
The woman was kind enough to save the woodcutter, and the woodcutter wanted to spend the night together, and he said, "You are in great trouble."


We Northeast people speak directly, I will say it directly, this Jiangnan water town, the scenery is really beautiful, and the people are so enthusiastic that people's hearts are warm. The story we are going to talk about today takes place in such a quiet little village. There is a girl in the village, named Xiu'e, who is smart and smart, and has a good heart, and when the people in the village mention her, they are full of praise and give her a thumbs up.

Xiu'e, this girl, in addition to helping the family with farm work, also raises a few chickens, and she has to feed them every morning and evening. That evening, Xiu'e went to feed the chickens as usual, and suddenly saw a woodcutter lying there in the woods, looking as if he was injured. Xiu'e has a good heart, how can she not save her when she dies? She quickly threw down the chicken food and ran over in three steps and two steps.

"Big brother, wake up, what's wrong with you?" Xiu'e called softly. The woodcutter opened his eyes with great difficulty, glanced at Xiu'e, and his voice was as thin as a gossamer: "Sister, I... I fell while chopping wood, and my leg may have been broken. When Xiu'e heard this, her heart tightened, and when she looked around, the woodcutter's legs were swollen like steamed buns. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and she didn't care if men and women kissed or not, so she stretched out her hand to help him. But the woodcutter shook his head and said, "Sister, no need, you can help me call the village doctor, and I can survive by myself." ”

The woman was kind enough to save the woodcutter, and the woodcutter wanted to spend the night together, and he said, "You are in great trouble."

Xiu'e saw that he was so persistent, so she had to run back to the village to find a doctor. Not long after, the doctor came, showed the woodcutter the injury, and said that he needed to take care of it at home for a few days. Xiu'e saw that the woodcutter was lonely, so she helped him to her house and asked him to live first. This woodcutter's name is Li Er, and he is an honest man, who doesn't talk much, but he works diligently. He saw that Xiu'e's family took care of themselves so much, and he was very grateful.

In the days when he lived in Xiu'e's house, Li Er was always rushing to work, for fear of causing trouble to others. Xiu'e is also a generous person, and seeing him like this, she is even more hospitable. After a few days, Li Er's injuries healed a lot, and he was able to walk around on the ground. That night, after dinner, Li Er suddenly said to Xiu'e: "Sister, I have something I want to tell you." Xiu'e was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the matter, big brother?" Li Er hesitated for a moment and said, "Sister, I see that you are a good person and have a good heart, so I want to tell you the truth." Actually, I... I'm not an ordinary person, I'm a Taoist. ”

When Xiu'e heard this, she almost didn't laugh. She thought to herself: This second brother Li looks quite honest, why did he suddenly talk nonsense? She shook her head and said, "Big brother, don't tease me, how can there be a Taoist priest like you?" Li Er saw that Xiu'e didn't believe it, and hurriedly said, "Sister, I really didn't lie to you." Look at my axe, it's actually a magic weapon, called the 'Mountain Opening Axe'. So saying, he took out an axe from under the bed, and the axe was so cold and shining that it was not a mortal thing. When Xiu'e saw it, she was also stunned, and when she took a closer look at the axe, she found that there were indeed some strange runes engraved on it. She believed a lot in her heart at this time, and couldn't help asking: "Big brother, you said that you are a Taoist priest, what can you prove?" Li Er nodded slightly and said, "Sister, you're a layman." With my axe, not only can I split mountains and open roads, but I can also feel some unusual smells. In the past few days, I have been living in your house, and I have smelled a smell of evil. When I checked, this evil spirit came out of your backyard. When Xiu'e heard this, the nervousness in her heart immediately came up. She hurriedly asked, "Big brother, what's going on with this evil spirit?" What's wrong with my backyard? Li Er sighed and said, "Sister, I have to confess to you." There's a monster hiding in your backyard. We don't know where this monster came from, but its demonic aura is getting stronger and stronger, and if you don't deal with it, your family will suffer a catastrophe. When Xiu'e heard this, her face changed with fright, and she quickly asked, "Big brother, what do you say we should do?" Li Er pondered for a moment and said, "Sister, don't worry. Now that I've seen this problem, I'm sure I'll have to help you solve it. However, this monster is not a good stubble, I have to be prepared. Tonight, I'd like to spend the night at your house to observe the monster's movements. Do you think it's okay? Although Xiu'e was a little scared in her heart, she thought that Li Er was a Taoist priest and should be able to deal with that monster, so she nodded and said, "Okay, big brother, you can stay." But you have to be careful not to let that monster get hurt. Li Er saw that Xiu'e agreed, and his heart was more steady. He nodded and said, "Sister, don't worry, I'll be careful." Then he went back to the house.

The woman was kind enough to save the woodcutter, and the woodcutter wanted to spend the night together, and he said, "You are in great trouble."

