
The Chinese women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats! Player ratings: 2 excellent, 5 passed, 5 collapsed

author:Light after a cold night

With the Chinese women's basketball team losing to the Serbian women's basketball team 82-93, the women's basketball team's European training journey is completely over, only winning the first game of the four games, and the painful experience of three consecutive defeats has sobered up Chinese fans. Player reviews of this game also followed, let's take stock together.

The Chinese women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats! Player ratings: 2 excellent, 5 passed, 5 collapsed

There are two people in this game who are excellent performances, Han Xu efficiently got 24 points, 6 rebounds and 1 assist, she is still the core of the inside offensive and defensive existence, in fact, Han Xu has not been affected by the trend of the game in a few defeats, and her role on the court is undoubted. Sun Mengran scored 15 points on 6 of 9 shots, and this game is also a rare firepower support point for the Chinese team, especially in the first two quarters, which is very explosive, and is one of the few helpers in this game for Han Xu.

The Chinese women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats! Player ratings: 2 excellent, 5 passed, 5 collapsed

As for Yang Shuyu, Wang Siyu, Huang Sijing, Luo Xinqi, Zhang Ru, these five people are all passing performances, Yang Shuyu and Wang Siyu's breakthrough lethality is still there, and the two of them once played a counterattack momentum through organization and their own killing, but the continuity of the whole team is not good. Huang Sijing, Luo Xinqi and Zhang Ru are also decent performances, although the data is not eye-catching, but basically there is no big problem, and teammates can also grasp the opportunities.

The Chinese women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats! Player ratings: 2 excellent, 5 passed, 5 collapsed

And Wu Tongtong, Li Yuan, Yang Liwei, Pan Zhenqi and Jin Weina, these five people are the manifestations of the collapse. In this game, Yang Liwei, Wu Tongtong and Li Yuan, the three backcourts actually only scored one sports goal, and their counterattack efficiency in defending the opponent was too poor, and there was no continuity in the online defense and dismantling, and Serbia used the 45° angle on both sides to constantly eat dividends on the outside. Pan Zhenqi and Jin Weina also did not score in sports battles, and their performance has always been sluggish in the training match, it is indeed time to adjust, Pan Zhenqi himself made 4 mistakes and the team was the first.

The Chinese women's basketball team suffered three consecutive defeats! Player ratings: 2 excellent, 5 passed, 5 collapsed

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