
Urgent on the front? Seven ammunition depots were bombed, the Russian army attacked fiercely, and the Ukrainian president opened fire on senior front-line officials

author:Cloud worldview
Urgent on the front? Seven ammunition depots were bombed, the Russian army attacked fiercely, and the Ukrainian president opened fire on senior front-line officials

The flames of war are raging, and the smoke of gunpowder is everywhere. Just when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine entered the most intense stage, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky suddenly announced that he would remove Lieutenant General Sodol, commander of the joint forces of the Ukrainian army. This post, which shoulders the heavy task of commanding the joint operations of the Ukrainian army's navy, land and air force, changed hands again in just four months. Zelensky is still changing players in front of the line, regardless of the tightness ahead, what is his real intention? Is this a wise move? There is a lot of talk from the outside world.

According to a report on June 24, on the day Sodol was dismissed, the Russian army launched a fierce offensive and launched a crazy assault on the Ukrainian defense line. The battle was very tragic, and in just one day, the Russian army repelled as many as 8 counteroffensives of the Ukrainian army and successfully destroyed 7 front-line ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army. At present, there are at least 14 fighting on the front line at the same time, and the intensity of the fighting is unprecedented. In the face of the fierce offensive of the Russian army, the Ukrainian army's defense line is precarious, and there is a risk of being broken through at any time. At this juncture, why did Zelensky remove the front-line coach? Was this decision ill-conceived?

Urgent on the front? Seven ammunition depots were bombed, the Russian army attacked fiercely, and the Ukrainian president opened fire on senior front-line officials

If you dig deeper, although Zelensky did not officially explain the reason for Sodol's resignation, before that, there were more and more middle- and low-level officers in the Ukrainian army, publicly calling on the government to remove Sodol as soon as possible. Even the day before Sodol was dismissed, the commander of the "Azov Battalion", Krotevich, who was valued and valued by Zelensky, publicly asked the National Security Service of Ukraine to launch a so-called "criminal investigation" against Sodol.

Krodevich mercilessly accused Sodol of incompetence in command and abuse of power. He angrily said that more Ukrainian soldiers were "killed" for nothing because of Sodor's improper command than any Russian general. Moreover, all the victories of the Ukrainian army on the front line have nothing to do with Sodol. These righteous indignant remarks fully reflect the extreme dissatisfaction with Sodol within the Ukrainian army.

Urgent on the front? Seven ammunition depots were bombed, the Russian army attacked fiercely, and the Ukrainian president opened fire on senior front-line officials

Considering Krotevich's pivotal position in Zelensky's heart, as well as the unanimous criticism of Sodol from top to bottom of the Ukrainian army, this is likely to be the main reason for Zelensky's determination to dismiss him. On the surface, Zelensky's move is to "explain" to those commanders who have shown positive combat performance. But in essence, it is more like a warning to other senior generals that no matter how high their rank, they must be held accountable for the situation on the front line. Whoever can't lead his troops into a good battle will probably end up with Sodor.

However, the decline of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield is by no means just a problem with the front-line command. If this is the case, why does Zelensky want to change generals frequently, but the war situation is still not improving? On the contrary, the president's frequent withdrawal of generals is likely to exacerbate the further decline in the morale of the Ukrainian army, so that the generals are in danger and walking on thin ice. In time, it will only make the situation of the Ukrainian army more disadvantaged.

Urgent on the front? Seven ammunition depots were bombed, the Russian army attacked fiercely, and the Ukrainian president opened fire on senior front-line officials

At the moment, the Russian army has successfully broken through the Ukrainian defense line in the Pokrovsk direction, which the Russian side says has become the "front-line battlefield". Once the Russian army can successfully take this strategic location, it will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the entire war situation in eastern Ukraine. Some military experts believe that in the face of the fierce offensive of the Russian army, the defensive pressure of the Ukrainian army on many defensive lines has reached the point of almost urgency. If the decline cannot be reversed as soon as possible, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the large-scale advance of the Russian army in the eastern part of Ukraine.

From this point of view, Zelensky's change of generals at this juncture is more like an expedient measure to cover up and divert the attention of all parties. You must know that even the Office of the President of Ukraine has frankly admitted that if the situation on the front continues to develop in an unfavorable direction for Ukraine in the next few months, even the current commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, Syrsky, may not escape the fate of being removed. Such a statement undoubtedly confirms the embarrassing predicament that the Ukrainian army is currently facing.

Urgent on the front? Seven ammunition depots were bombed, the Russian army attacked fiercely, and the Ukrainian president opened fire on senior front-line officials

On closer examination, since Syrsky succeeded Zaluzhny as commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army in February, there has been bad news on all fronts of the Ukrainian army. They have suffered a series of painful defeats in Donetsk, Kharkiv and other regions, and many strategic towns and important bases have also been lost. The decline has not yet been reversed. Now that the war is tight, Zelensky, who should have done his best to stabilize the morale of the army, is still changing generals, which is really unconvincing that he is well-employed and properly commanded.

Based on the above analysis, the Russian-Ukrainian war is at a critical point in time, and the high-level personnel changes of the Ukrainian army are continuous, which reflects that its battlefield decline is difficult to hide, and there are many internal contradictions and crises. Zelensky's sudden removal of front-line generals at this time is more like an expedient measure with poor skills and helplessness, and I am afraid it will be difficult to fundamentally turn the tide and completely turn the tide of the war.

Urgent on the front? Seven ammunition depots were bombed, the Russian army attacked fiercely, and the Ukrainian president opened fire on senior front-line officials

At such a historical moment of internal and external troubles and critical survival, Ukraine's top military and political leaders seem to be still trying their best to use political means to solve military problems. It's tantamount to scratching your boots and going in the opposite direction. The morale and combat of the Ukrainian army is undoubtedly worse and will not help. At the same time, the offensive of the Russian army is becoming more and more fierce, and the signs of the rout of the Ukrainian army have begun to appear. Looking at the current situation between Russia and Ukraine, there are all kinds of signs that Zelensky's oolong game is about to lose. The general trend has gone, and there is no power to return to the sky.

Dear readers, this war that should never have happened has gone on for far too long and consumed too many innocent lives. What do you think of the current plight of the Ukrainian army? What is your assessment of Zelensky's pre-formation change? In the face of the pressing of the Russian army, where is Ukraine going? How will this war end?

Everyone is welcome to discuss in the comment area, and we will pay attention to the follow-up development of the incident and pray for peace together. The war is over, and the peace is in the #头条创作挑战赛#