
The dampness is too heavy in summer, how to use Erchen Soup, Shenling Baizhu, and Bazheng San?

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Wang Yaofeng

People with heavy dampness are often prone to dizziness and fatigue, inability to lift energy, heavy limbs and other problems. I have also used a lot of methods to dispel dampness, but there is no effect, and what kind of dampness is it aimed at by Erchen Tang, Shenling Baizhu San, and Bazheng San?

Today, Dr. Wang will teach you how to get rid of dampness in one minute.

The dampness is too heavy in summer, how to use Erchen Soup, Shenling Baizhu, and Bazheng San?

Before talking about how to choose, let's take a look at a case.

The patient, a 48-year-old female, usually dizzy and fatigued, heavy body, no energy, did not want to move, did not want to talk, and was accompanied by poor appetite, indigestion, and felt that her stomach was swollen when she ate something, and she could not vomit enough phlegm.

The dampness is too heavy in summer, how to use Erchen Soup, Shenling Baizhu, and Bazheng San?

Observe her tongue, the coating of the tongue is thick and white. She had used Shenling Atractylodes for a long time, but it didn't work.

In fact, she has heavy phlegm and dampness, so she can no longer use Shenling Atractylodes, but needs to be dry and damp to dissolve phlegm, which can be added or subtracted by referring to Erchen Tang.

The dampness is too heavy in summer, how to use Erchen Soup, Shenling Baizhu, and Bazheng San?

Although Shenling Baizhu San and Erchen Tang are both dampness-dispelling, they are in different directions. If you have no energy, always sleepy, can't wake up, decreased appetite, decreased amount of food, unformed stool and other manifestations, this problem lies in the poor ability of the spleen and stomach to transport, easy to breed dampness, this belongs to the spleen deficiency and dampness, observe the tongue coating, it can be seen that the tongue body is fat, there are tooth marks, and the tongue coating is white and greasy and slippery.

The dampness is too heavy in summer, how to use Erchen Soup, Shenling Baizhu, and Bazheng San?

Unlike these two, although Bazheng San can also dispel dampness, the main thing to clear is the lower scorching dampness and heat. If you have a heavy body, dry mouth and sticky mouth, but also moist thighs, burning urine, yellow and turbid color, sticky stools, and can't be flushed on the toilet, this is mostly scorching and damp heat. Observation of the tongue can be seen, the tongue is red, the tongue coating is yellow and greasy, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Bazhengsan.

The dampness is too heavy in summer, how to use Erchen Soup, Shenling Baizhu, and Bazheng San?

In general, there are many reasons that can lead to heavy dampness, and there is not only one solution, in addition to the above, lack of yang qi, liver depression and other problems can also cause the problem of heavy dampness, so you should not blindly use medicine, if you are unwell, please find a professional doctor to distinguish the syndrome, so as not to delay the condition.