
U18 women's basketball schedule: Japan and South Korea compete for the third place, the Chinese women's basketball team relies on one person to win the championship, and the two major shortcomings are worrying!

author:A little sister in the sports world


Can the Chinese women's basketball team continue its glory?

On June 30, the 2024 Women's Basketball U18 Asian Cup is about to usher in the final battle, and the Chinese women's basketball team will face a strong rival Australia at 18 o'clock to compete for the championship. The Chinese team performed well in this competition, but whether it can continue its glory still needs a big question mark. The match against Australia was not only a test of strength, but also a test of teamwork and tactical execution.

U18 women's basketball schedule: Japan and South Korea compete for the third place, the Chinese women's basketball team relies on one person to win the championship, and the two major shortcomings are worrying!

Race for third place: Japan-South Korea showdown

In another highlight battle today, Japan and South Korea will battle it out for third place at 15:30. The two teams had very different performances in the semi-finals: Japan and Australia fought fiercely until the last minute, losing 63-68, but showing great fighting power and tactical literacy. On the other hand, the South Korean team only played 1 good quarter against the Chinese women's basketball team, and finally lost 61-79. The battle for the third place between the two teams is expected to be dominated by the Japanese team.

U18 women's basketball schedule: Japan and South Korea compete for the third place, the Chinese women's basketball team relies on one person to win the championship, and the two major shortcomings are worrying!

Zhang Ziyu's key role

On the road to winning the championship of the Chinese women's basketball team, Zhang Ziyu's play is very important. The young player showed great individual ability in the semi-finals, leading his team to a 21-3 surge in the second quarter to seal the victory. She is not only the team's scoring machine, but also the heart of the team's morale. Facing Australia's do-or-die battle, Zhang Ziyu needs to continue her strong performance to help the Chinese team win this crucial match.

U18 women's basketball schedule: Japan and South Korea compete for the third place, the Chinese women's basketball team relies on one person to win the championship, and the two major shortcomings are worrying!

Concerns about advancing in the backfield

Although the overall strength of the Chinese women's basketball team is strong, its performance in the backcourt is worrying. When facing a pack, the team is prone to mistakes and dismisses, and this shortcoming can be infinitely magnified against a strong team like Australia. If this problem cannot be effectively solved, the fluency of the Chinese team on the offensive end will be greatly reduced, and may even lead to the loss of points.

U18 women's basketball schedule: Japan and South Korea compete for the third place, the Chinese women's basketball team relies on one person to win the championship, and the two major shortcomings are worrying!

Zhang Ziyu's tactical dilemma when he went off the field

In addition to advancing in the backcourt, the unclear tactics of the Chinese women's basketball team at Zhang Ziyu's rest are also a problem that needs to be solved urgently. In the semifinals, after Zhang Ziyu left the game, the team's attack power decreased sharply, and the tactical execution declined, giving the opponent an opportunity. If something similar happens again in the final, the Aussies are likely to take the opportunity to fight back or even turn the tide of the game.

U18 women's basketball schedule: Japan and South Korea compete for the third place, the Chinese women's basketball team relies on one person to win the championship, and the two major shortcomings are worrying!

Looking forward to winning the championship at home

Despite some problems, the Chinese women's basketball team still has a good chance of winning the championship at home. As hosts, the team not only has the support of the home crowd, but also a more familiar playing environment. As long as the whole team can play well, especially Zhang Ziyu, who can continue his excellent performance in the semifinals, the Chinese women's basketball team is fully capable of defeating Australia in tonight's final and lifting the championship trophy.

U18 women's basketball schedule: Japan and South Korea compete for the third place, the Chinese women's basketball team relies on one person to win the championship, and the two major shortcomings are worrying!

Controversy: Victory or Defeat?

However, even at home, it is still unknown whether the Chinese women's basketball team can beat Australia. The team's two major shortcomings – pushing at the back and the lack of clarity in Zhang's tactics when he left the pitch – could be the biggest obstacle to their victory. If these problems cannot be effectively solved in the finals, the Chinese women's basketball team is likely to lose the championship on its doorstep. This game is not only a test for the players, but also a great challenge for the coaching team's adaptability and tactical adjustment. Between victory and defeat, there is often only one detail missing. Tonight's game is destined to be the biggest attraction of the 2024 Women's Basketball U18 Asian Cup.

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