
Millennium King Eight

author:Chuangyi is important

In our northeast Nagada, there is a place called Qingyun Town, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and it is as beautiful as a painting. But what everyone talks about the most has to count the bottomless Qingyun Lake outside the town. Legend has it that this pool is connected to the Nine Secluded Land, and there is a Wang Bajing who has lived for thousands of years, who can call the wind and rain and hold the lifeblood of Qingyun Town tightly.

There is a Taoist priest in the town, named Li Qingfeng, dressed in a green shirt, holding a whisk in his hand, and walking is called a fairy wind Dao bone. When Li Qingfeng was young, he traveled south and north, learned a lot of Taoism, and finally returned to Qingyun Town and became the patron saint of this land. He knew that there was Wang Bajing in Qingyun Pond, but for many years, the well water of the two of them did not interfere with the river water, and Qingyun Town was also smooth.

But one day, the sky over Qingyun Town suddenly became dark and the wind was fierce. The people in the town saw that the water level of Qingyun Lake was rising rapidly, as if something was stirring up underneath. Li Qingfeng stood on the high ground at the entrance of the town, frowned, and said in his heart, this must be the thousand-year-old king and eight essences making trouble again. The townspeople panicked and ran to Li Qingfeng for help. Li Qingfeng patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll go and talk to that Wang Bajing." As soon as the words fell, he jumped into Qingyun Pond.

Millennium King Eight

The pool of water was as black as ink, and swallowed up all the light. Li Qingfeng closed his eyes and felt his surroundings with his heart. After a while, he felt a powerful aura rushing up from the bottom of the pool. When he opened his eyes, he saw that a huge royal bastard was glaring at him, and there was a fierce glint in his eyes. Li Qingfeng felt a sigh in his heart, but immediately stabilized his mind, took a deep breath, and asked, "Wang Bajing, what are you doing here, stirring up the pond water and causing the townspeople to be unpeaceful?" ”

Wang Bajing snorted coldly and said, "I was originally the patron saint of this Qingyun Pond, but over the years, you humans have been destroying the environment and polluting water sources, so I can't practice anymore. I'm going to make you suffer now! Li Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Your idea is not right, man and nature have to live in harmony." If we destroy the environment, we will be the ones who will suffer in the end. But you can't hurt innocent townspeople because of that. ”

Wang Bajing roared angrily and rushed towards Li Qingfeng. Li Qingfeng was agile and dodged in a flash. He waved the dust, and he got on with Wang Ba. In that scene, the water splashed, and the two fought inseparably. While he was fighting, there was a sudden burst of crying from the edge of Qingyun Pond. Li Qingfeng's heart moved, and he saw a trace of hesitation flashing in Wang Bajing's eyes. He hurriedly shouted, "Wang Bajing, look at those innocent townspeople, they are suffering. As a patron saint, can you bear to see them suffer? ”

Millennium King Eight

"Look, what are you doing now? Aren't you quite capable, why are you hurting people? When Wang Bajing heard this, he was silent for a while, and finally sighed, as if holding his breath: "Come on, although we are a monster, we won't do that hurtful thing." From now on, we will continue to guard this land and protect our fellow villagers. After speaking, Wang Bajing turned around and plunged into the pool with a pop, and the pool of water slowly regained its calmness.

Li Qingfeng stood on the edge of the pool, watching the water slowly calm down, and the breath in his heart was also relieved. He knew that this time the turmoil was over. He took a closer look, and the stone tablet was engraved: "The water of Qingyun Lake is as clear as a mirror, and the thousand-year-old king keeps peace." People, you have to know how to take care of this nature, and live in harmony in order to live a good life. Li Qingfeng was stunned, it turned out that Wang Bajing was not trying to harm people, but wanted to tell everyone to protect the environment and get along with nature. He was full of respect for Wang Bajing in his heart.

Since then, the villagers of Qingyun Town have begun to pay attention to environmental protection, and the water in Qingyun Lake is getting clearer day by day. The thousand-year-old Wang Bajing also continued to guard this land and the villagers, and became a legend in Qingyun Town. The stele was like planting a magical seed in Qingyun Town, making everyone start to rethink the relationship between man and nature. People are praising the goodness of the millennium king, and Li Qingfeng has also become a hero in everyone's mouth. But the villagers know in their hearts that the real hero is still the thousand-year-old king. In its own way, it reminds people to cherish nature and to love the land that nurtures them.

