
The master predicts that there may be a situation next year

author:Wind Pavilion

As the number of students decreases, we see that artificial intelligence is also evolving. After the decline in housing prices, many people also feel that the money does not seem to be so easy to make. Many things seem to be related, so these signs now also mean that these corresponding trends may gradually become more obvious.

Some predict that there may be a situation next year!

The master predicts that there may be a situation next year

Young people are not very willing to go into factories, so there may be more factory assembly lines to achieve so-called automation.

In the end, everyone comes out to work just to earn some wages, but in reality, it seems that there are not so many young people who are willing to go into the factory. Nowadays, many young people are more engaged in the Internet, such as live broadcasting, and of course, there are many young people who are delivering takeaways.

If more and more young people are reluctant to enter the factory, do you think the factory will raise wages in order to recruit people? I don't think so, but it's more likely to spend money on the introduction of various automated equipment.

In fact, the assembly line of some factories has been automated, and these automated equipment does not need to pay wages to the machine at all in addition to the procurement cost and maintenance cost, nor does it need to buy social security for these equipment, and even allows these equipment to achieve 24 hours of free overtime. Therefore, if more and more young people are reluctant to enter the factory, then the automation of the factory assembly line may become more and more popular.

The master predicts that there may be a situation next year

On the one hand, young people are "rectifying" the workplace, and on the other hand, middle-aged people are going to work honestly, and this phenomenon may be more obvious.

Nowadays, in the workplace, it can basically be divided into two types of people, one is young people who have just entered the workplace, and the other is middle-aged people who have been in the workplace for many years. These two types of people are completely different, whether it is family pressure, economic pressure, or social experience.

For young people who have just entered the workforce, they generally do not have too much pressure, and some people have already bought him a car and a house in their homes. Therefore, the boss's method of drawing a big pie is a bit unworkable for today's young people, so some people will say that today's young people are "rectifying" the workplace.

Looking back at middle-aged people, in fact, middle-aged people also live very transparently, but middle-aged people are old and young, and even have car loans and housing loans to repay, and in the face of all kinds of pressure, they have to bow to reality. Therefore, they will go to work more honestly, worrying about being laid off and worrying about losing their jobs. So sometimes the boss draws a big cake, and many middle-aged people even if they know it's a big cake, but sometimes they still eat it.

The master predicts that there may be a situation next year

There may not be as many people buying a car.

Nowadays, the price of new cars is constantly decreasing, so will it become easier to sell if the price is constantly reduced? Generally speaking, it will be easier to sell if you drop the price, but it doesn't have to be this way. After all, there are few cars, and it costs tens of thousands of yuan. Of course, there are hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

The continuous price reduction of cars can stimulate consumption to a certain extent and make cars better selling, but in the long run, there will also be some adverse effects.

Because the price of new cars has decreased, it will inevitably lead to the continuous depreciation of used cars of the same type. For example, if we bought this car for 100,000 yuan, if a new model comes out after two or three years, and the price becomes lower, then if we sell this car for second-hand use, the depreciation will be more severe.

Because the depreciation is too great, many people will think about continuing to use the car in their hands, rather than selling it for a new car. Therefore, if the price of a new car continues to drop like this, there may not be so many people who should buy a car in the future. After all, many people buy a car not only by the price of the new car, but also by how much the car in their hands can be sold for second-hand?

The master predicts that there may be a situation next year

There may be fewer and fewer sites to start building houses.

In the past few years, not only did the house sell very well, but the speed of building houses on major construction sites was also very fast. In about 10 years, there are many high-rise buildings in major cities, and even the small county town in my hometown has now seen a lot of commercial housing.

Although a lot of houses have been built, some houses have not been sold, and more importantly, it is not easy to sell now that the price has dropped, in this state, for developers. What I want more is to find a way to sell the house I have built first, rather than continue to increase my efforts to continue to build a house.

So in this way, there may not be so many construction sites that continue to work. After all, the price of the house is not very easy to sell, so if you continue to increase your efforts and continue to build commercial housing quickly, I believe you also understand, if you continue to build so many houses, it will be even more difficult to sell, and it may be more difficult to sell.

The master predicts that there may be a situation next year

There will be more and more elderly people who feel that it is good to retire.

The elderly who now have a pension are actually quite happy. In comparison, there used to be no pension when they were old, but now many people have a pension after retirement, so there is not much pressure on life.

In addition, young people nowadays don't want to have more children, so naturally, we elderly people don't need to help take care of children after retirement. If the child only has one child, then we old people will help raise this child, and the rest of the days can enjoy retirement.