
The husband went out to drill a dog hole, and the wife pretended to be a night watchman and was beaten severely

author:Serious train I8

The matter we want to talk about today has to start from the time of our Qing Dynasty, which happened in a small town in the south of us. This small town has beautiful mountains and rivers and picturesque scenery, but it is also a messy place where everyone has it. Now let's talk about a couple in this town, their idea of adventure. The husband, named Zhang Dazhu, is an honest carpenter who can't be more honest, and he doesn't have to say anything about his craft, but he is stupid and can't say beautiful words. His daughter-in-law, Li Xiufen, is a smart and clever girl, who can speak well and has a careful mind. The two have been married for several years, although they have not made a fortune, but their lives are quite moist and harmonious.

One day, Zhang Dazhu took over a big job, and he had to go to other places to make furniture for rich people, and he went for ten days and half a month. Although Li Xiufen was a little reluctant, she also knew that this was a good opportunity to make money, so she told him to be careful on the road and go home early. As soon as Zhang Dazhu left, Li Xiufen was busy at home. That night, she lay on the bed and tossed and turned, always feeling unsure. She remembered Zhang Dazhu's words when he left, as well as the recent rumors of bandits in the town, and her heart was even more unsteady. Just then, she heard movement in the courtyard. Li Xiufen's heart tightened, she hurriedly put on her clothes, and quietly walked to the window to take a look, only to see a dark shadow sneaking around in the yard, still looking around. She knew in her heart that this must be a thief. She originally wanted to shout loudly, but when she thought about it, in the middle of the night, no one might hear it, besides, what if the thief was in a hurry and hurt herself? So, she suppressed the fear in her heart and began to think of ideas. She remembered the outfit of the town's night watchman. The night watchman patrolled every night with a group of men, with sticks in his hands, and was very imposing. Li Xiufen thought to herself, if I could pretend to be a night watchman, maybe I could scare this thief away. As soon as she said it, she quickly rummaged through the cabinets, found a set of Zhang Dazhu's old clothes, and found a hat and a wooden stick. She dressed up neatly on her hands and feet, looked in the mirror, and felt that she was quite like that. She plucked up her courage, pushed open the door, and strode out into the courtyard. The thief was crouching in the corner, intently prying. Li Xiufen shouted: "Bah! You thief, dare to steal here, why don't you stop me! The thief was startled, and looked up to see a tall and mighty "night watchman" standing before him, still holding a stick in his hand. He was so frightened that he threw down his tools and wanted to run. How could Li Xiufen let him run? She brandished a wooden stick and chased after her. Oh, this thief was really panicked, and he went into the dog hole in the corner of our yard without paying attention. When Li Xiufen saw this scene, her heart blossomed and she hurriedly chased after her. But at this moment, the courtyard was brightly lit, and it turned out that Zhang Dazhu was back! He was stunned when he saw that the yard was in a mess and his wife was chasing a thief into the dog hole. He shouted at the top of his voice: "Xiufen! What are you doing here? Li Xiufen heard her husband's voice, and she was happy in her heart, and quickly crawled out of the dog hole. When she saw her husband standing there in good shape, all the fear and worry in her heart were gone. As soon as she threw herself into her husband's arms, she cried profusely: "Dazhu, you are back!" I almost let this thief kill me! Zhang Dazhu was relieved to see that his wife was fine. He patted his wife's shoulder and comforted: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, didn't I come back?" What's the matter with this thief? Li Xiufen told her husband everything that had just happened. Zhang Dazhu listened to it and admired his wife's intelligence and bravery. He clasped his wife's hand and said affectionately: "Xiufen, you are really my good daughter-in-law!" With you, I'm not afraid of anything! The couple hugged their heads and cried, feeling their hearts tighter. And what about thieves? After getting into the dog hole, he never dared to show his head again. Since then, there has been no theft in our town. Li Xiufen's pretending to be a night patrol officer and outwitting thieves has also become a good story in the town.

After listening to his wife's narration, Zhang Dazhu laughed, patted his thigh and said, "Oh mom, Xiufen, you are really a clever ghost!" This can be thought of, our family is really blessed! Li Xiufen was a little embarrassed to be praised, her face was flushed, and she said coquettishly: "Don't come to this set, I'm not forcing Liangshan." Besides, if you hadn't come back suddenly, how could I have caught this thief so easily? Zhang Dazhu nodded, and asked curiously: "What happened to the thief?" It's not still in the dog hole, is it? Li Xiufen shook her head and said with a smile: "How can it, I saw that he didn't come out when he went in, I guess he was frightened and slipped away from somewhere else." Why do you think this thief is so unlucky that he chose me to steal something while pretending to be a night watchman? Zhang Dazhu touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "It may be that our family has been lucky recently." But this thief is really bold, even our family dares to steal. It seems that you will have to be careful in the future. After some discussion, the couple decided to take turns keeping vigils in the future to ensure the safety of their home. They also told their neighbors about it, so that everyone could be more vigilant. As the days passed, Zhang Dazhu's furniture work was successfully completed. As soon as he returned home, the two of them returned to the calm and watery days. But Li Xiufen pretended to be a night patrol officer that night, and her feat of wittily catching thieves blew in the town like the wind. The villagers gave a thumbs up one by one and praised her as a top female man. Li Xiufen said modestly, "What is this", but her heart was happy.

