
Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

author:Bobo said things
Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

The top of the snow-capped mountains should be a sacred place for human beings to challenge themselves and surpass their limits. However, in this snowy land, an embarrassing farce was staged. For the sake of a photo, several adults actually fought and trampled the holiness and majesty of Mount Everest under their feet. This scene can't help but make people think: why are we here?

At the 8848 observation deck of Mount Everest in Shigatse, Tibet, a jaw-dropping conflict took place. A heated argument broke out between two groups of tourists over a photo spot, which eventually turned into a scuffle. The man in gray pinned the man in orange to the ground, and the woman in black kicked the man who fell to the ground several times. Instead of stepping forward to dissuade them, the surrounding crowd raised their mobile phones to film the absurd scene. Attempts by the orderlies to calm the situation have had little success.

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

The cause of this farce turned out to be so insignificant - just to grab a "best photo spot". In this era of self-media, a "perfect" photo seems to have become the only proof of one's visit. However, when we focus our lens on the landscape, should we also look inward?

Mount Everest, the top of the world, carries the dreams and blood of countless climbers. It symbolizes the human spirit of exploring the unknown, and represents the courage to challenge oneself and surpass the limit. However, in this sacred place, some have vulgarized it as an "influencer check-in place", turning reverence for nature into a chase for social media likes.

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

This incident has sparked a wide range of social discussions. Some people think that this reflects the impetuous mentality of modern people, while others point out that it exposes the lack of quality of some tourists. Worse still, it has risen to the level of criticism of the entire social ethos.

@山岳之子: These people don't deserve to come to Everest! Fighting for a photo is simply a desecration of this sacred mountain!

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

This netizen's anger is understandable, but we should not elevate the behavior of individual people to all tourists. Everest belongs to everyone, and the key is what kind of mindset we have to treat it. Perhaps, what we need to reflect on is how to respect others and nature while pursuing personal interests.

@旅行达人: To be honest, I've been in a similar situation. Sometimes, in order to take good photos, it is inevitable that you will have conflicts with other people. But it's too much to hit someone, wouldn't it be nice for everyone to be considerate of each other?

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond
Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

This netizen's statement was quite rational. In tourist attractions, especially popular attractions, similar small frictions are indeed unavoidable. The key is how to deal with it properly. Understanding each other and taking turns to shoot may be a better solution. It also reminds us that we must also learn to empathize when pursuing personal interests.

@心灵旅者: I think the root of the problem is that many people travel not to enjoy the scenery, but to show off in their circle of friends. This mentality is the saddest of all.

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

This netizen hit the nail on the head and pointed out the problems existing in the current tourism culture. In today's era of social media, many people seem to be more concerned about how to present their "wonderful life" online, and ignore the essence of travel – to relax and feel the beauty of nature. Maybe we should put down our phones and feel the land under our feet and the scenery in front of us.

@理性思考者: This incident reflects a problem that is far more than just tourism civilization. It exposes the impetuousness and disregard for the rules in some people. In public places, each of us should observe the basic order.

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

This netizen's point of view is very in-depth. Indeed, this incident reflects some deeper social problems. In the fast-paced modern life, many people become impatient, selfish, and lack respect for others and reverence for rules. This is not only a question of tourism civilization, but also an issue related to the construction of social morality.

@文化传承者: Mount Everest is not only a mountain, but also a sacred mountain in the hearts of Tibetan compatriots. The behavior of these tourists not only hurts other tourists, but also hurts the feelings of the locals. When we travel, we should respect the local culture and customs.

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

This netizen brought up an angle that is often overlooked – respect for the local culture. Mount Everest has a special place and significance in Tibetan culture. As tourists, we should not only appreciate its natural beauty, but also understand and respect its cultural connotations. This respect is not only reflected in the non-destruction of the environment, but also in the understanding and observance of local customs.

Standing on the top of Mount Everest, overlooking the vast land, the insignificance of human beings contrasts sharply with the greatness of nature. However, it is in such a place that people should be in awe that such a farce is staged. This can't help but make us reflect: while pursuing personal interests, have we forgotten the respect for others, the observance of rules, and the reverence for nature?

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

Travel is supposed to be a beautiful experience to relax and broaden your horizons. It gives us the opportunity to break away from the constraints of everyday life, to experience different cultures, and to appreciate the wonders of nature. However, have we lost the true meaning of travel when we alienate travel as a tool to show off and beautiful scenery as a prop on social media?

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

Everyone has the right to pursue a better life, but this pursuit should not come at the expense of harming others or destroying the environment. In public places, we should learn to respect each other and abide by basic order. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the pleasure of travel and feel the charm of nature.

Tourists fight at the 8848 observation deck on Everest, and the police respond

Mount Everest will continue to stand, witnessing the smallness and greatness of humanity. And can we find inner peace and awe in front of this majestic snow-capped mountain? Can you let go of selfishness and impetuousness and learn to live in harmony with others? These questions are worth pondering for everyone.

Let's look forward to the next time we stand on the Everest Observation Deck, what we can see is the warmth of helping each other, the awe of nature, and the respect for culture. Because, the real scenery is not only in the snow-capped mountains in front of us, but also in the height of our hearts.