
Mao Xuan's 11 most godly sentences, fighting the heavens and the earth, are magnificent...

author:Engineer S100695547
Mao Xuan's 11 most godly sentences, fighting the heavens and the earth, are magnificent...

"A Spark Can Fire the Plain"

1. The imminent arrival of the Chinese revolutionary upsurge that I am talking about is by no means an empty thing that is completely meaningless and unattainable, as some people say "has the possibility of coming." It is a ship that stands on the shore and looks at the sea and can already see the tip of the mast, it is standing on the top of a high mountain, looking at the east from afar, it is a round of sunrise that is about to burst out, it is restless in the mother's womb and is about to mature a baby.

"Principles, Methods, and Prospects for Opposing Japan's Attack"

2. Under the policy of resolutely resisting the war, there must be a set of methods to achieve the goal.

3. There are big truths and small truths, and all small reasons are under the control of big truths. The people of the country should think carefully about the general principles so that they can settle their ideas and practices in the appropriate position. Today, if anyone does not develop some sincerity in the word unity, even if he is not scolded, he should be a little ashamed of his heart at night.

Mao Xuan's 11 most godly sentences, fighting the heavens and the earth, are magnificent...

Strategic Issues of the Chinese Revolutionary War

4. The Law of War -- This is a problem that anyone who directs war cannot fail to study and solve. The law of revolutionary warfare -- this is a question that anyone who directs the revolutionary war cannot fail to study and solve. The law of the Chinese revolutionary war -- this is a problem that anyone who directs the Chinese revolutionary war cannot but study and solve.

5. As long as there is war, there will be the overall situation of war. The world can be an overall situation of a war, a country can be an overall situation of a war, an independent guerrilla zone, a large independent operational aspect, or an overall situation of a war. Anything that is of the nature of taking care of all aspects and stages is the overall situation of the war. It is the task of strategic science to study the law governing war with an overall situation. Studying the laws governing warfare with a local nature is the task of campaign science and tactics.

6. A leader at any level should focus his attention on those issues or actions that are most important and decisive for the overall situation under his command, and should not focus on other issues or actions.

Mao Xuan's 11 most godly sentences, fighting the heavens and the earth, are magnificent...

"The Urgent Tasks After the Establishment of the Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation"

7. In the past, one set was only suitable for external compromise and internal suppression of the revolution, but now it is still used to deal with the offensive of Japanese imperialism, so it is not suitable everywhere, and all kinds of weaknesses are exposed. If we do not engage in the War of Resistance Against Japan, we will do it, and we have already done it, and we have already exposed a serious crisis, and we are still unwilling to change a new set of methods, and the danger to the future is unimaginable.

8. It does not mean that the system can be changed after the war is stopped, but the system can be changed while the war is fought.

Strategic Issues in the Present Anti-Japanese United Front

9. If we do not fight, we will win, and we must not hold a struggle without a plan, without preparation, and without certainty. We should know how to take advantage of the contradictions of the diehards, and we must not strike at many diehards at the same time, but we should choose the most reactionary ones to strike at them first.

Mao Xuan's 11 most godly sentences, fighting the heavens and the earth, are magnificent...

On the Chongqing Negotiations (1) (17 October 1945)

10. What is on paper is not the same as what is real. As it turns out, it takes a lot of effort to turn it into a reality.

11. "-for-tat" depends on the situation. Sometimes if you don't talk about it, it's-for-tat; Sometimes when I talk about it, it's also-for-tat. It was right not to go before, and it is right to go this time, it is all-for-tat.

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