
A sleep-aiding Chinese patent medicine, one tonifies the spleen, two nourishes the heart, and three clears the fire, sweeping away the problem of insomnia!

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhang Pressure West

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Jinxi, the chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia and anxiety for more than 40 years.

Today, I would like to introduce you to a Chinese patent medicine - Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill, which integrates tonifying the spleen, nourishing the heart, and clearing the fire, which can regulate the heart, liver, and spleen at the same time, so that you can easily enjoy a good night's sleep until dawn!

A sleep-aiding Chinese patent medicine, one tonifies the spleen, two nourishes the heart, and three clears the fire, sweeping away the problem of insomnia!

So, how does Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill help us improve insomnia? Next, I will break it down for you.

In TCM theory, insomnia is closely related to the health of the internal organs. Among them, the heart, liver, and spleen are particularly closely related to sleep quality.

First, let's talk about the heart. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the main blood and the god is hidden. When the heart is running low, our mind is not nourished, and our sleep will be seriously affected. Such people often do not sleep well, are easily awakened, or have difficulty falling asleep, and are accompanied by yin deficiency symptoms such as upset and hot hands and feet.

A sleep-aiding Chinese patent medicine, one tonifies the spleen, two nourishes the heart, and three clears the fire, sweeping away the problem of insomnia!

Next is the spleen. The spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry, if the spleen and stomach function is not good, the qi and blood are insufficient, the mind is not nourished, and the yin and yang are unbalanced, and it is naturally difficult to have high-quality sleep. Such people may also have symptoms such as poor appetite, abdominal pain, bloating, dry stools, or diarrhea.

A sleep-aiding Chinese patent medicine, one tonifies the spleen, two nourishes the heart, and three clears the fire, sweeping away the problem of insomnia!

Finally, let's talk about the liver. Many insomnia patients report in the outpatient clinic that they often wake up in the middle of the night, especially at 1~3 o'clock in the morning. This is often caused by excessive liver fire and disturbing the mind.

A sleep-aiding Chinese patent medicine, one tonifies the spleen, two nourishes the heart, and three clears the fire, sweeping away the problem of insomnia!

Clinically, these three conditions often coexist. So, is there an easy way to do it? The answer is Dan Yu Xiaoyao Pill.

Dan Gardenia Xiaoyao Pill is composed of a variety of traditional Chinese medicines such as Bupleurum chinensis, white peony, angelica, Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephalus, licorice, peony bark, gardenia, simmered ginger, peppermint and so on.

Among them, angelica and white peony can nourish the heart and blood and calm the mind; Atractylodes macrocephalus and licorice can invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen; Poria cocos helps to clean up phlegm and damp garbage and reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach; Gardenia and danpi can clear away heat and relieve fire, both solid heat and deficiency heat, which is very suitable for the situation of liver fire and yin blood deficiency.

A sleep-aiding Chinese patent medicine, one tonifies the spleen, two nourishes the heart, and three clears the fire, sweeping away the problem of insomnia!

However, it should be reminded that although drugs have certain efficacy, traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment. This article is only a sharing of TCM diagnosis and treatment ideas, and is not intended as a guide for drug use. If you have any relevant needs, please be sure to seek treatment from a professional TCM practitioner and do not use medication without authorization.

Thank you for your patience in reading, and if you find this article helpful, you may wish to share it with more people and benefit more people!

Tips: The case recipes shared in the article are for reference only, please do not self-diagnose, do not blindly use drugs, please use drugs under the guidance of professional doctors (the picture and text come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)
