
What to do if diabetics have itchy skin? Experts give advice

author:Dr. Koppwang

Diabetic patients have always had skin problems that plague them, especially itchy skin. This discomfort not only affects the patient's quality of life, but can also have a negative impact on their mental health. So, what should diabetics do with itchy skin? We've consulted with experts to give you some practical advice.

What to do if diabetics have itchy skin? Experts give advice

First of all, diabetics need to keep their blood sugar levels under control. High blood sugar is one of the main causes of itchy skin, therefore, patients should follow the doctor's advice, eat reasonably, take medication on time, maintain good lifestyle habits, and control blood sugar within the normal range.

Secondly, diabetics should keep their skin clean. Wash the affected area with warm water every day and avoid harsh soaps or body washes. After washing, you can use some moisturizing skincare products to reduce dry and itchy skin.

What to do if diabetics have itchy skin? Experts give advice

In addition, diabetics also need to pay attention to their diet. Avoid too much spicy, greasy, and high-sugar foods, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and maintain a balanced diet. At the same time, moderate supplementation of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, etc., can help improve skin conditions.

Finally, diabetics should maintain a good mindset and avoid excessive tension and anxiety. Mood swings can also affect skin health, so patients should learn to relax, maintain a positive attitude, participate in social activities, and improve their quality of life.

What to do if diabetics have itchy skin? Experts give advice

In conclusion, itchy skin in diabetics is a problem that can be relieved by reasonable measures. Under the guidance of a doctor, patients should use a variety of methods to control blood sugar levels, keep the skin clean and moisturized, pay attention to a healthy diet, and maintain a good attitude, so as to reduce skin itching and improve the quality of life. If you have any questions or need more help, don't hesitate to consult our experts. Wishing you good health! #头条创作挑战赛 ##妙笔生花创作挑战#