Millennium King Eight

As a result, the villagers of Qingyun Town began to take action, planting trees, cleaning up rivers, and reducing pollution, all of which were working hard to protect the land. Time flies, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. Qingyun Town is becoming more and more beautiful, and the water of Qingyun Lake is so clear that you can see the bottom. At night, the pool can still reflect the stars in the sky, which is as beautiful as a painting. The thousand-year-old king has gradually become the patron saint of Qingyun Town. It is always the first to stand up and protect the land and the villagers. Its name has also spread throughout Qingyun Town, becoming the most resounding name in the town.

But the good times didn't last long, and a businessman from other places took a fancy to the business opportunities in Qingyun Town. He came to the town and wanted to develop Qingyun Lake and build a large water park. He said that this is to promote the economic development of the town and let the villagers live a better life. As soon as the news came out, the villagers of Qingyun Town didn't want to do it, they didn't want to see Qingyuntan become a commercial place. But the merchant was rich and powerful, and he tried his best to get the villagers to change their minds. When Li Qingfeng heard about this, he couldn't sit still. He approached the merchant and wanted to talk to him. That businessman is really a guy who doesn't know the height of the sky, and he doesn't listen to Li Qingfeng's words at all. He even sneered: "You are a Taoist priest, can you understand what commercial development is?" You think you can stop me? Li Qingfeng was so angry that he was smoking, but he knew in his heart that he couldn't solve any problems by being rude. So, he decided to go to the thousand-year-old king Bajing to go out. He believed that only Wang Bajing could stop the merchant's arrogance.

Li Qingfeng came to the edge of Qingyun Lake again, and shouted to Wang Bajing in the pool. It didn't take long for the pool to churn, and the huge Wang Bajing resurfaced. As soon as it saw Li Qingfeng, a hint of surprise flashed in its eyes. Li Qingfeng told Wang Bajing about the merchant's plan and begged him to help. Wang Bajing was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will never let anyone destroy this land." As soon as the words fell, it sank to the bottom of the pool.

Millennium King Eight

And the merchant is still there dreaming of his water park. He brought in a team of engineers and prepared to do a big job. But just as they were about to dig the pool, something strange happened - the excavator suddenly broke down, as if it was controlled by some mysterious force. When the merchant saw this situation, he was so frightened that his soul was not possessed, and he hurriedly asked Li Qingfeng what was going on. Li Qingfeng looked at him coldly and said, "This is Wang Bajing's warning, it won't let anyone hurt Qingyuntan." When the merchant heard this, he was so frightened that he hurriedly withdrew the engineering team, and swore that he would never fight Qingyuntan again.

Since then, Qingyun Town has regained its former tranquility and beauty. The thousand-year-old king also continued to guard the land and the townspeople. When people pass by Qingyun Lake, they can always see the huge Wang Ba swimming leisurely in the water of the pool, carrying the stone tablet on his back, as if telling the story of Qingyun Town. With the passage of time, the reputation of Qingyun Town has become more and more famous, and more and more people come here for sightseeing and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Qingyun Pond. The townsfolk are also living happier and happier, and they are grateful for the gifts of nature and Wang Bajing.

However, in this bustling world, there are always those people who are not greedy enough and want more power and wealth. They began to covet the magical power of Qingyuntan and wanted to use it to achieve their own goals. The news reached Li Qingfeng's ears again. He knows that this crisis is worse than the last. But he also knew that with Wang Bajing, Qingyun Town would have nothing to fear. So, Li Qingfeng went to Wang Bajing again and told him his worries. After hearing this, Wang Bajing was silent for a while, and then said, "I will protect this land and the townspeople, but I also need your help. Li Qingfeng nodded and said, "Don't worry, we will protect this land with Wang Bajing and not let anyone hurt it." Since then, the residents of Qingyun Town have worked hand in hand with Wang Bajing to protect this land. They have shown the world with practical actions that man and nature can coexist in harmony. Let's continue to explore the story of Qingyun Town and the Millennium King Eight. It is said that there is a tacit understanding between the residents of Qingyun Town and Wang Bajing, and they are determined to join forces to protect this land from outsiders.