Xiu'e looked at Li Er's back, and her heart was screaming. She never expected that there was a monster hidden in her backyard. While she was worried about the safety of her family, she was also curious about what the monster was about. She decided that she must keep an eye on the monster tonight to see what it was.

Late at night, Xiu'e was lying on the bed tossing and turning, but she couldn't sleep. The more she thought about the monster in her heart, the more panicked she became. Just then, she suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the backyard. The voice was frighteningly low, as if something was roaring there. Xiu'e sat up in fright, holding her breath and listening carefully. The voice grew clearer, as if something was coming towards her house. Xiu'e's heart tightened, so she quickly put on her clothes and tiptoed out of bed. She crept over to the window, stealthily lifted a corner of the curtain, and peeked out. The backyard was dark and rumbling, and I couldn't see anything. But the sound grew louder and louder, as if something was striking there. Xiu'e was in a hurry, so she wanted to rush out to take a look. But at this moment, she remembered Li Er's words, suppressed the fear in her heart, and decided to discuss with Li Er first. Xiu'e walked lightly to Li Er's door and knocked on the door, her voice as small as a sparrow flying under the eaves. The door creaked open after a while, and Li Er's face was as vigilant as an owl, and he looked at Xiu'e and asked, "Sister, what's wrong?" What's going on? Xiu'e's voice trembled: "Big brother, did you hear the strange sound in the backyard?" Li Er nodded and said, "I heard it, I was about to go out and take a look." Girl, let's go together, but be careful. Xiu'e nodded and followed Li Er to the backyard.

The backyard was dark and rumbling, only the strange sound was still ringing there. Li second-hand held the mountain axe, pointed in the direction where the voice came from, and said, "Sister, look over there, that monster is eighty percent there." Xiu'e followed his point, and there was a shadowy thing moving in the darkness. Her heart tightened, and she unconsciously clenched Li Er's hand. Li Er felt it, patted her hand, and said, "Sister, don't be afraid, there is a brother." ”

The woman was kind enough to save the woodcutter, and the woodcutter wanted to spend the night together, and he said, "You are in great trouble."

Suddenly, the monster roared and lunged at them. Seeing this, Li Er swung his axe and greeted him. The axe flashed and collided with the monster. There was only the sound of weapons colliding and the roar of monsters in the courtyard. Xiu'e looked at it, and her heart was in her throat, but she knew that she couldn't be cowardly, so she picked up a wooden stick and prepared to help. At this time, a golden light came out of Li Er's axe, which became brighter and brighter, and finally became a golden light shield, covering Li Er and the monster inside. Xiu'e was overjoyed in her heart, knowing that Li Er was going to make a big move.

After a while, a scream came from the mask, and then the mask disappeared. Li Er was still standing there, holding the axe in his hand, and the monster had already fallen to the ground, not moving. Xiu'e hurriedly ran over, and when she saw it, it turned out to be a big fox with demonic energy on her body. She felt a little sick in her heart, but more than that, she was happy. She knew that without Li Er, her family would have suffered a great disaster tonight.

Li Er walked up to the monster, kicked it, and said, "Sister, this is the monster." I'll solve it, and your house will be peaceful in the future. Xiu'e looked at Li Er gratefully: "Big brother, thank you so much!" If it weren't for you, our family would be finished! Li Er waved his hand: "Sister, don't say that, I'm also chivalrous." ”

The woman was kind enough to save the woodcutter, and the woodcutter wanted to spend the night together, and he said, "You are in great trouble."

The two returned to the house, and Xiu'e poured Li Er a cup of hot tea. Li Er took a sip of tea and said, "Sister, I have to leave now." Xiu'e was stunned: "Big brother, where are you going?" Li Er sighed: "Sister, I, a Taoist priest, is my home all over the world, and wherever I go, it counts." Monsters aside, it's time for me to get on with my path. Xiu'e was reluctant, but she also understood that Li Er couldn't stay at her house all the time. She whispered, "Big brother, you have to be more careful on the road. Li Er bowed his head slightly and responded, "Sister, you have to take care of yourself." If there is any difficulty in the future, feel free to come to me. As he spoke, he took out a jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Xiu'e: "This jade pendant is a talisman left for me by my master, and now I will give it to you." If you encounter danger in the future, just take it out and it will protect you. Xiu'e took the jade pendant, only to see that it was shiny and translucent, carved with a dragon and the word "Dao", she understood that this was a precious thing given by Li Er, so she hurriedly put it away, and said gratefully: "Big brother, thank you, I will take good care of it." Li Er chatted with Xiu'e for a while, then said goodbye to her and left her home. Xiu'e stood in front of the door, watching Li Er's back as he walked away, silently praying in her heart that he would be safe all the way.

