
9 years have passed! Hua Qiangu 5 starring: 4 people were silent, but she counterattacked and became the top?

author:Qingqing said entertainment

it! Ladies and gentlemen, do you still remember the 2015 "Flower Thousand Bone" that made everyone crazy about chasing dramas? Nine years have passed in a blink of an eye, what are the actors in this drama mixed up now? Today, let's take a look at their current situation and see who is the real winner in life!

From small transparent to top-notch, Zhao Liying's counterattack road

Speaking of "Flower Thousand Bone", we have to mention our heroine Zhao Liying. The cute and silly "little bone" back then is now a proper top class! From "The Legend of Lu Zhen" to "Shanshan is Coming", and then to "Flower Thousand Bone", Liying girl can be said to have climbed to the top of the entertainment industry step by step.

A few days ago, when I was scrolling through Weibo, I saw that Liying's new costume drama "Lonely City Closed" was about to start filming again. Tut-tut, this business is really thriving! But then again, our Liying is also desperate to act, and she doesn't even care about the children. emmm... Is this what is called "success comes at a price"?

9 years have passed! Hua Qiangu 5 starring: 4 people were silent, but she counterattacked and became the top?

From a cute pet to a hot mother, An Yuexi's life has changed

Let's talk about the "sugar baby" An Yuexi that people love and hate. was cute in the play back then, but this girl is now 36 years old! A while ago, I played the male protagonist's mother in "The Fox Demon Little Red Lady Moon Red Chapter", I almost didn't recognize it, okay?

But then again, An Yuexi is now a mother of two children, and she has also become a fitness blogger. From cute pets to hot moms, this wave of operations can be said to be quite showy! It seems that our "sugar baby" has really grown up, and it is no longer the little cute thing that can only be "the master".

From fairy to down-to-earth, Marco's road to bringing goods

9 years have passed! Hua Qiangu 5 starring: 4 people were silent, but she counterattacked and became the top?

Speaking of the biggest changes, I think it has to be the "Kill Qianmo" Marco. Do you still remember that beautiful little brother back then? Now it's a complete transformation! Stopped acting? Never mind! directly entered the live broadcast industry, and relied on his own efforts to fight his way out.

A few days ago, I swiped Marco live broadcast on Douyin to bring goods, what is it selling? It seems to be... Skincare? I'll go, from the fairy-like "Kill Qianmo" to the full-screen "Kiss you come and buy" anchors, this contrast is too great! However, if you can adapt to market demand and find a way out for yourself, I give full marks to this wave of operations!

From popularity to silence, Li Chun's acting career

Let's talk about "Ni Mantian" Li Chun. became famous in "Flower Thousand Bone" back then, and there were talking people in and out of the play. As a result, in recent years... emmm... How to put it, it's just a bit tepid.

9 years have passed! Hua Qiangu 5 starring: 4 people were silent, but she counterattacked and became the top?

Some time ago, I watched her play Queen Fucha in "Celebrating More Than Years", but I didn't have to say anything about her acting skills, but I always felt that there was a little less light from the past. Is there really a curse of "flower thousand bones"? Except for the protagonist, it is difficult for everyone else to create brilliance? But then again, it's not easy to keep working hard in the entertainment industry.

From the screen to life, Bao Tianqi's life choices

Finally, let's gossip about "light water" Bao Tianqi. This beauty is really unexpected! In the rising period of her career, she resolutely chose to have a baby, and now she is a mother of two children.

A few days ago, I swiped the fitness video she posted on Xiaohongshu, I'll go! This figure is too good! From actors to hot moms to Internet celebrities, this wave of operations is also showy enough! It seems that our "light water" has really found its own direction in life.

9 years have passed! Hua Qiangu 5 starring: 4 people were silent, but she counterattacked and became the top?

Conclusion: In nine years, who is in charge of ups and downs?

Looking back on the nine years since "Flower Thousand Bone" was broadcast, it is really emotional. Some people soar into the sky, some people are unknown, some people transform successfully, and some people disappear. But no matter what, "Flower Thousand Bone" is an indelible stroke in their acting career after all.

Eh, what do you think? How is the development of the actors of "Flower Thousand Bone" now? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's gossip together!

9 years have passed! Hua Qiangu 5 starring: 4 people were silent, but she counterattacked and became the top?