
When falling in love, why do boys attach great importance to the "innocence" of the girl's body?

author:The world of love

There's a good saying: it's worthless to use something old.

It's really interesting to talk about falling in love. I found that when boys are looking for a partner, they really value the "innocence" of the girl's body. The "innocence" here mainly refers to the girl's physical purity and lack of sexual relations.

When falling in love, why do boys attach great importance to the "innocence" of the girl's body?

Hey, you might ask, why on earth is that? Don't worry, I'll give you an analysis of the 6 reasons behind the analysis.

First, the traditional concept is deeply rooted

We have to admit that the traditional concept is really hard to get rid of. In the hearts of the vast majority of boys, the "innocence" of a girl's body is often closely linked to the honor of the family and the evaluation of society. They feel that choosing a girl with an "innocent" body can bring a better reputation to the family and win more respect in society, and the "innocence" of the girl's body is an important criterion for most boys to choose a mate.

Second, the pure pursuit of feelings

Most boys hope to find a pure relationship when they fall in love. They feel that the "innocence" of a girl's body is an important sign of emotional purity. If a girl has had a complicated relationship in the past, the boy will worry that she will be reserved or not dedicated enough in her future relationship. This kind of pursuit of pure feelings makes boys pay more attention to the "innocence" of girls' bodies. They feel that only in this way can the purity and sincerity of their feelings be guaranteed.

3. Consideration of future life

Falling in love is not only a matter for two people, but also may involve future family life. When a boy is considering a long-term relationship with a girl, he often thinks about a lot of practical issues, such as the family background, living habits, and values of both parties. And the "innocence" of girls' bodies has also become an important factor for them to consider their future life to a certain extent. They may think that a girl with an "innocent" body is more likely to be a good wife and mother, bringing stability and happiness to the family. This kind of consideration for the future makes boys pay more attention to the "innocence" of girls' bodies.

When falling in love, why do boys attach great importance to the "innocence" of the girl's body?

Fourth, the invisible pressure of public opinion

We all know that public opinion is sometimes an invisible pressure. In the eyes of most boys, if their girlfriend or fiancée is not physically "innocent", they will be criticized by friends, family and even society. This kind of pressure makes them more cautious when choosing a partner, and they also pay more attention to the "innocence" of the girl's body. They feel that only in this way can unnecessary public opinion pressure and controversy be avoided.

5. The embodiment of self-identity and values

Every boy has his own values and self-identity. For the vast majority of boys, choosing a girl with an "innocent" body is a manifestation of their values and self-identity. They may feel that this is in line with their own moral standards and principles of life. This embodiment of self-identity and values makes them pay more attention to the "innocence" of girls' bodies in love. They feel that only in this way can they ensure that their values and moral standards are implemented and reflected.

6. Lack of in-depth understanding and communication

The last reason is actually a common problem in many relationships: lack of in-depth understanding and communication. Sometimes, the reason why boys value the "innocence" of girls' bodies is because they don't have enough time and opportunity to understand the inner world, personality characteristics and true attitude towards feelings. In the absence of in-depth understanding, they can only judge whether a girl is worth dating through some superficial labels. This is obviously not comprehensive and objective enough. Therefore, we still need to understand and communicate more in love, and less prejudice and stereotypes. In this way, you can find a partner who is truly suitable for you and create a happy future together!

When falling in love, why do boys attach great importance to the "innocence" of the girl's body?

Boys value the "innocence" of girls' bodies in love, which is affected by a variety of factors. Chastity is really ingrained in the hearts of most boys and cannot be changed! Girls really have to have self-esteem, self-respect and self-love, don't lose your happiness with your own hands!