
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

author:Balls AA that don't eat sugar candy

As of press time, the cumulative box office of "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" has exceeded 300 million, and it is the movie with the most full summer atmosphere in recent times!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Although the Douban score is not ideal, and the story structure is a little messy, it is inevitable that I will still be hit by the tears in the film, after all, everyone has their own "Yunbian Town" in their hearts, where there is no sorrow, no trouble, and it is the hometown where all stories begin.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

The male protagonist of the movie, Liu Shisan, lost himself in the city and suffered frustrations one after another, but fortunately he was brought back to his hometown by his grandmother Wang Yingying, a small town by the clouds. Childhood friend Cheng Shuang and grandmother accompanied him, this was Liu Shisan's most beautiful and peaceful time.

Liu Shisan, who was lazily shaking a fan on the terrace, and Cheng Shuang, who was eating watermelon in the room, seemed to have no end to the summer in Yunbian Town.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

I believe that everyone who watches the movie can recall their childhood.

Holding an umbrella bigger than his own, he competed with the commissary owner about which animated card and which cool spinning top he wanted. And the one behind him who is smiling and looking at him may be grandma or grandma. They are always hardworking and capable, and they always stuff us with snacks.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Many people cry bitterly because they think of their "Wang Yingying", and they realize with great sadness that that time will never go back.

But what if you could go back by the Wheat Field Train? Yes, we helped you find the town of Cloudside in the movie!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Yingying's commissary and Liu Shisan's home are here!

This is Xifu Village in Fenghua, Zhejiang, about 1.5h by car from the center of Ningbo, and 2.5h from Hangzhou. When you come to Xijia, you will know why this place can become Yunbian Town! It's really fairy!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Little Red Book @ iQue's Blue Grass Pickup Card

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Fenghua is located in the southern wing of the Yangtze River Delta, bordering the East China Sea in the east and Hangzhou Bay in the north, and belongs to the southern suburbs of Ningbo. In addition to Xifu Village, Fenghua actually contains too many beautiful scenery, which is amazing and calming.

The old street on the bank of the Yanxi River, the Tingxia Lake with plants and trees like the world, and the Qianzhang Rock that flows straight down, all place people's ordinary and precious memories. This time, I just happened to be able to be a local and give everyone a serious and responsible Amway in my hometown!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

There is not only a commissary on the cloud side here, but also a golden heavenly palace!

The eye-popping and jaw-dropping UFO temple seems to be trying the Tower of Babel again.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

If looking at the Heavenly Palace from afar is a shock to the soul, then standing on the cliff next to the waterfall at this moment, it is really weak!

At that time, Song Renzong and Zhao Zhen once sleepwalked in Xikou Xuedou Mountain, leaving behind the eternal story of "Dream Famous Mountain". There are several waterfalls with abundant water, including the Xu Yan where Chiang Kai-shek once hid, and the Qianzhang Rock, which is even more famous than Baizhangyi. In Fenghua, you can get a wild experience comparable to Southeast Asia!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Have you ever seen a town that can bring cyberpunk to the fullest?

Fenghua Xikou Town can. The unique "Republic of China Cyber" fantasy brings us back to the May Fourth Movement and the era when Lu Xun wrote "Diary of a Madman". We took to the streets and alleys, determined to make a revolution for the country.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Beef jerky noodles, beef fried rice cakes, Fenghua cold drinks, peaches, mille-feuille cakes...... There are still a lot of delicacies waiting for you to unlock in Fenghua!

There is a kiosk in the clouds

Take the wheat field train back to Yunbian Town!

/ Warbler Commissary /

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Welcome back to Yunbian Town! I believe that people who have watched the movie will definitely cry when they meet the Yingying Commissary in reality again!

Coming to Xiyi Village in Dayan Town, Fenghua, we are like Liu Shisan, who has returned to his hometown Yunbian Town, where there is his grandmother Wang Yingying, the beautiful Cheng Shuang, Qiuqiu, the past of childhood, and everything that will heal him in the future.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

This place is very much in line with all Zhang Jiajia's imagination of Yunbian Town. There are mountains, rivers and homes, storing the gentle and fresh memories of childhood. When everyone comes here after watching the movie, they can still touch those times, the door number of 621 in Yunbian Town, Liu Shisan's home, and the wooden door that said goodbye to Cheng Shuang......

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

The biggest tear in the movie is the grandmother played by Teacher Alia, which reminds everyone of their Wang Yingying. And Wang Yingying's tractor is still here, as well as the cool courtyard and the furniture at home with a sense of age.

