
Tan Sitong's death: The dawn of internal and external troubles, Cixi's false benevolence and false righteousness were exposed


There are many historical legends, some of which are well-known, and some of which are unknown. Now it is a little-known historical fact about the path of the Empress Dowager Cixi and Tan Si. At the heart of this history is not a power struggle or perfidy, but an in-depth analysis of idealism and sacrifice.

Cixi's tolerance is the same as Tan Si's choice

As everyone knows, Cixi was the real power holder of the late Qing Dynasty, and with her tough hand and political acumen, she dominated the male-dominated social environment. However, in dealing with the Tan Sitong incident, Cixi showed an unusually generous heart. According to historical records, before pressuring Tan Sitong to be arrested, Cixi gave him ample opportunities to escape. Although this move is often regarded as a political strategy by later generations, it also shows a certain degree of recognition and respect for Tan Sitong by Cixi.

Tan Sitong's death: The dawn of internal and external troubles, Cixi's false benevolence and false righteousness were exposed

Tan Sitong, a scholar from Liuyang, Hunan Province, has extensive academic attainments and innovative political concepts. It advocated the theory of "electing a monarch for the people" with the election of the monarch as the core, which was unique in that era. However, despite this, he did not choose to escape, but resolutely stayed for his faith and dignity and faced death. This choice not only demonstrates his firm pursuit of ideals, but also reflects his cherishing of his personal reputation.

The dream of Emperor Guangxu and the Restorationists
Tan Sitong's death: The dawn of internal and external troubles, Cixi's false benevolence and false righteousness were exposed

As the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Guangxu was full of ambitions for change and pinned his hopes on the Restoration Movement to restore the vitality of the Qing Dynasty. Among them, Tan Si cohabited in a key position, and his talent was deeply appreciated by Guangxu, and he was called and entrusted with important tasks several times. However, the road to change is fraught with hardships and challenges.

Despite the bright glitter of the ideals of the Restoration, it was accompanied by great risks. The struggle of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, although supported by Emperor Guangxu, failed to resist the counterattack of the old forces. In this process, Tan Sitong played a pivotal role. His tenacity and self-dedication left a deep and lasting mark on the Restoration.

Yuan Shikai's duplicity and the failure of the Restoration

Just when the change of law was in full swing, Yuan Shikai's identity was particularly confusing. He was once regarded as the favorite general of the Guangxu Emperor, but he also worried the Empress Dowager Cixi. Tan Sitong urged him to support the Restoration, but his hesitation and final renunciation undoubtedly became the key factors in the failure of the Restoration.

Yuan Shikai showed contradictions in his political and personal character. For example, Tam Sitong lamented his decision, and at the same time, later generations have also made a more in-depth analysis of this historical figure. However, Yuan Shikai's decision led to the failure of the Reform Movement, and the path of reform in the Qing court became more and more difficult.

Tan Sitong's sacrifice and the impact of later generations

Tan Sitong's martyrdom is indeed a double tragedy for individuals and even the times. The end of his life gave many people of insight a clear understanding of the shortcomings of the Qing court, and at the same time awakened the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses. Tan Sitong's legendary life has become the spiritual driving force for future generations to forge ahead.

Inspired by the spirit of Tan Sitong, the innovative Cai Ye continued to promote his ideal career. Not only were they active in politics, but they also had a profound impact on culture and thought. Although Tan Sitong's heroic sacrifice brought short-term pain, it laid the foundation stone for the future revolution.

Cixi's Later Years and Historical Evaluation

The Empress Dowager Cixi was in the evening scene, full of controversy and difficulties. Although its position has been consolidated, internal and external troubles have never stopped. Since her death, there has been mixed judgment on her, with some seeing her as the savior of the late Qing Dynasty's rule, while others accusing her of being a sinner for the ages who blocked the progress of the Chinese nation.

In short, the reign of the Empress Dowager Cixi is indeed a key chapter in the annals of the last years of the Qing Dynasty. His decisions and actions profoundly influenced the current situation and left traces on future generations. By analyzing the intersection between the Empress Dowager Cixi and figures like Tan Si, we are able to deeply interpret the context of late Qing history.

Tan Sitong's death: The dawn of internal and external troubles, Cixi's false benevolence and false righteousness were exposed
Conclusion: Reflections on history and prospects for the future

When we delve into the history of the late Qing Dynasty, we can always find many mysteries and possibilities of history. The legendary story of Cixi and Tan Sitong gives us a new understanding of the history of this period, and at the same time provokes us to think deeply about the future. In the fierce confrontation between reform and conservatism, every choice may change the course of history.

On the occasion of the new historical stage, look back on the past and look forward to the future. Through in-depth interpretation and reflection on history, we are confident that we will meet the current challenges and create a better future together.