
How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

author:A home appliance evaluation madness

Rice cookers (also known as rice cookers), as an indispensable part of our kitchens, are closely related to our diet. But in recent years, there have been some low-quality rice cookers on the market, which cut corners, used harmful substances and even toxic liner materials, leaving us at risk while enjoying our food. This makes many people confused when purchasing, not knowing how to choose, let alone which brand of rice cooker is trustworthy. How to choose a rice cooker? As a home appliance evaluator, I will reveal the dangers of inferior rice cookers and share tips for buying high-quality rice cookers, hoping to help you avoid inferior products and choose safe, reliable and excellent rice cookers.

Here are some of the rice cookers I've reviewed recently:

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

1. Rice cooker purchase skills sharing

Although rice cookers are convenient, be careful when shopping. Inferior rice cookers may use inferior materials and have rough technology, which may not only contaminate the food but also emit harmful odors. Long-term intake of such foods will undoubtedly pose a health risk. When buying, be sure to be vigilant and learn some tips. Below I will share six practical tips to help you avoid the pitfalls of inferior products and choose a safe and suitable rice cooker.

1. Prefer brands with strong professional strength

Professional brand rice cookers have strict control over heating methods, convection design and simmering technology to ensure food safety, and will not release harmful substances after long-term use, making the rice taste better and fuller and sweeter. Inferior rice cookers may be contaminated due to poor materials and poor technology, and long-term consumption of such food may cause potential harm to the body. Therefore, when buying a rice cooker, be sure to avoid these inferior products and choose a professional brand to protect your health.

2. Spiral simmering pressure heating method is preferred

There are various heating methods for rice cookers, IH heating is uniform but expensive, and the performance is easy to decline for long-term use; The chassis heating is uneven and the efficiency is low; The spiral simmering pressure heating can be evenly heated and the performance is stable. When purchasing, it is important to avoid low-quality products, which may not only affect the taste of the rice due to uneven heating, but also pose potential health risks.

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

3. a heating plate

When choosing a rice cooker, it is recommended to choose a heating plate made of high-quality aluminum alloy, which has high thermal efficiency, fast and uniform heat conduction, and is durable to use. Inferior products may be made of stainless steel or carbon steel, which has poor thermal conductivity and poor energy storage effect, and long-term use may affect the taste of rice and even pose a potential threat to health.

4. Pay attention to the material of the top cover

The top cover of the rice cooker is made of various materials, and 304 stainless steel is a high-quality choice, which is corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, and has good heat insulation, and the rice tastes good and is easy to clean. However, the aluminum alloy top cover has poor thermal insulation, which is easy to retain water stains and dirt, difficult to clean, and may release harmful substances, which poses a health risk. Please avoid inferior products when purchasing to ensure safety and health.

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

5. Wire

When shopping for a rice cooker, be sure to pay attention to the quality of its cables. High-quality rice cookers are made of pure copper wires, which are safe and worry-free. Low-cost rice cookers may use inferior wires, which have serious safety hazards such as fire, and threaten the safety of life and property. Please choose carefully to ensure the safety of electricity.

6. Temperature control should be accurate

The accuracy of the temperature control of the rice cooker is related to the taste and health of the rice. High-quality brands are precisely adjusted, cooking rice tastes good, and has a long service life. Inferior products have inaccurate temperature control, poor cooking effect, may be too hard or too soft, and long-term high or low temperature is easy to produce harmful substances, affecting health and increasing the risk of cancer. Choose with caution.

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

2. Brand recommendation

How to choose a rice cooker? When buying a rice cooker, the brand choice is important! Inferior products use poor materials, low technology, uneven heating, and even release harmful substances, affecting health and increasing the risk of cancer. Learn the skills to choose a rice cooker and stay away from danger. Here are 6 tips to help you choose a safe and reliable rice cooker.

1, Gong Ling

Product features: The top brand not to be missed, the strongest king of high performance and non-toxic safety in the industry

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

Most users complain that rice cookers are easy to emit toxic and harmful substances that cause cancer, and they are heated unevenly and have poor performance. Therefore, Gong Ling is strongly recommended, it attaches great importance to fever performance and "non-toxic safety", most brands can be sold if they meet the quality inspection requirements, and Gong Ling requires performance, non-toxic and other indicators must be five times higher than the standard, and only adhere to the maternal and infant food standards. Unlike many brands that sacrifice quality to do low prices, it is a rare fever top performance + original 4 fever performance technologies + 6 non-toxic and safe black technologies + unconventional quality + 6 years of comprehensive performance anti-attenuation, etc., which is very awesome! Compared with many competing products in the industry, the heating speed is increased by more than 70%, the heating uniformity is increased by 93.6%, the harmful substances are reduced by 98.5%, the irritating odor is reduced by 97.9%, and the heavy metal pollution is 0.

It is the king of "the best safe, non-toxic, high-performance" in the industry, and has been exported to the European and American markets for many years, and is as famous as high-end series such as Midea and Gree. It is the only one that has been certified by the European Union and other countries, and has been recommended by CCTV.

