
4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

author:The drama is extraordinary
4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

once officially announced a salary for sky-high actors, and the figures were staggering.

And Wang Chuanjun, the magical actor of Guan Gu in "Love Apartment", once said frankly: When he was the poorest, he only had one million.

As soon as these words came out, the host expressed surprise, and even ushered in the ridicule of the majority of netizens.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

It can be seen that the salary of actors is really very high.

However, this is only the situation of a small number of actors, and the entertainment industry is more of a group performance that eats boxed lunches and plays tricks.

There may also be old actors who have been popular and have been abandoned by the times.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Some of them were gnawed by their children, and some were directly driven out of their homes by embezzling family property.

There are also those who were simply placed in a nursing home!

Zhang Hongjie

He often plays the old man in many urban family dramas, and because of his kind face, he is called "Grandpa the Village Chief" by fans!

When he was in the crew, he cared about his juniors, and even the grumpy Song Dandan was very respectful in the face of him.

is such a good actor, for the sake of the family's "filial son and grandson", he still keeps filming at the age of 70.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

He and his family spouse raised two daughters and a son.

thought that when the children grew up, he would be able to rest, but as a result, after the children got married, he became even more tired.

Zhang Hongjie once participated in a talk show, on which he bluntly said that there were more than a dozen hungry wolves chasing after him.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

It turned out that after the children got married, they asked him for all the childcare funds, not to mention the daily expenses.

I can't keep any pension money for myself at all, and all the money fills the hole in their investment!

The sons-in-law also don't look for jobs every day, just waiting for their father-in-law to help!

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Zhang Hongjie, who was about to enter the 80th mark, felt that he couldn't go on like this, so he decided to take his wife to live in a nursing home.

At the same time, he also announced his retirement from the circle and is going to start living his long-delayed leisurely life in old age!

As soon as this matter came out, it made those hungry wolves anxious, and they were accustomed to the old man's dedication.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

I'm worried that if I go in, I won't care about them.

They cursed their parents! Said they wouldn't come to see them again!

Is this really something that can be done as a child?

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Today's Zhang Hongjie and his wife have a long-lost smile on their faces, and the burden of a lifetime has finally been unloaded!

Zhang Shaohua

Her classic works are simply countless, especially her "ugly girl" impressed the editor.

It stands to reason that her family background, which has countless works, should be very rich.

But when we walked into her life, we found that she lived in a small house of 30 square meters.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

The ultimate reason turned out to be because she had a very "favored" son.

Regardless of her health, her son bought a large villa, but the mortgage was repaid.

Is this a relative or a creditor?

She kept taking the scene, even though her body had reached the point of dripping.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Until she finally became terminally ill and was admitted to the hospital, her son dragged her out of the hospital bed to work.

At the last moment of his life, his son's phone call was also asking for money.

Don't want such a son!

Liu Jiahui

The name may not be familiar, but when you see his face, it will feel very familiar.

He is the villain of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer".

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

He is a deadly scholar in plain clothes in "Tang Bohu Dots Autumn Fragrance".

He is also the philosophical-speaking villain Evil Sword Fairy in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

In order to better shape the character, he has practiced martial arts since he was a child.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

This excessive wear and tear on the body caused him to be admitted to the hospital, and the doctor said that he had a stroke!

It is recommended that family members take care of his diet and daily life, which is more thoughtful.

As a result, the hospital called home. It was found that the building had long been empty.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

It turned out that when they heard that he couldn't make money, his wife and children immediately secretly transferred his property to their own name.

Soon I took these huge sums of money and went abroad to live happily!

At this time, he still had some odds and bits of cash, which he handed over to his most trusted assistant to invest.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

wanted to use this to make a big deal with a small one, and the assistant swept away his last life-saving money.

Sure enough, none of the people around him were credible when he was down! At this time, Liu Jiahui felt that he was waiting for death in bed!

But fortunately, there is no endless road, Andy Lau found out about his situation and immediately expressed his greetings!

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

and paid for his medical bills and called the police.

The police finally recovered part of the property, and now he is in a wheelchair, and he is no longer the same as before!


In May of this year, Zhong Xinghuo, the first generation of film and television actors in the mainland.

At the age of nearly ninety, he should have left peacefully and calmly, but he regretted his death because of his three daughters.

What's going on?

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Zhong Xinghuo was away from home all the year round for his film and television career when he was young, and Chen Qianxian, as his wife, was the housekeeper.

She never asks her husband's whereabouts, and she feels happy in this way.

Until one summer, when he came home, he searched for his daughters and found that the children respected him more than he was close.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

But the busyness of work forced him to return to the crew the next day.

As time passed, his career was already very successful, and he finally had time to spend time with his family.

The relationship with his daughter is easing little by little, but who knows that the sudden accident will still break the harmony of this family.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

In the crew, he suddenly received news that his wife Cheng Qian was terminally ill and in danger.

He hurried home, only to be met with the breath of his wife and the hatred of his daughters.

After losing their loved ones, they couldn't hug their heads and cry, but instead looked at each other angrily.

The angry daughters finally kicked him out of the house, saying that he was not welcome!

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Under the great pain, he was admitted to the hospital, during which he met his second wife, Zhu Yunyi, alone.

Her gentleness and thoughtfulness made Zhong Xinghuo seem to have returned to the time when Chen Qing was there.

Regardless of the opposition of his children, he moved with Zhu Yunyi to form a new family.

The daughters felt that their father was a negative person, and often went to their residence to make a big noise.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Until Zhong Xinghuo died of illness, he was still chanting the names of his daughters.

At the funeral ceremony, only one daughter appeared at the scene to see off her father.

Zhu Yunyi is still guarding the small courtyard and waiting for the arrival of her three children!

This can only be said to be a scripture that is difficult to read in every family!


It is said that raising children to prevent old age, but sometimes it is better to rely on children than on yourself.

Even the big stars who shine on the stage, when they are old, all they need is the company and encouragement of their families.

The above actors' stories tell us: when you are young, you should not forget that your family also needs you while working hard for your career.

Doing more good deeds in your daily life may bring different blessings!

I don't know what you think about this? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comment area below, if you like the article, remember to like and follow us, see you next time.

4 miserable old drama bones in their later years, wives and children embezzled property, no one sent them to the end, and they didn't live as well as ordinary people

Sources of information:

Sohu Entertainment "Zhong Xinghuo: Leaving Home and Passing Away, Life is Bitter and Tribulating, and the Widow's Tenacity is Touching"

Sohu Entertainment "65-year-old Liu Jiahui was paralyzed by a stroke and could only use a wheelchair, his wife and children and assistants fought for property, and the evening scene was too bleak"

Youth Network: "Actor Zhang Shaohua died of illness at the age of 75, and has starred in film and television dramas such as "Mansion Gate" and "Mother's Road"

Sohu Entertainment "Old Drama Bone Zhang Hongjie: 79-year-old dare not rest!" Wife and paralyzed daughter gnaw at the old, he is the pillar of the family"

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