
The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05


Everyone who has ever been a kid knows that there is nothing better for a quarrel than choosing a major.

"Since I heard that I wanted to report the news, my mother sent me three videos of Zhang Xuefeng in a row."

"My dad said: Listen to my regrets for a while, listen to your regrets for a lifetime."

"What adults see is stability, and what I see is love."

The score of the college entrance examination is just the beginning, and choosing a major is the most important thing this summer. The middle-class parents who look down on Zhang Xuefeng on weekdays also become very secretive when it comes to choosing a major. On the surface, you can choose anything, but secretly search on Douyin and Xiaohongshu "A good major in an ordinary school, or an ordinary undergraduate in a good school?" ”

Of course, the trajectory of everyone's life is not entirely determined by their profession. After all, studying finance does not necessarily mean that you will be able to do finance, and travel management may not be able to manage hotels. The direction of different majors has completely different branches, those who learn computer science can take the public examination, and the results of learning Chinese go abroad, and it is difficult for you to distinguish which road is the main line and which road is the branch line.

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

There are also some people who are struggling to search for their university majors with MBTI

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

When many people are still worried about what major to choose, the biggest headache for yakka, who has just finished the college entrance examination, is which cos to wear at the comic exhibition in July. After the Beijing college entrance examination score was released on the 25th, she sent WeChat as soon as possible: The ordinary batch of Chinese as a foreign language is almost stable, and it is estimated that it depends on the will of God to approve Japanese in advance.

As a middle school student in a model school in Beijing's Haidian District, Yakka has always adhered to pragmatism. The grades are enough, I can take a book, and my family is satisfied, which is the greatest success of my 18 years of hard work.

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

In Xiaohongshu, where there are more young people, it is obvious that everyone is complaining: Can you stop my parents from choosing my major?

When it comes to choosing a major, Yakka has always behaved as calm as an adult, and even has a kind of poverty peculiar to Beijing children: "Peking University and Tsinghua University can't go to Tsinghua University at all, science and engineering can't be studied at all, and what I am left with is either business or language." Choose one of the two, what's not going to be about it? ”

As early as the summer vacation of her sophomore year of high school, Yakka asked her parents about the prospects of her business major. Although the ceiling is high enough and the future salary is particularly attractive, my grades are definitely not enough for the strong majors of several major financial colleges, besides, "It turns out that finance also has to study mathematics, and if I go, there is a high probability that I will hang from freshman to senior." ”

In this way, language becomes the only option. "If you like Japanese comics, there's no reason not to choose Japanese. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't get in, you can also go abroad through the Language Center to learn Chinese as a foreign language, and you must have a good time after the college entrance examination. ”

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

Another idea ⬆️ on how to understand how parents choose a major for themselves

It's hard to imagine that a prospective freshman would have such a clear understanding. As for volunteering, Yakka's parents only put forward one request: as long as it is a copy, you can learn whatever you like.

For Yakka, choosing a major is simply not around the poor information. "If you choose a major from God's point of view, then every step of your life can be a matter of course. The post-80s and post-90s generations often say that they are not afraid to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry all over the world, but as a result, AI has brought dimensionality reduction blows to major industries. Instead of listening to what others have to say, it's better to learn about it according to your own interests. If I hadn't tried a different life, thanks to that. ”

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

If yakka represents the Gen Z group with high self-awareness, then for Chunyu, who was admitted to a 211 college last year to major in finance and economics, she feels that she is not so happy.

"I remember the scene of the day I got the admission letter last year, I ate a meal of crayfish at noon and another meal of crayfish in the evening, and I almost told all the classmates, teachers and relatives who could be notified, and now I feel as if I am happy early."

The reason why Chunyu feels anxious is that the undergraduate is too rolly. Eight o'clock in the morning has to occupy a seat at seven o'clock, and some people get up at six o'clock. If you encounter an activity that can add credits, you can fill it up within 3 minutes. "There is a teacher of one course this semester who will take graduate students, and there are really students who start to apply magnetism from now on, which is a thief." Over the course of a year, life is always a line of four points, and there are only roommates among friends. "Everybody says they're free when they go to college. Not at all. In the freshman year, you have to brush up your grade points and prepare for the fourth and sixth grades, and in the sophomore year, you have to find an internship, in the third year, you will strive for graduate school, and in the senior year, you will find a good mentor. And then what? If you do all this, you may not be able to find a job after graduation. ”

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

In order to take the initiative to jump out of this predicament, Chunyu started some new attempts. Taking the opportunity to take the fourth or sixth level to search for study abroad, "I always have to give more possibilities for the future". She found that if she maintained her current grades, it would not be difficult to get a scholarship in the top 10 financial colleges abroad. The only challenge is the language.

