
A stupid girl marries an infatuated man, and the two accidentally fall into the water on the wedding night, Taoist priest: The darkness has its own providence


There is a small village in the south of our town, and there is a family surnamed Zhang in the village, and there is a girl named Xiaocui in the family. This Xiaocui looks very smart, but her brain is not very bright, and the people in the village call her a stupid girl behind her back. Zhang's father and mother are kind-hearted, and they always want to find a good home for their daughter. There is also a surname Li in the east of our village, and there is a son named Erniu in the family. Erniu, this kid, is honest, but he is a little sluggish, and he is half a beat slow in everything. The Li family's father and mother were also panicked, and they didn't know what to do with this son in the future.

One day, the Zhang family and the Li family met at the market, and the two old men chatted and felt that these two children were a good match. The two hit it off and decided to bring Xiaocui and Erniu together. As soon as this matter spread, people in the village talked about it, some said that it was two families helping each other, and some said that the marriage was unreliable. But the Zhang family and the Li family are sincere, busy with the wedding, and they are very happy.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaocui and Erniu's big day came. The village is lit up and lively. Xiaocui put on a red wedding dress, her face was flushed, and although she smiled a little silly, she looked very festive. Erniu also changed into a new outfit, although he looked a little dull, but his eyes also shone with happiness.

A stupid girl marries an infatuated man, and the two accidentally fall into the water on the wedding night, Taoist priest: The darkness has its own providence

On the wedding night, Xiaocui and Erniu were sent to the new house. The two of them sat on the edge of the bed, you look at me, I look at you, and they kept giggling. Suddenly, there was a firecracker outside, and the two of them were startled and wanted to run outside. But at this moment, something strange happened. The windows of the new house slammed shut, and the doors were locked. Xiaocui and Erniu were so anxious that they knocked over the table carelessly, the candles fell to the ground, the fire was out of control, and the new house became a sea of fire. The two of them were so smoky that they desperately squeezed to the door. That's when something even weirder happened. A large hole cracked in the floor of the new house, and a suction force swept the two of them in.

The Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "I'll try, but whether I can succeed or not depends on God's will." With that, he began to fiddle around the village, ready to show off his skills. The villagers were silent one by one, for fear of disturbing the Taoist priest's spell. The Taoist priest sat cross-legged at the head of the village, holding a compass in his hand, and there were words in his mouth, and the onlookers did not even dare to breathe, for fear of ruining the Taoist priest's major affairs.

The Taoist priest closed his eyes, and the pointer on the compass began to spin rapidly. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and shouted, "Get up!" "The dark clouds over the village were densely packed, and lightning and thunder roared, so that the villagers fled in all directions, for fear of being struck by the lightning. The Taoist priest stood up, holding the talisman in his hand, and pointed to the ruins of the new house. Green smoke suddenly rose from the ruins, and two figures slowly appeared in the green smoke, it was Xiaocui and Erniu! Although their clothes were tattered and their faces were dusty, they didn't look like a big deal.

A stupid girl marries an infatuated man, and the two accidentally fall into the water on the wedding night, Taoist priest: The darkness has its own providence

As soon as they saw the Taoist priest, they knelt down and kowtowed in thanks. The Taoist priest smiled, helped them up, and said, "You two have gone through the test, and now you can go back to Heaven." When Xiaocui and Erniu heard this, they were stunned. They looked at each other, then shook their heads together and said, "No, we don't want to go back." The Taoist priest was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?" Xiao Cui cried and said, "Although we are stupid, we know what happiness is." In the world, although we have suffered, we have the love of our father and mother, and we have everyone's care. We don't want to go back to that deserted heavenly court. Erniu also nodded and said, "Yes, Taoist, we are willing to stay in the world and live an ordinary life." ”

The Taoist priest listened and was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "Okay, since you are willing to stay in the world, then I will help you." After speaking, he took out a small bottle from his arms, poured out two pills, handed them to Xiao Cui and Er Niu and said, "This is the Soul Rejuvenation Pill, you can wake up after eating it." Xiao Cui and Er Niu took the pill with tears in their eyes. After they took the pill, they felt that their minds were clear, and their vague memories before were clear. They looked at each other and then hugged each other tightly. When the villagers saw this, they all gathered around to congratulate them, and the scene was very lively. The two old couples of the Zhang family and the Li family, when they saw their silly girl and stupid boy becoming so clever, tears were in their eyes, and they were so excited in their hearts, not to mention how beautiful. Since then, Xiaocui and Er Niu have lived a sweet and sweet life. The two of them helped each other, supported each other, and opened a tavern in the village. This tavern, because they treat people honestly and at fair prices, and the business is getting more and more prosperous. The two of them also added a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, and the family was harmonious and beautiful, which made people envious.

After the Taoist priest saved Xiaocui and Erniu, he left the village quietly, and no one knew where he went. Some say that he went further afield and continued to do chivalrous deeds; Some people also said that he returned to Heaven and continued to cultivate. No matter what you say, the people in the village are very grateful and admired him.

