
ALDI Nine Pieces Nine "Wuliangye" swipes the screen, can the low-cost explosive model be copied?

author:Jiang Han

Recently, if you want to ask what is the hottest liquor market, an ALDI launched "Wuliangye" type liquor is undoubtedly one of the leaders, in the face of the ALDI liquor that has been swiped, what should we think of this low-cost explosion of nine yuan nine? Can low-priced explosive liquor be copied?

ALDI Nine Pieces Nine "Wuliangye" swipes the screen, can the low-cost explosive model be copied?

1. Aldi's nine pieces and nine "five grains" swipe the screen

According to a report by Jiemian News, in the scorching summer when traditional liquor such as Moutai was cold, ALDI, a low-cost community supermarket focusing on quality-price ratio, became popular on social media with a 9.9 yuan liquor.

This wine is packaged in 500 ml, and the wine label is printed with the words "strong aroma pure grain", "traditional solid-state fermentation" and "52 degree liquor". Its ultra-low price has aroused the curiosity of netizens, and there have been more than 600 comments on Xiaohongshu about the wine's hot tweets. Jiemian News learned that the wine was released on June 5 and is currently out of stock and is in the replenishment stage.

In fact, low-priced liquor below 10 yuan is not a new thing, and the streamlined packaging of "light bottle" liquor has become a hot spot for liquor consumption in recent years because of the trend of low prices. At a time when the sales of liquor are being blocked, Shanxi Fenjiu has achieved good performance by virtue of its product matrix, including glass bottle Fenjiu, a large single product of light bottle liquor. For the whole year of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, Shanxi Fenjiu's revenue and net profit will reach more than 20%.

However, unlike the traditional bare-bottle liquor, the ALDI 9.9 yuan liquor has a simple and modern design style, and is only sold through ALDI channels. At present, only Shanghai has opened ALDI supermarket in Chinese mainland, and its user portrait is summarized as "cost-effective and exquisite style" family customers and young people.

Jiemian News asked a number of practitioners in the production and supply chain of strong aroma liquor, and got a more unified reply: although the above-mentioned liquor has not been tasted, the cost of strong aroma solid-state fermented liquor can be controlled at about 10 yuan, but the profit margin is thin or a small loss.

ALDI Nine Pieces Nine "Wuliangye" swipes the screen, can the low-cost explosive model be copied?

2. Can low-cost explosive models be copied?

In the current consumer market, price war and cost performance have become the main means for many companies to attract consumers. Recently, the launch of ALDI supermarket Jiuyuan Jiu "Wuliangye" has attracted widespread attention, this low-priced but seemingly good quality liquor quickly swiped the screen on social media and became the focus of heated discussions among consumers, what should we think about this matter?

First of all, ALDI's launch of the 9.9 yuan "Wuliangye" is surprising at first glance, but in fact, it is a consistent strategy embodiment in ALDI's business philosophy. Historically, new retail giants such as Hema have also cooperated with wineries to launch cost-effective alcohol products, which have successfully attracted the attention of a large number of consumers. ALDI's move is not an isolated incident, but a continuation of the retail industry's exploration of the limits of cost-effectiveness and the pursuit of the ultimate user experience.

ALDI Nine Pieces Nine "Wuliangye" swipes the screen, can the low-cost explosive model be copied?

Secondly, as one of the representatives of China's high-end liquor, Wuliangye's market price is much higher than the threshold of 9.9 yuan, although this product of ALDI is under the banner of "Wuliangye" style, but from the perspective of cost composition, it is not easy to control the price at about 10 yuan. Solid-state fermented liquor, especially the traditional process of using whole grains, has a high cost of raw materials, labor and long-term storage. However, through large-scale production, streamlined packaging design, and efficient supply chain management, ALDI was able to push costs to the limit and achieve a seemingly impossible price. Nonetheless, such a low price means that profit margins are extremely limited, so ALDI's real intention does not seem to lie in the direct profitability of this product.

Third, for ALDI, the launch of this low-priced "Wuliangye" is more of a brand marketing strategy than a simple means of making profits. Through this product, ALDI quickly gained a lot of media exposure and social media buzz, increasing brand awareness and topicality. In a highly competitive retail market, this low-cost, high-impact marketing method is undoubtedly an efficient market penetration strategy. In addition, it can attract customers to the store and drive sales of other products, creating a cascade effect that can lead to overall sales performance and brand loyalty.

Fourth, it is not difficult to replicate low-priced explosive models, and there is no shortage of products on the market that attract attention at low prices. However, how to stand out from the crowd and make users really like and form word-of-mouth communication is the real challenge. On the one hand, product selection is crucial, which requires in-depth insight into the needs and preferences of the target consumer group, and finding products that have both market potential and reflect the brand's characteristics. On the other hand, the cost performance of the product must stand up to scrutiny, even if the price is low, the quality cannot be sacrificed, otherwise the brand image will be damaged. In addition, it is also necessary to skillfully use marketing strategies to create topicality and social currency value to stimulate users' desire to share.

ALDI Nine Pieces Nine "Wuliangye" swipes the screen, can the low-cost explosive model be copied?

Therefore, although ALDI's Nine Pieces and Nine "Wuliangye" has been successful, it is not impossible to replicate. The key is whether the company can choose the right category, ensure quality, and develop an effective marketing strategy and promotion plan. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to controlling costs and profit margins to ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise.