
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language


These 16 baby languages are a must-read for novice parents

Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language

As a first-time parent, you often feel confused and overwhelmed by your baby's seemingly incomprehensible behaviors and performances. In fact, babies have their own unique "language", which is what we call "baby language". The following 16 baby languages must be read by novice parents.

Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language

The first type of baby language is that the baby pouts. If the baby has a deflated mouth, as if he has been wronged, it is likely to be a precursor that the baby is about to cry. Maybe you're hungry, maybe you want a hug or you need to be comforted.

Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language

The second type is that the small face is flushed and the eyebrows are abrupt. This usually means that your baby is going to poo. At this time, parents should be prepared in time.

Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language

The third is to lie lazily. If your baby's eyes are not very flexible and he is not very interested in the things around him, it may be that his baby is tired and needs to rest.

Fourth, finger sucking. The baby still sucks his fingers after he has eaten and drunk, and many times this is a way for the baby to comfort himself, indicating that the baby is playing on his own and does not need to intervene excessively.

Fifth, bite something. When the baby starts to put everything in his mouth no matter what he gets, it may be that the baby's teething period has arrived, and the gums are itchy and need to grind their teeth.

Sixth, the eyes are dull. If the baby's eyes are dull and his mental state is not good, it may be that the baby is not feeling well or is sick.

The seventh, "love and ignorance." Sometimes the baby's name is called and the baby ignores it, it may be that the baby is focusing on something he is interested in, or he is not in a good mood.

The eighth is a sudden cry in your sleep. It may be that the baby has a nightmare, or the sleeping environment is uncomfortable, such as too hot, too cold, too noisy, etc.

Ninth, the baby grinning. This is undoubtedly a sign that your baby is in a happy mood and feels satisfied.

Tenth, the baby blinks frequently. It may be that your baby's eyes are uncomfortable, such as a foreign object or overuse of the eyes.

Eleventh, the baby is blushing sideways, and he looks very hard. This is often the baby is stinking and needs parents to wait patiently.

The twelfth type, the baby eats hands and spits bubbles. If your baby is in good spirits, it could be a sign that your baby is exploring his or her body, or that he or she is in a sensitive oral state.

The thirteenth, the baby scratches the hair. It may be that your baby's scalp is itchy, or that your baby is angry or irritable.

The fourteenth, the baby drills into the adult's arms. This is when the baby is looking for security and wants to be close to the adult.

The fifteenth, the baby rubs his eyes with his hands. Most of the time the baby is sleepy and wants to sleep.

The sixteenth type, the baby waves his little hands and feet. This usually indicates that your baby is excited and in a good mood.

Understanding your baby's baby language is crucial for new parents. This not only allows us to meet the baby's needs in a timely manner, but also enhances the bond between parents and children, so that the baby feels loved and cared for.

However, it is not easy to accurately understand baby language, and novice parents need to observe and accompany the baby more to understand the baby's living habits and personality characteristics. At the same time, every baby is unique, and the way baby language is expressed may be different, so parents should be patient and attentive and continue to accumulate experience.

As your baby grows, your baby's language will gradually change as your baby develops and grows. As babies learn to speak and express, baby language will slowly be replaced by clearer language, but this time of communicating with your baby through baby language will become a precious memory between parents and children.

In short, novice parents should feel every movement and expression of the baby with their hearts, understand their baby language, give them the most timely and appropriate care and love, and accompany the baby to grow up healthy and happy.

Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language
Novice parents must read these 16 kinds of baby language

I hope the above baby language interpretations can be helpful to new parents and make you more confident on the road of parenting.