"Although the English score in the college entrance examination is 130+, it is all brushed up. What is written in reading and what is said in listening is completely unrememberable, all by relying on problem-solving skills. Recently, I did a mock test on the TOEFL official website and found that some things are very related to the teaching mode and professional content of the classroom teacher, but I didn't expect it to be quite practical. Even if I don't go abroad after the exam, I can still use it to apply for scholarships and exemptions from English courses. ”

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

Unlike brushing questions for the sake of brushing questions, Chunyu found a pure joy about learning in the process of preparing for the exam. "Reading the TOEFL is like reading an extracurricular book, every one is interesting. It will not ask you what the author thinks or what techniques he uses, but what the point and logic of the article is. It's different from every exam I've ever taken before, and I feel like I'm learning something every time, and that's what I want to do at the moment. ”

"I don't want to go abroad to be dumb, I don't want to be a person who can only brush points, and I don't want to be limited by my profession, since everyone is rolling around in this environment, then why don't I let myself have multiple ways out. If you don't try, how do you know you can't? ”

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

The time she graduated from high school was the lowest point in Michelle's life. As a Shanghai girl who transferred from a public school to an international school in junior high school, she didn't have much to retreat from at that time.

"My junior high school grades are not bad, and it is not impossible to play steadily to be able to focus on the district and the city. The reason why I decided to transfer was that after a monthly exam, my best friend at that time secretly said to me, 'If you still get this grade next time, we won't play together in the future.'" ’”

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

It was the most ridiculous quote Michelle had ever heard. So she decided to try another possibility. Faced with a new environment, a new classmate, and a new curriculum, Michelle tries to find her rhythm, but reality hits her head.

"In international schools, people who do well on the TOEFL always like to talk about their scores. For example, on 100, on 110. Every now and then, I get together with a few close friends and ask, 'Are you in the 80s this time?' ''You don't either?'' Neither do I'. Even the agent said a little pessimistically: "Do you want to go out for half a year of language classes first?" ”

Michelle still chooses to apply directly to undergraduate colleges. At that time, I was still ignorant and chose to major in economics, "because I didn't know what to choose, and I didn't know what not to choose." After entering the university, Michelle gradually realized that her potential may not be in research and academia, but in a passion and good at dealing with people. Recognizing this, Michelle began to try something new. She began to actively participate in various clubs and student councils, participate in entrepreneurial projects, and social practice, not because of her grades, but because she realized that she was "a person who likes to deal with different interesting souls, is full of inspiration for life, and has a curiosity about the world".

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

Who would have thought that a seemingly "off-track" professional choice would open the door to another life by mistake. Michelle found that since she was not well suited to economics, she tried to find her own track. As a graduate student, Michelle received a graduate offer in marketing from New York University.

It was also at the freshman meeting that she inadvertently mentioned her score, and everyone's reaction was be like: You? TOEFL score of 78? Even more unexpectedly, Michelle also met her high school classmate at NYU, a classmate who scored 110 on the TOEFL test that year. A life with a score of 78 and a score of 110 actually met here.

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

No exam is important enough to affect your life. The so-called examination is just an attempt in life; The so-called score is nothing more than a coordinate of the moment; The so-called professional choice is nothing more than the immediate local optimal solution.

As Michelle puts it, "I never thought about what would have happened if I hadn't transferred, if I had given up as an undergraduate, if I had just 'resigned to my fate.'" I believe that as long as you try, there are infinite possibilities in life. I would say that a person's life should not be determined by grades or majors. ”

The pain of choosing a major is finally the turn of the post-05

It's because everyone's attempts are different that life becomes interesting. Life should be worth trying. This is the attitude of this generation of post-05 generations. The future is also worth a try, to use your potential and try all kinds of possibilities: to hit the school of your dreams, to practice your dream job, to take the TOEFL, to do an internship, to discover, to experience. No matter what major you choose, the future is just beginning. Because of a person's story, only the writer can decide which wonderful chapters will happen next.