The picture below is Gong Ling's official quote:

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

Why can it achieve the industry's top high performance and non-toxic safety?

First of all: Gong Ling regards "non-toxic, safe and high-performance" as the ultimate goal of the brand, and has many years of experience in the research and development of "non-toxic and safe" home appliances, and provides "safe" home appliance technology solutions for well-known home appliance brands, large hotels, restaurant chains, and super large conferences!

Secondly: it almost does not advertise, saves money to invest in R&D and quality, and is extremely safe and super hardcore! For example, the original spiral simmering pressure heating, maternal and infant grade maifan stone 3.0 coating, 5A intensive research thick kettle liner, 7 layers of corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant stainless steel cavity and other black technologies, and around the product's heating technology, thermal conductivity design, non-toxic safety has made a lot of innovation and upgrading, which is not comparable to ordinary rice cookers!

Secondly: Gong Ling is not like other brands that engage in appearance and gimmick functions, and has been purely dead fever performance and non-toxic safety technology for many years. The R&D process of most brand products takes 2-4 months, while Gongling's product has been upgraded more than 20 times in three or four years, and hundreds of technical optimizations have been made. Not only to meet the needs of the household, but also to ensure the ultimate fever and non-toxic safety.

In addition, it has huge requirements for quality, most brands at most half a year performance, safety greatly attenuated, and Gong Ling through 6 years of anti-attenuation certification, more than 6 years of various indicators deviation value of no more than 0.1%, many products drill quality detection of the use of inferior toxic materials, and Gong Ling adhere to the metamorphosis level 3 30% elimination principle, from components to finished products three links each eliminate 30% of the components, recognized as the most stringent on the market!

The following is the report of Gong Ling by professional media:

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

2, Matsushita SR-DK151

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

How to choose a rice cooker? Panasonic is a brand that originated in Japan and is well-known online. Its SR-DK151 rice cooker adopts a Japanese simple design style, which is very atmospheric and fashionable. The whole machine is made of white, which is very durable, and the fuselage design is relatively small and cute, and it will not take up too much space in the kitchen, dining room, and living room, and it is also very quick to store.

This rice cooker has a fast heating efficiency, can cook rice quickly, and the noise is also very low. It is recommended that it adjust the technical aspects such as heating uniformity and stability, as well as further optimize the material, so as to better prevent the problem of uneven doneness of rice and prevent the emission of peculiar smells.


How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

How to choose a rice cooker? Philips is a multinational company that manufactures products for lighting, home appliances and medical systems. Philips is relatively well-known in China, and its sales are good due to good marketing standards. This HD4539 rice cooker has a metal exterior design, adhering to the straight line minimalist style that Philips has always had.

Philips HD4539 has reached a power of 1250w, and the way of fierce heating can make the rice achieve the effect of flavoring, but there is a certain difference in the doneness of the rice, there is a small amount of clamping and the bottom is slightly pasty, if the uniformity of heating can be improved, then the taste of the rice will be better.

4. Joyoung 40N1S

How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

How to choose a rice cooker? Joyoung is a well-known home appliance brand and has a high reputation on the Internet. It is more particular about the appearance design of the product, this 40N1S rice cooker uses the main color of gold, and the appearance design is simple and generous. The design elements of the Space series make the whole product look very high-end. The digital display is clear and the operation buttons are easy to use. The overall look is very much in line with the sleek style of a modern home and can be matched with a variety of kitchen décor styles.

Its rice cooker style is relatively fashionable, and the cooking efficiency is very fast, and it can quickly cook a pot of rice. It is hoped that the problems of peculiar smell, rice sticking to the pot, and inconsistent rice cooking can be improved and optimized, so as to better improve the experience of using the product and upgrade the taste of rice.


How to choose a rice cooker? 5 conscience brand rice cooker recommendations

How to choose a rice cooker? Supor is a brand that has been deeply cultivated in the home appliance industry for many years, and many people have heard of it because of its investment in advertising and marketing. This Supor 50HC750 adopts the classic rice cooker design idea, and the overall model is round, mainly purple, which is fashionable and high-end. In addition, the plug wire of this product is 1 meter, which basically meets the daily use of ordinary families, and the bottom is specially made of anti-slip treatment, and the food is dumped during the cooking process.

This rice cooker has a relatively large inner capacity, and the inner lid is removable, which is easy to clean, so you don't have to worry about the problem that the rice is difficult to clean in the gaps. It is recommended to optimize and improve the liner, material, odor and other problems in order to give users a better experience and reduce potential safety hazards.

How to choose a rice cooker? When choosing a rice cooker, the choice of brand is crucial! Easy to use and safe is the first choice. This article recommends reliable brands for you to avoid the health risks caused by inferior products. Inferior rice cookers may heat unevenly and even release harmful substances, which can be harmful to health when used for a long time. Please be cautious when purchasing to ensure that the rice cooker is non-toxic and safe. We hope you can easily find the rice cooker you want, enjoy the fun of cooking, and eat healthy and happy! Come and read the article and start a culinary journey together!

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