
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look

author:Wise Pencil S
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look
Commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army, collect them and take a look

In the early morning of the town, the sun shines through the light veil mist and falls on the quiet river. By the river, a young man named Li Xiaozhi was walking leisurely, but there was a secret hidden in his heart - a strong interest in the commanders of the thirteen group armies of the People's Liberation Army.

Li Xiaozhi did not come from a military background, but he has a strong interest in the military field. Since childhood, he has been fascinated by military news and documentaries on television, and deeply admires the heroic deeds and strong strength of the PLA. As he grew older, his understanding of the People's Liberation Army became more and more profound, and he was full of curiosity about the identity and deeds of the commanders of the thirteen group armies.

That morning, Li Xiaozhi met a veteran by the river. The veteran was dressed in plain clothes, but there was a determined glint in his eyes. The two chatted, and Li Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask the veteran about the commanders of the 13 group armies of the People's Liberation Army.

After hearing this, the veteran smiled slightly and said: "Young man, your interest in these commanders shows that you have a deep affection for the country and the army. However, these commanders are the pillars of the country, and their identities and deeds are not something that can be revealed casually. ”

Li Xiaozhi was a little disappointed after hearing this, but he didn't give up. He expressed his respect and gratitude to the veterans and decided to get to know the commanders through his own efforts.

Back home, Li Xiaozhi turned on the computer and began to search for information about the commanders of the 13 group armies of the People's Liberation Army. He found that these commanders were all outstanding military personnel who had been rigorously selected and trained, and that they not only possessed outstanding military ability, but also had firm conviction and selfless dedication.

In the process of gaining an in-depth understanding of these commanders, Li Xiaozhi was deeply moved by their heroic deeds. Some commanders have made outstanding achievements on the battlefield, some commanders have been at the forefront in the earthquake relief efforts, and some commanders have made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation and personnel training. Their deeds made Li Xiaozhi deeply admired and proud.

However, Li Xiaozhi also realized that these commanders were not unattainable idols. They are also ordinary people with their own families and lives. Their success and achievements are not accidental, but have been achieved step by step through their own efforts and dedication.

In the process, Li Xiaozhi gradually understood why he wanted to know these commanders. He was not only interested in their identity and deeds, but also admired and longed for the spirit of the country and army they represented. He hopes that he will be able to contribute to the country and the people like these commanders.

In the following days, Li Xiaozhi began to study and exercise harder. He actively participated in various military activities and competitions, and constantly improved his military quality and comprehensive ability. At the same time, he also actively participates in social welfare undertakings, and practices his love and dedication to the country and the people with his practical actions.

Although Li Xiaozhi did not have direct contact with these commanders, he believed that as long as he continued to work hard and improve, he would one day be able to become a pillar of the country and the army like them. And that early morning encounter with the veteran by the river in the town has also become an unforgettable experience and memory in his life.

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