
From iPhone4:性价比之王再度崛起!

author:Love machine cool fruit powder

There have been more and more revelations about the new iPhone recently, and looking back at the last few generations of iPhones can be said to be boring, nothing has changed much, not to mention the sales of the iPhone15 series, Huawei's full return has caused a lot of impact on iPhone sales. Under this stimulus, the iPhone 16 series has finally changed! But today we are not talking about the iPhone 16 series, but the release time that cannot be guessed - iPhone SE4.

Recently, foreign media exposed a set of iPhoneSE4 conceptual design drawings in advance, and this Apple mobile phone has exploded in full swing, and all aspects of the upgrade are amazing. If Apple releases this mobile phone next year, it will definitely be a king bomb. This iPhoneSE4 concept machine uses a notch screen, adds 3D face recognition unlocking, and is also equipped with a new rear dual lens, and the price is super explosive!

From iPhone4:性价比之王再度崛起!

After all, the main focus of this Apple mobile phone is the mid-range machine, and now the fuselage adopts the design of the flagship machine, which is actually reasonable, you must know that the design of the previous three generations of iPhoneSE models is similar, and this iPhoneSE4 should be the largest upgrade over the years.

On-screen performance

From iPhone4:性价比之王再度崛起!

The iPhone SE4 has a 6.1-inch screen size, an OLED panel, and a resolution similar to that of the iPhone 15, without a high refresh rate and high-frequency PMW dimming. Even so, I still think this iPhoneSE4 concept machine is very fragrant, after all, even the king bomb design such as the punch screen has been unveiled, what else is there to say, Apple's conservative strategy on the screen, it seems that it has become a tradition.

Lens innovation

From iPhone4:性价比之王再度崛起!

However, the upgrade of the lens module this time is eye-catching. Concept art shows that the SE4 has a vertical oval frame design, which coincides with the rumored design of the iPhone 16. Although there is only one 48-megapixel main camera, the aperture and focal length are about the same as those of the iPhone 15, and this upgrade can be said to be a bit unexpected.

Performance improvements

From iPhone4:性价比之王再度崛起!

If you want to talk about the most amazing upgrade of the iPhone SE4, it has to be the processor. The A series chip is the traditional advantage of Apple's mobile phone, and this time the iPhoneSE4 is likely to be equipped with the A16 Bionic chip, the memory has reached 6G, the Snapdragon 5G chip is used, and it also supports dual SIM dual standby.

However, the memory of the iPhoneSE4 is 6G, so even if it is equipped with the A16 Bionic chip, it still cannot use all the Apple AI functions. But then again, after all, the iPhone SE4 is a mid-range Apple phone, so it's understandable that some features are limited.

Closing reminders

From iPhone4:性价比之王再度崛起!

But in the end, I still want to emphasize that this iPhoneSE4 is just a concept machine and not a real machine, and it is rumored that the iPhoneSE4 real machine may be launched at the spring conference in March 2025, so it is still subject to Apple's official release, this Apple concept machine is for your reference only, if you don't like it, don't spray. What do you think about this, welcome to leave your comments in the comment area!

Vocabulary analysis

  • Notch screen: There is a recessed area at the top of the screen for the design of the front camera and other sensors.
  • A-series chips: Apple's self-designed processors for iPhones, iPads and other devices.
  • Biomimetic chip: refers to a chip designed to mimic the structure of a biological neural network, emphasizing its processing speed and energy efficiency.
  • Snapdragon 5G chip: Qualcomm manufactures a mobile platform chip that supports 5G networks.
  • Dual SIM Dual Standby: The phone can insert two SIM cards at the same time, and both cards can receive signals.

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