
When farming becomes "fragrant and sweet", will farmers be abandoned?

author:Drink tea and get drunk

In today's society, the development of agriculture and the fate of farmers have always been a topic of great concern. There is such a point of view: "When you can make a lot of money from farming, it will not be farmers who farm the land!" As soon as this remark came out, it was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, triggering extensive discussion and deep thought.

When farming becomes "fragrant and sweet", will farmers be abandoned?

Agriculture, as the country's basic industry, carries the important mission of ensuring food security and maintaining social stability. Farmers, as the main body of agricultural production, their hard work and silent dedication are the key links in moving food from the land to the table. However, for a long time, farmers have faced many difficulties in agricultural production. Meager incomes, heavy labor, unstable market prices, and limited resources make farming a difficult and low-return job.

When we imagine a future where farming can make a lot of money, we can't help but ask: why is there such a pessimistic assertion that "the farmer will never be the farmer"? Perhaps, behind this is the problem of the current agricultural industrial structure and development model. In the traditional agricultural model, farmers tend to be self-employed, lacking large-scale, specialized and modern means of production. In the face of increasing production costs and market competition pressure, they are often in a weak position and it is difficult to achieve high efficiency in agricultural production.

When farming becomes "fragrant and sweet", will farmers be abandoned?

However, if farming can really make a lot of money, why is it that the farmer may no longer be farming in the traditional sense? With the rapid development of science and technology and social and economic changes, the agricultural industry is undergoing profound transformation and upgrading. Large-scale agricultural enterprises, the influx of capital, and the application of advanced agricultural technologies are likely to change the landscape of agricultural production. Capital has a profit-seeking nature, and when agriculture becomes a profitable field, they may achieve large-scale and efficient agricultural production through large-scale land consolidation, mechanized operations, and market-oriented operations.

But does this mean that farmers will be excluded from the dividends of agricultural development? The answer is no. In the process of agricultural modernization, farmers can participate and benefit in many ways. On the one hand, farmers can cooperate with agricultural enterprises through land transfer and shareholding to share the fruits of agricultural development. On the other hand, they can transform into agricultural workers, technicians or agricultural managers by upgrading their skills and qualities, and find their place in the new agricultural industry chain.

When farming becomes "fragrant and sweet", will farmers be abandoned?

In order to realize the vision of making a lot of money from farming and benefiting farmers, the government and all sectors of society need to work together. The government should increase investment and support for agriculture, strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, promote agricultural science and technology innovation, improve agricultural subsidy policies and market regulation and control mechanisms, and create a good policy environment for agricultural development. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen education and training for peasants, enhance their vocational skills and market awareness, and train new-type professional peasants.

All sectors of society should also pay attention to and support the "three rural" issues, and encourage and guide more talents, technology and capital to flow into the agricultural field. Through the development of new business formats such as rural e-commerce and rural tourism, we will broaden the channels for farmers to increase their incomes and stimulate the vitality of the rural economy.

When farming becomes "fragrant and sweet", will farmers be abandoned?

In short, the view that "when you can make a lot of money from farming, it will not be farmers who farm the land" is not only a concern about the current situation of agriculture, but also a reflection on the future development of agriculture. We should take a positive attitude toward the reform of agriculture and strive to explore a path that can not only achieve efficient agricultural development, but also protect the interests of peasants. It is our common expectation and mission to make agriculture a promising industry, to make farmers an attractive profession, and to make the countryside a beautiful home to live and work in peace and contentment.