
And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

author:Sister dragged with temperament

Hello everyone, I'm Qimeng

A person who is soft and quiet on the outside, but is rational in his inner gossip!

You're in luck! See the other side of me.

Big S Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun, two once well-known husband and wife combinations,

Although they have been divorced for three years, they are still constantly being eaten for their former marriage.

After the big S Wang Xiaofei separated, the lotus root was broken and vigorous,

Li Xiang and Wang Yuelun have their own beautiful years.

These two couples have a lot of similarities, they are all a combination of "strong women and weak men".

Because of the star halo of Big S, although businessman Wang Xiaofei does not have much spark in her career,

But in the past ten years, he has always been active in front of the public and earned enough audience popularity.

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

And Wang Yuelun even publicly complained about the conference:

is a soft rice man raised by Li Xiang, although he is a director,

But the work that I haven't taken for many years,

The most eye-catching thing is the several cheating door incidents.

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

Source: Sina Weibo

They are celebrities, and everyone who is divorced knows it.

The major media dig deep into all kinds of lace news about them,

The public says that the public is reasonable, and the mother says that the mother is reasonable, and we will listen to many things and forget it.

Because everyone's thinking is different, the starting point for looking at things is also different.

Especially when it is difficult for a clean official to decide family affairs, who can say clearly?

But from their failed marriages, there are a few truths about marriage that you should see early!

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages


A marriage in which a woman is strong and a man is weak

Be more inclusive

Some people say, can a marriage in which a woman is strong and a man weak last?

Qimeng thinks that he can, but the premise is that the strong women must be really, very strong, and the weak men must be really, very weak.

This strength does not only refer to a strong personality, but a strong woman who really has the ability to make money to support her family.

The weak man is really willing to teach his husband and children at home.

And the two of them have to really balance and understand each other,

Men thank women for putting on armor and fighting for their families,

Women also want to thank men for their willingness to wash their hands and make soup at home.

Big S Wang Xiaofei's pair, Big S is a mother who has given birth to two children after hardships,

The first child changed his eating habits and changed his body greatly.

The second child was rescued in the ICU for several days and almost died.

Two children made her lose the best ten years of struggle, and she was willing to marry and have children,

is a good wife and mother at home, but her earning power has plummeted,

It's just a strong character. For the family, she actually pays a lot.

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

And Wang Xiaofei's economic strength is actually far from what is said.

is not a rich second generation in the traditional sense, at best he is just a struggling young man.

is rich compared to us, but should not be ranked in the circle of the real rich,

Money is a person's confidence, so he will always suppress his true feelings.

is submissive in front of Big S, a little afraid of her, because he is not tough enough in this family,

It didn't bring the stability of the present world that Big S wanted.

From the initial love at first sight to ten years of marriage, Big S should be disappointed deep down!

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

And Wang Yuelun is even more afraid, because Li Xiang is really strong,

You say that she is material or arrogant, but she has a super ability to make money.

Real estate real estate big profits, stock stocks big wins,

The live broadcast sale is a big sale, so people are really confident.

Compared with Wang Yuelun, Li Xiang was initially optimistic about the film and television industry.

also praised Wang Yuelun as a director, but Wang Yuelun is really not that material,

Hold it and hold it, you can't get a good product, and you can hold a lonely one.

Compared with Li Xiang, he had a smooth journey, gained fame and fortune, and was full of money.

The abilities of the two do not match, and they are on the tenth floor.

You're still on the first floor, can people still look at you?

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

Wang Yuelun was born in an artistic family and has his own arrogance.

His weakness is only weakness in his ability to make money,

Although he said at the Tucao Conference that he was a soft rice man,

But that's supposed to be just the show's effect.

From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't like the label,

I don't like others to say that he is a soft rice man.

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

He has a strong resistance in his heart, and he doesn't like to do housework in the Lord.

So he rebelled against Li Xiang again and again.

He is not willing to bow down, and he does not work hard to earn money to support his family.

He is lazy and unwilling to pay for his family, and likes to be free and free without constraints.

Because of the unequal pay, Li Xiang's grievances prompted her to be stronger,

has reached the point of verbal attack, she will bluntly say Wang Yuelun in the variety show:

I gave you face, didn't I?

This has been despised to the extent, can the big man Wang Yuelun feel better?

In this way, the way these two pairs get along,

Divorce is really just a matter of time,

Because they can't tolerate each other anymore.

Freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages


The best mode of getting along with husband and wife

Lean on each other to keep each other warm

More than ten years ago, just after graduation, an elder brother had a monthly salary of 20,000 or 30,000 yuan at that time.

