
The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

author:Saisai Qingjian
The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

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Since the confrontation in the South China Sea, the Marcos Jr. government has fallen into a state of "madness", speaking and acting in a very confused way. After the last confrontation, the Philippine side held a commemorative ceremony in order to protect its face, and awarded more than 80 medals to this group of special forces who returned to China, including the soldiers who had their fingers broken.

More than a week after the incident, the Philippine high-level made explosive remarks.

According to the "Global Network", in an interview with the British media "Financial Times" on June 26, Philippine Ambassador to the United States Romualdez said when talking about the transportation and replenishment activities in the South China Sea, "This is a situation that is easy to detonate." Rolmoudez argues that such an incident, if it involves a nuclear-armed power, will involve the entire Asian region.

His words were indeed a bit overconfident.

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

Previously, the Marcos government responded in front of the media why it "did not dare to fire the first shot", but instead used some cold weapons, and the Philippine side explained at that time that because we fired the first shot, the other side would follow the cannon, and then twisted it probably meant, "We can't fight." ”

Some people may have noticed why the small countries in the Middle East use "electromagnetic guns" and "supersonic missiles", and the weapons are more advanced than the other, but when they arrive in East Asia, they have become armed fights.

This is the influence of the country, Vietnam fired the first shot in the last century, provoked on the Chinese border, and wounded many Chinese soldiers, and then the mainland started a self-defense counterattack, directly hitting the capital of the other side.

From the Korean War to the Vietnam counterattack, China has always upheld the principle of peaceful coexistence and will never "fire the first shot."

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

So in the eyes of the Philippines, as long as they don't fire the "first shot", there is still room and retreat, but there is another reason why the Philippines does not dare to take the initiative to shoot, that is, they are very clear about their own strength.

After the confrontation in the South China Sea, Schiller publicly stated at a press conference in Washington that "the United States uses the Philippines as a 'tool' because true friends will not put you in danger." ”

This sentence has already pointed out the relationship between the United States and the Philippines.

However, the Marcos Jr. administration has not woken up, and is still talking about the "US-Philippine Mutual Treaty", and whether this treaty is created or implemented now, the United States will not pay any price for the Philippines, which has become an established fact.

As early as after the South China Sea incident, no ASEAN countries stood up to support them, and the United States has long made its attitude clear, and the "risk of nuclear war" he exaggerated is completely his own imagination.

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

Well, the scar forgets the pain, and the Philippines is also trying to call China to separate the political and the economic, due to the friction between the two sides in the South China Sea, which has led to a large number of unsalable fruits in the Philippines, and before that, the Chinese market was the largest exporter of Philippine fruits.

The suffering of the Filipino people is unspeakable.

However, Romuldez's remarks were obviously seeking confrontation, and some famous mouths in China's Taiwan region could not stand it anymore and spoke and debated one after another. Among them, the famous Lai Yueqian directly poked at the false face of Romualdez, Lai Yueqian described it like this, "The Philippines and the mainland are not of the same magnitude at all, why should people use nuclear weapons on you?" ”

"What's more, China will not use nuclear weapons against countries that do not have nuclear weapons!"

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

The thoughts of many Taiwanese celebrities are very similar to those of Lai Yueqian, who believe that "the essence of the confrontation in the South China Sea is that China and the United States are in confrontation." ”

Therefore, many people in Taiwan are very concerned about every move in the South China Sea, and to put it bluntly, if the United States can cover the Philippines, it will also be able to cover them at that time. That's why they will observe the movements of the two countries for the first time and see where the bottom line of China and the United States is.

And now the political parties in the Taiwan region should be disappointed, and the observation during this period of time can be known:

The United States will not stand up for the Philippines, the two aircraft carriers saw the Chinese army running fast, and afterwards admitted that the other party was just a "tool" in front of the media, and even reminded Marcos Jr. very heartily that friends will not be in danger of you.

However, the mainland's attitude toward the South China Sea is more resolute and tougher than expected, and the aircraft carrier will not be spared any affection after it passes.

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

This incident was directly followed by the announcement of the enforcement of the "Coast Guard Order No. 3", and now any ship in the Philippines has begun to board and inspect it.

The examples are already in front of us, and as for how the Taiwan region will do it, we should have a number in mind.

As for Romualdez's exaggeration of the risk in such a hurry, it is nothing more than being forced to be in a hurry, the crew on the "beach" has been without water and food for many days, and it can no longer be delayed, so they are impatient to try to break through by various means, obviously, this is useless.

Philippine officials wept, "I don't want the country to become a battlefield"

On June 28, the mainland held the "70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence", and at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Lambino, chairman of the Philippine Association for Chinese Understanding, attended and spoke at the meeting.

This is the sixth time Lambino has visited China, and last year, he made a total of 16 trips.

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

In his speech, Rambino emphasized a piece of history, saying that in the nineties of the last century, the Philippines drove out the Americans and dismantled military bases, while at the beginning of the 21st century, the United States and the Philippines signed a cooperation agreement to build US military bases on Philippine soil again.

Because of the promotion of the United States, the mainstream media in the Philippines is now anti-Chinese sentiment, but Lambino said with some grievances that many ordinary Filipino people love China and the Chinese people, which are supported by research data, but what the current people are discussing is whether there will be war in our country.

He then talked about U.S. military bases, with a pessimistic prediction that if the Philippines had nine U.S. military bases, it could really become a battlefield.

Lambino looked sad and his eyes were red, and he said, "I don't want my country to be a battlefield." ”

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

Saying this, he picked up a handkerchief to cover his face and wipe his tears.

Lambino quoted former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as saying that Lee Hsien Loong shouted out to the Marcos Jr. government and the Filipino people in front of social media at a time when the Philippines was constantly provoking at Second Thomas Shoal, that is, around the time of the "Hundred Regattas", saying, "Do you really want the Philippines to become a battlefield?" ”

This sentence touched Binolan deeply and was one of the main reasons for his tears.

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking

In the face of the actions of the Marcos Jr. government, many Filipinos and officials like Binolan are very pessimistic, and they were once worried that the war would ignite.

In his later remarks, Lambino drew a beautiful vision, saying that if there were no external forces involved, then the relationship between China and the Philippines would be much better than it is now.


Global Network "Philippine Ambassador to the United States Exaggerates the "Risk of Nuclear War" in the South China Sea, Chinese Scholars Refute

The Observer Network "There are 9 US military bases in the Philippines... I don't want my country to become a battlefield", he wept on the spot"

China Youth Network "The Philippines has become a "tool", it's time to wake up"

The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking
The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking
The explosive remarks of the Philippine high-level, Chinese mainland did not speak, and the famous mouth of Taiwan could not stand it: the Philippines is not joking


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