, she will not enjoy the emotional value of gratuitous, she will not take advantage of others, and she will have contacts and dealings, which is a long-term solution.