The past is so nostalgic for us, but we must also look forward to the future.

/Wheat Train/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

When you come to Fenghua, which is full of green fields, you will know why this can become the Yunbian Town in the movie~

We also found a wheat field train here! Also in Xiwu, driving from Li Shi Village, Xiwu Street, Fenghua, you can navigate to Ningbo Mingjiang Hardware Factory.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

I have to say that this train is really suitable for the natural scenery here, the windows and doors are all fairy tale tones, and on the train, you can rest quietly and let the time flow.

The ultimate shock of the UFO Buddhist Temple

The heavenly palace of the Maitreya Dojo

/ Maitreya Altar /

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

The extremely eye-shattering "UFO" in front of me is not a visitor from outside the sky, but the Maitreya Altar.

The disc-shaped bottom building holds up a golden "heavenly palace", which amazes the pilgrims who come to worship, which is the boundary between heaven and earth, god and man.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

The total investment of Maitreya Shrine is as high as 1.196 billion yuan, showing the combination of Buddhist culture and modern architectural art, and is located at the foot of Xuedou Mountain in Xikou Town, Fenghua.

The shrine covers a total area of 300 acres, of which about 217 acres are used for construction purposes, with a total construction area of 55,000 square meters. The exterior is magnificent, and the interior of the altar is also very atmospheric and exquisite. Walking into Wanshan Hall from a long staircase, the relief Buddha statues here are brightly colored and visually stunning everywhere!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

In the Daci auspicious treasure hall, there is also a holographic projection to tell about Maitreya culture, which is the change brought about by modern technology ~ History and culture no longer become monotonous and boring, but smart and interesting.

Of course, entering a Buddhist temple, it is most important to maintain solemnity and awe.

/Snow Dou Temple/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

The Maitreya Shrine is an expansion and extension of the culture of Xuedou Temple, and in my memory, Xuedou Temple is the favorite place for locals to go to celebrate the New Year, just like Hangzhou people love to go to Lingyin Temple to pray for blessings, and everyone likes to have a smooth and peaceful New Year.

Located in one of China's five famous Buddhist mountains - Xuedou Mountain, the Xuedou Temple was built in the Jin Dynasty, and was named "Waterfall Courtyard" when the mountain opened, because there are many waterfalls in the mountain, the Southern Song Dynasty was enshrined as one of the "Five Mountains and Ten Temples".

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Xuedou Temple is the Maitreya Buddha Dojo, and the landmark building here is a huge Maitreya Buddha, with a total height of 56.74 meters.

In the Buddhist tradition, Maitreya Buddha is believed to be the Buddha who will be incarnated in the future after Shakyamuni Buddha. This is a smiling, pot-bellied Buddha who symbolizes compassion, tolerance, and joy. I believe that everyone can also be full of joy when they see Maitreya!

"Republic of China Cyber" in the dream world

I stepped into the world of Blade Runner

/In a dream/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Fenghua Xikou is too advanced! The cyberpunk part is really a good temperament!

When the Republic of China town is combined with postmodern elements such as neon signs, holograms, and virtual spaces, do we cross over, or do we not cross over? The streets of the town are full of the vigorous slogans that are characteristic of those bloody years.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

In addition to Brother Xun's "Scream" and "Diary of a Madman", there are also romantic elements that Xiao Feijun is very fond of, and there is a love wall written in world languages. Under all kinds of neon lights, it seems to have stepped into the world of "Blade Runner 2049", and the buddy thinks he is Ryan Gosling!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Crisscrossing time and space, all kinds of mysterious stories are happening in the dream!

The large-scale outdoor futuristic technology cyberpunk show "The Future Has Come", the immersive performance "The Last Dawn - Assassination 001", the music show "Roman Invincible", the multimedia magic show "Adventure Player", and a number of outdoor themed street shows, all of which are wonderful!

/Chiang Kai-shek's Former Residence/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

The former residence of Chiang Kai-shek is located at the mouth of Fenghua Creek, which is why many of the culture and architecture of the Republic of China are preserved here. Therefore, when Xikou people go out to Nanjing, or other places with a strong Republic of China style, there is always a feeling of going home~

Go to Wulingtou in the town to feel the sunset and the mottled time, and see the bustling pedestrians, there is really a leisurely tranquility of the Republic of China city here.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Feng Ho room, Yutai salt shop, small bungalow, the architecture of Jiang's former residence are very exquisite and elegant, especially Wenchang Pavilion, standing on the edge of the turquoise river, to the small bridge in front of Wenchang to overlook the river view, is a decisive and comfortable thing~

It is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days

Comparable to the adventure of Southeast Asia

/Xu Yanyan/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Xu Yanyan is 7.5 kilometers away from Xuedou Temple, which is very convenient to come and play!