The husband went out to drill a dog hole, and the wife pretended to be a night watchman and was beaten severely

On this day, Lord Liu, the night inspector in the town, heard about this and came to visit. As soon as they met, they bowed to Li Xiufen and said, "Mrs. Li is really a heroine among women, I admire it so much!" Li Xiufen was a little embarrassed to be praised, and hurriedly replied: "Lord Liu, you are too polite, I just happened to it." Lord Liu waved his hand and said, "Mrs. Li, you are too modest. I have heard all about your deeds, and not only have you caught the thieves, but you have also brought valuable experience to our night patrol. I'd like to ask you to join our night patrol team and protect the peace of our town, what do you think? ”

When Li Xiufen heard this, she was stunned. She didn't expect that she, an ordinary housewife, would be taken by the night watchman and invited to join the night watch. She was both excited and hesitant in her heart, after all, the work of the night patrol team was not a joke, and she had to have courage and a sense of responsibility. Seeing her hesitation, Lord Liu added: "Mrs. Li, don't worry, our night patrol team is not all men, you have that extraordinary wit and courage, and you are exactly the talent we can't ask for." We also have female players on the team, so you don't have to worry about not being able to adapt to it. When Li Xiufen heard this, her heart moved. The thought of being able to work with a group of like-minded people to help the town's law and order makes sense for her. So she nodded: "Okay!" I'm joining! ”

When Lord Liu saw that she agreed, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. immediately instructed his subordinates to prepare a set of night patrol team outfits for Li Xiufen, and personally explained to her the rules and tasks of the night patrol team. Li Xiufen, who is wearing a uniform, is full of spirit. After patrolling with Lord Liu and the team members for a few days, he quickly figured out the doorway of the night patrol team. In the days of the night patrol, Li Xiufen relied on her intelligence and courage to help her teammates solve many thorny problems, and single-handedly caught a few thieves who wanted to steal chickens and dogs. Her performance earned the respect of her teammates and made her more and more famous in the town.

The husband went out to drill a dog hole, and the wife pretended to be a night watchman and was beaten severely

After a long time, Li Xiufen became a celebrity in the town. Everyone affectionately called her "Female Night Patrolman" or "Li Yingying". She walks down the street and is always greeted warmly by someone; When patrolling, there is always someone who takes the initiative to give way or lend a hand. Zhang Dazhu always proudly praised his wife to others. He often said: "My family Xiufen is not only beautiful, but also talented. She's a big hero in our town now! "With the combined efforts of the couple, they have not only maintained peace in their home, but also brought harmony and tranquility to the whole town. The story of Li Xiufen's witty pretending to be a night patrol officer and successfully catching the thieves has long become a good story that has been passed down through the ages, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As her reputation among the Night Patrol grew, so did the town's law and order. Those thieves who used to be domineering, as soon as they heard the name of "female night watchman", they hid their whereabouts one after another, and did not dare to commit crimes easily.

However, just when people thought they could rest in peace, an unexpected crisis quietly came. That night, the moonlight was hazy, and Li Xiufen patrolled the town as usual. Suddenly, she heard hurried footsteps and cries for help in the distance. Her heart tightened, and she quickly quickened her pace and hurried in the direction of the source of the sound. When she arrives at the scene, she finds a crowd surrounding a young man who has fallen to the ground, arguing. The man turned pale and groaned in pain. Although the people around him were talking, they were helpless. Seeing this, Li Xiufen immediately squatted down to check the man's injuries and found that he was stabbed in the abdomen with a dagger, and he was bleeding profusely. She was shocked in her heart and immediately shouted for help: "Quick! Get him to the infirmary! When the crowd heard her cry, they immediately took action. Some went to call a carriage, some went to inform the doctor, and some stayed behind to help stabilize the man's injuries. With the joint efforts of everyone, the man was quickly sent to the hospital. After emergency treatment by doctors, the man's injuries were finally brought under control. It turned out that he was an out-of-town businessman who was unfortunately attacked by thieves on the road, but fortunately was rescued by a passing villager.

After learning of this situation, Li Xiufen secretly rejoiced in her heart. She knew that if she hadn't arrived in time and organized treatment, the man's situation would have been very dangerous. However, this incident also made her think deeply. She realizes that despite her and her night patrol team's efforts to keep the town safe, there are still criminals who are secretly plotting to endanger the town's residents. Therefore, she decided to strengthen the patrols of the night patrol team and carry out a series of publicity activities in the town to raise everyone's awareness of prevention and self-protection. She also personally visited every corner of the town, interacted with the residents, understood their needs and difficulties, and did what she could to help and support. With Li Xiufen's unremitting efforts, the security of the town has been further improved, and the lives of the residents have become more peaceful and happy. In our town, Sister Li Xiufen is famous, everyone loves her, flowers bloom, and everyone respectfully calls her "the guardian saint of the town". But just when everyone thought that this good day could last a long time, who would have thought that a catastrophe was coming. One night, when Sister Li was on patrol, she saw a sneaky figure, looking around the town, as if she was looking for some treasure. Sister Li sighed in her heart and quietly followed. Check it out, good guy, it turned out to be a thief leader from out of town, planning to make a big move in our town!

The husband went out to drill a dog hole, and the wife pretended to be a night watchman and was beaten severely

Sister Li was in such a hurry, she knew that this matter had to be solved quickly, otherwise our town would be in chaos. She immediately ran back to the night patrol team and told her teammates everything about the situation. Everyone decided to come up with a plan to deal with these thieves. After a few days of busy work and almost preparations, Sister Li and the brothers of the night patrol team finally waited for the time to confront the thieves head-on. In this fight, Sister Li was witty and brave, leading everyone to beat the thieves to the ground, and all of them were caught.

As soon as this incident passed, the reputation of Sister Li and the night patrol team became even more famous, and the town returned to its former peace and happiness. Sister Li has become a legend in the town, and her story has been sung from generation to generation, becoming an example for everyone to face difficulties and protect their homeland. Now, in the dead of night, Sister Li is still in the uniform of the night patrol, patrolling the town, guarding the land and the villagers she loves deeply. Her figure has become the most beautiful scenery in our town, and it will always be engraved in everyone's hearts. 1