Since then, no strange things have happened in Xiu'e's family, and the jade pendant has become a valuable heirloom of her family. Whenever someone mentioned the story of Li Er and the monster, Xiu'e was always full of emotion and said gratefully: "Thanks to that Taoist brother, otherwise our family would be in danger." And the story about the woman's kindness to save the woodcutter, the woodcutter is a Taoist priest to eliminate demons has also spread in the village and has become a topic of conversation in people's leisure time.

After Li Er left, Xiu'e's family lived a quiet life. She carefully stored the jade pendant in a delicate wooden box and placed it in a prominent place in her home. Whenever a guest visits, Xiu'e proudly displays the jade pendant and tells the story of that thrilling night and the mysterious Taoist brother. As time passed, Xiu'e gradually grew up and became a big girl in the village. She inherited her mother's kindness and hard work, not only keeping the family in order, but also often helping the elderly and children in the village. Her good reputation spread more and more widely in the village, and everyone praised her as a sensible and good girl.

The woman was kind enough to save the woodcutter, and the woodcutter wanted to spend the night together, and he said, "You are in great trouble."

However, the good times were short-lived. When Xiu'e was twenty years old, a strange thing suddenly happened in the village. The previously clear water of the river became muddy, and the villagers fell ill after drinking it. The village doctor could do nothing but watch the villagers fall one by one. Xiu'e looked at all this, and her heart was full of anxiety. She thought of the jade pendant that Li Er had given her, thinking that it might be the only hope to save the villagers. So, she decided to look for Li Er.

Xiu'e bids farewell to her family and embarks on a journey to find Li Er. She trekked through mountains and rivers, went through hardships, and finally found Li Er in a remote mountain village. At this time, Li Er was already gray-haired, but his eyes were still sharp and in good spirits. After Xiu'e saw Li Er, she was so excited that she burst into tears. She told Li Er about the strange things in the village and asked him to help. Li Er was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said slowly: "Sister, you came just in time. "Oh, I'll have to take care of this. Actually, I've been waiting for this opportunity. The river in our village is polluted, and the reason is that there is a monster under the river. It sucked away the essence of the river, and it became old. If you want to clean it up, you'll have to use some special magic weapons.

As soon as Xiu'e heard that there was a way, she hurriedly asked, "Big brother, what magic weapon are you missing?" I'll get you going! Li Er shook his head and said, "Sister, these magic weapons are not something that can be found casually. However, I already have a plan. I need you to come with me somewhere and find those artifacts. Xiu'e agreed without saying a word. She followed Li Er, and the two of them came to a mysterious cave.

In the cave, they encountered many dangers and difficulties, but both of them relied on courage and wisdom to overcome them one by one. In the end, they found those magic weapons and got rid of the monsters at the bottom of the river. The water of the river has become clear again, and the villagers have drunk the water and have recovered. One by one, they came to Xiu'e's house to thank her. Xiu'e said modestly: "This is all the credit of the Taoist brother!" How can we succeed without him? When the villagers heard this, they all praised Li Er as a great Taoist priest. Li Er also said modestly: "This is all your credit, sister!" If you hadn't come to me and begged me for help, I wouldn't be here. ”

When Xiu'e heard this, her heart was warm. She knew that this experience not only taught her a lot of things, but also deepened her relationship with Li Er. She decided that no matter what difficulties she encountered in the future, she would face them bravely and find a way to solve them. Since then, Xiu'e and Li Er have become good friends who talk about everything. They often discuss issues together and share experiences and insights. That jade pendant has also become a symbol of their friendship, and both of them cherish it in their hearts.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Xiu'e is thirty. She still retains the enthusiasm and vitality of her youth, and she is energetic every day. Although Li Er is getting old, his eyes are still so sharp, and his spirit is still so full. Although there is a lot of age difference between the two, their friendship is like old wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes.

One day, Xiu'e suddenly received a letter from afar. The letter was written by Li Er, saying that he had found a place where he could live forever, and invited Xiu'e to live there together. Xiu'e read the letter and muttered in her heart. She knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but she was reluctant to leave her hometown where she had lived for many years and her relatives and friends here. After some careful consideration, Xiu'e decided to refuse Li Er's invitation. She sent a letter back to Li Er, expressing her thoughts and wishing him a happy life there.

After receiving the letter, Li Er was a little disappointed, but he also understood Xiu'e's decision and wished her a happy life. Since then, although the two have been separated, their hearts have always been closely connected. From time to time, we old fellows would write letters, talk on the phone, and talk to each other about our lives and interesting things. That jade pendant, it's really a baby, it's not only a testimony of our friendship, but also an eternal thought in our hearts, both of us treat it as a treasure, treasure it in their hearts. Our love, just like that jade pendant, the more you think about it, the more flavorful it becomes, and the more you look at it, the more precious it feels.