You can watch the waterfall and the four big characters of "Xu Yan splashing snow" on the waterfall pavilion, when the waterfall waves pour down on the head, it is really the same feeling as Li Bai, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Xu Yanyan has also been the location of many film and television works, such as the movies "Unforgettable Battle", "Dawn", and the TV series "Smiling Proud Jianghu". Chiang Kai-shek, in the campaign against Yuan Shikai's proclamation of emperor, also hid in a stone cave near Xu Yanyan for a time.

Of course, when you actually stand on the cliff, you don't have the heart to think about it!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Recently, Xu Yanyan's ferrata climbing has really exploded! You can challenge yourself here, and at the same time, you can enjoy the superb scenery of nature that you can't see below, and it is easy to see rainbows!

Moreover, Xu Yanyan's ferrata is divided into three lines: A, B, and C, which is friendly to novices~

/Tingxia Lake/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

If Xu Yanyan is a paradise for e-people, then i-people can come here to find their absolute comfort zone~

At Tingxia Lake at the mouth of the river, you can inhale oxygen to your heart's content, without the noise of cars and crowds, only the blowing of a breeze and the cry of birds.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

In addition to being a happy home for anglers, you can even meet free-range sheep here. However, when you visit, you must remember to protect the environment~

For this mouthful, I also have to make a special trip to Fenghua

Unlimited refills for cool summer!

/Beef jerky noodles/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Beef jerky noodles are one of the most authentic delicacies in Fenghua, and even many people come here just to eat this bite of freshness!

Fenghua's "dry noodles" are handmade sweet potato vermicelli after being completely soaked in water; The beef is simmered for a long time to make the meat crispy and flavorful. The final soup base is rich, the beef is delicious, and the noodles are glutenous!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

The Doumen Beef Restaurant, which has been open for more than 20 years, has always been popular with food lovers, and was even rated as an intangible cultural heritage of Fenghua in 2017! In addition to the basic noodles and beef, Doumen Beef Restaurant also offers a variety of beef offal such as beef tongue, beef tendon, and tripe as ingredients, so you can eat it all at once!

: Doumen Beef Restaurant

: No. 220-4, Dacheng Road, Fenghua District

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

I will also push you a brother beef noodle in Xikou Town, beef jerky noodles with soup, or stir-fried beef fried rice cakes, all of which make people drool when they look at the photos!

: Brother beef noodles

: No. 255, Zhongxing Middle Road, Xikou Town

/Fenghua cold drink/

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Summer is coming, you must go back to Fenghua to call a few buddies to eat cold drinks!

As soon as the generously served cup of chilled fruit is served, the taste of midsummer begins to spread! Living in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in the summer for a day, it is bound to be sweating profusely, and immediately run to the cold drink stall at night to cool down!

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

I like oranges the most, as well as yellow peaches, assorted assortments, bayberry, etc., there are many kinds of fruits for you to choose~

Then order a variety of barbecues and snacks. In this pastoral cold drink in Fenghua, my friends ordered bullfrog fat sausage pot, Fuding meat slices, and bell spelling mulberry leaves, and none of them stepped on thunder! This is what a happy summer looks like!


Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal
Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Just like the gentle sweetness of the summer nights here, Fenghua's most famous specialty is probably the peach, which is one of China's four traditional peaches, known for its soft flesh, juicy and sweet flavor, and rich aroma.

You must know that in recent years, the music festivals in Fenghua have been called the Peach Music Festival, which is enough to prove the popularity of this business card~

/ Millefeuille /

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

Millefeuille is a famous snack in Xikou Town, I go to school and work in other places, my parents often let me bring some to my classmates and colleagues to eat, yes, my colleagues around me have already tasted the deliciousness of mille-feuille~

The mille-feuille cake is made by hand, and the dough is repeatedly rolled out and greased to form a multi-layered effect. After baking, it has a crispy texture and melts in your mouth.

Summer atmosphere sense ceiling! The small town behind "There's a Commissary in the Clouds" is really immortal

There are two main flavors of Xikou mille-feuille, the green one is seaweed-flavored, which is saltier, and the light-colored one is sweeter.

There are many mille-feuille shops on the old street of Xikou, all of which are very ingenious~ One of the local neighbors' favorite is Chengtai's ancestral mille-feuille~