Buying a house, buying a car, and marrying a daughter-in-law in Beijing is a very inspirational model.

But he bluntly said that he didn't dare to get sick or rest, because as soon as he fell, the whole family fell.

A lot of times I think that I really hope someone can help me.

But he was born in the countryside and really can't be relied on.

Parents, wives and children are waiting for him to raise, and his wife is unwilling to go to work, so she takes care of the children at home.

Without any financial resources, he was afraid that he would suddenly not wake up.

So what about this family?

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

After Big S retired from the circle and went home to give birth, who doesn't want to be a broad wife all the time,

But reality doesn't allow it, she comes out for business again and again, what is the reason for appearing on variety shows?

Especially the variety show of the happiness trio is that she had a miscarriage of her third child, is she coming out to relax?

The truth should be that Wang Xiaofei, who is not doing well, is short of money and heat!

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

When Li Xiang talked frantically for hours on live broadcasting, desperately trying to make money,

But suddenly broke the news that her husband cheated on others, do you think she can feel good?

She is responsible for making money to support her family, and she can't wait for the warmth and support of the person next to her.

But he still has to clean up the mess for him and send a statement of support to the circle of friends.

Many times, they are not weak, but simply impossible to rely on.

Modern society says that men and women are the same, and the ability to earn money is the same.

But when they got married and became a family, although the division of labor between the two people was different,

I still hope that we can rely on each other to keep each other warm.

Even if I can't share the burden with you financially for the time being, emotionally I can be your strong backing.

As long as you need me, I will give you comfort and strength,

It can also carry the wind and rain with you and make money to support your family together.

What is needed in marriage is a comrade-in-arms, not a giant baby who drags people back.


Anytime, push yourself to be excellent

Have the ability to make money

At any time, please push yourself to be excellent, and you must have the ability to make money.

After the divorce of Big S, with her decisiveness and strength, coupled with her original fame,

Coupled with the corresponding resources, although the fame can no longer reach the peak,

But it's definitely okay to raise a child and raise yourself.

But the mistake is that she bet everything on Gu Ludan,

asked Wang Xiaofei for child support without a bottom line, and his reputation plummeted.

Lost the ability to make money!

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

Li Xiang is free of himself, don't worry,

Extraordinary earning power, people have announced their retirement in advance,

When her daughter went to college abroad, she accompanied her daughter.

Enjoy the comfortable life of his rich wife;

Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan's mother and son, with the help of big S traffic again and again,

Hot and sour noodles sold the brand, 35 stores were established, and the second marriage was lively.

Continue to be his struggling young man, and pay the prescribed maintenance fees on time every month.

As for Wang Yuelun finding an ordinary and gentle wife, he will definitely be happier than Li Xiang.

Maybe suddenly you will be able to make good money to support your family.

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

They can all be happy, but in reality,

A few of us are Da S, Li Xiang, Wang Xiaofei and Wang Yuelun,

They just don't make money, and their families have enough economic foundation.

It can be used for them to live in peace and quiet, and they were born in Rome and lie down to win.

But ordinary people may have tried our best to survive.

When you get married, you represent your mission and responsibility.

At all times, we must strive for our home, and in modern society,

It's not easy for men and women.

If you're a girl, you're not good, you can't make money,

If you have a good fortune to marry a man from a well-off family, you will not worry about food and clothing, and you will not worry about your livelihood.

But what if it's the other way around?

Endless stalls, endless housework,

Always worry about the rent and children's milk powder money, do you want to live such a life?

Do you want to harm your own next generation?

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

If you're a boy, you're not good, you can't make money.

Girls won't be laughed at, and you will be laughed at.

may not be able to marry a daughter-in-law, because today's girls have good growth conditions since childhood.

Who can live in a large square meter with you?

Who will wait for you to fight for another ten years, and after ten years you will lose the bet? Who wouldn't dare to take that risk?

If you're lucky enough to find a girl who is willing to fight with you and work together.

But remember, people are not material, but people are kind,

But it is your responsibility as a man to make your family better.

Can you bear to bear her? Let her down?

Life is never about going with the flow, it's about planned planning,

The first thing to do is to invest in yourself and make yourself valuable.

A dwelling place that can stand up to the sky,

After entering the marriage, you can bear your share of responsibility.

Encourage you.

And who's overly the same? From the divorce of Big S, Wang Xiaofei, Li Xiang, and Wang Yuelun, we can see the truth of the three marriages

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