Millennium King Eight

However, the world is unpredictable, and there are always some ill-intentioned people who want to destroy this harmony. There is a group of people who call themselves "explorers", when they heard about the mystery of Qingyun Pond, they took the name of exploration as a search, but in fact they wanted to seek personal profit from it. Carrying all kinds of high-tech equipment, they confidently believed that they could deal with Wang Bajing, and quietly entered Qingyun Town. At first, they were quite cautious, not directly approaching Qingyuntan, but looking around the town for news. But the townspeople were keenly aware of their intentions and began to spy on their every move.

When Li Qingfeng learned of this situation, he thought to himself: "It seems that these people are trying to make an attempt on Qingyuntan, and I must discuss countermeasures with Wang Bajing as soon as possible." So, he came to Qingyun Pond again and called Wang Bajing. Soon, the pool was surging, and Wang Bajing resurfaced. Seeing Li Qingfeng, a trace of doubt flashed in Wang Bajing's eyes: "You are here again, is there something wrong?" Li Qingfeng told Wang Bajing about the situation of the explorer and asked him to help. After hearing this, Wang Bajing pondered for a moment, and then replied, "I will protect this land, but since these people are here, I can't let them leave easily. You go back and tell the townsfolk to keep their composure, and I'll do it my way. Li Qingfeng nodded after hearing this, and turned to leave.

Back in the town, Li Qingfeng conveyed Wang Bajing's words to the townspeople. When the townsfolk heard this, their worries dissipated, and they were full of confidence in the magical power of Wang Bajing, believing that it could deal with these explorers. Sure enough, the explorers soon came to the edge of Qingyun Pond. They greedily looked at the clear water, took out various equipment, and began to probe the secrets of the bottom of the pool. At this moment, the water of the pool suddenly gushed and formed a huge whirlpool. The explorers panicked and wanted to flee, but it was already too late. The maelstrom continues to expand, eventually engulfing them all. When the whirlpool disappeared, the pool returned to calm, and the explorers disappeared as if they had never existed.

Millennium King Eight

The townspeople were shocked to see all this. They understood that this was due to the power of Wang Bajing. Since then, no one dares to covet Qingyuntan anymore. Qingyun Town has once again regained its former tranquility and beauty. The townspeople guarded the land together with Wang Bajing, and they proved to the world the harmonious coexistence of man and nature with their practical actions. However, just when the people of Qingyun thought that this harmony could last forever, an unexpected news came that the government planned to build a large hydropower station here to alleviate the electricity needs of the surrounding area. As soon as this matter spread, Qingyun Town immediately became a pot of porridge again. Isn't the construction of a hydropower station to drain the water of Qingyuntan? This matter is like a bolt from the blue for Qingyun Town and Wang Bajing. As soon as Li Qingfeng heard the news, he immediately rushed to the government, wanting to find a leader to talk about it and see if he could turn the page on this matter. But the head said that this matter is related to the big chess of the entire region, and it cannot be completely denied because of Qingyun Town.

When Li Qingfeng heard this, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis. He knew that he couldn't resist the government, but he was not willing to just watch Qingyun Town and Wang Bajing suffer. So, he decided to go to Wang Bajing again to see if he could come up with a trick. But when he came to Qingyun Lake again, he saw that the water was already muddy like muddy soup. Li Qingfeng's heart sank, knowing that Wang Bajing was really angry this time. He shouted Wang Bajing a few times, but this time it didn't even bubble.

Li Qingfeng sat on the edge of the pool, thinking about what to do. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration - since the government wants to build a hydropower station, it must use a lot of manpower. He wondered if he could take this opportunity to involve the old and young masters in the town, so that the government might be merciful to Qingyuntan's subordinates. He immediately ran back to town and told everyone about the idea. When the people in the town heard this, they all applauded and expressed their willingness to contribute to the protection of Qingyuntan.

Millennium King Eight

In this way, under the leadership of Li Qingfeng, the people of the town began to participate in the construction of the hydropower station in full swing. With their diligence and wisdom, they have won the respect and support of the government. In the end, the government also agreed to their request, saying that after the dam was built, it would protect Qingyuntan and ensure that the water level would not drop too much. Although this matter was full of twists and turns, it was finally resolved satisfactorily. The villagers of Qingyun Town have proved with their actions that it is completely possible to live in harmony with nature. And the thousand-year-old king also continues to guard this land and the villagers, telling the world in its way - as long as everyone is willing to work hard and live in harmony with nature, it is not a dream!