A stupid girl marries an infatuated man, and the two accidentally fall into the water on the wedding night, Taoist priest: The darkness has its own providence

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Xiaocui and Erniu have also changed from youth to gray-haired old men, but their relationship is still so sweet and in love. Their children have also grown up and have their own careers and families. Every New Year's holiday, a large family gathers together to enjoy the joy of family.

One night, Xiaocui and Er Niu sat in the courtyard, looking at the stars in the sky, and suddenly remembered what the Taoist priest said back then. The two looked at each other and smiled, then held each other's hands tightly. They know that no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they have love in their hearts, there is nothing they can't overcome.

This pair of "stupid girls marrying crazy men" who were once ridiculed proved with their actions what true love and happiness are. Their story has also become a beautiful story in the village, passed down from generation to generation, and has become a good story. Now, every time someone mentions this story, they are filled with emotion. They lamented the couple's tenacity and perseverance, and their loyalty and perseverance in love. This story also tells us a truth: true love does not distinguish between rich and poor, regardless of age, as long as there is love in the heart, you can create your own happiness and miracles.

A stupid girl marries an infatuated man, and the two accidentally fall into the water on the wedding night, Taoist priest: The darkness has its own providence

Besides, Xiaocui and Erniu's family, the days are getting more and more moist, and the children are also promising, going back to the village from time to time to visit, bringing some fresh things in the city, and the people in the village are very envious. But ah, how can things in this world be smooth sailing, no, Xiaocui and Erniu also encountered a little trouble.

One day, a blind fortune teller came to the village, holding a bamboo pole and a gong in his hand, knocking on it "dangdang", shouting in his mouth: "Fortune telling, fortune telling, maybe you don't want money!" Xiao Cui was kind-hearted, thinking that it was not easy for a blind man, so she pulled him into the house and wanted to give him a hot meal to eat. When the blind man entered the house, he was not polite, but sat down and began to touch each other. He looked at Xiaocui and Erniu, suddenly his face changed, and said, "Oh mom, these two are in trouble!" When Xiaocui and Erniu heard this, their hearts sank, and they hurriedly asked what was going on. The blind man shook his head and said, "The secret of heaven must not be revealed, but the poor road can show you a clear way, go to the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast, and find a place called 'Immortal Cave', where there is a master who can solve your disaster." When Xiaocui and Erniu heard this proposal, they couldn't help but hesitate in their hearts. Their children are all living in the city, and at their age, how can they afford to go to the northeast? However, the blind man's tone was firm, as if this had to be done. After some deliberation, Xiaocui and Erniu decided that they had to embark on this journey for the sake of their family. The next morning, they packed their bags, said goodbye to their children, and began their journey to the Northeast.

During the journey, they went through countless hardships and obstacles, ate and slept in the open, and suffered from wind and frost. But there is an expectation in my heart that makes these sufferings seem less unbearable. Finally, they arrived at the foot of the mountain where the legendary "Cave of the Immortals" is located. Looking up, I saw that the mountains were steep and the clouds and mist were shrouded, which made people feel awe. Despite this, they decided to make the trip worthwhile, supported each other, and climbed to the top of the mountain step by step.

A stupid girl marries an infatuated man, and the two accidentally fall into the water on the wedding night, Taoist priest: The darkness has its own providence

After a whole day of hard work, they finally stood in front of the fairy cave. The entrance to the cave was filled with smoke, and an old man with gray hair sat in it. Xiaocui and Erniu hurriedly stepped forward to salute and explain their intentions. The old man examined them, smiled and nodded, acknowledging. He took out a jade pendant from his arms, handed it to Xiao Cui, and said, "The fate of the two of you is not shallow, and it is not easy to come here. This jade pendant, you take it back and put it in a conspicuous place at home, so as to keep your whole family safe. ”

Xiao Cui took the jade pendant, only to see a green dragon and a phoenix carved on it, lifelike, as if it would spread its wings and fly high at any time. They thanked the old man gratefully, and then carefully collected the jade pendant and went down the mountain to go home. Back at home, they placed the jade pendant in the most conspicuous place in the house. Since then, nothing strange has happened in the house, and the children have come home more often, and they feel more peaceful in their home.

This incident soon spread in the village, and people talked about it, some said that the jade pendant was the magic weapon of the immortals, some said that the blind man was actually the incarnation of the immortals, and some said that Xiaocui and Er Niu were the gods in the sky. But no matter what, everyone thinks that the good luck of Xiaocui and Erniu's family is brought by that jade pendant.

A stupid girl marries an infatuated man, and the two accidentally fall into the water on the wedding night, Taoist priest: The darkness has its own providence

All of us, we should learn from Xiaocui and Erniu, don't care about any difficulties, don't care about ups and downs, we have to be like them, dare to think and dare to do, and run after our own happiness and dreams. Don't be afraid, don't hesitate, when have we Northeast people been afraid? That's what we have to do, and hold on to happiness!