
I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

author:Sir Wen

Editor: Liuhua


A touching incident recently happened in Shuyang, talking about a middle school student.

A total of 15,308 yuan of tuition and miscellaneous fees are owed, and the key is that this money has not been given.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

In the end, the school ran out of recruits.

Legal action was the only resort, and as a result, the child's parents were taken into judicial custody.

As soon as this incident came out, it really made many people talk about it.

Shuyang's parents owe 15,000 yuan in tuition fees: judicial detention for failure to fulfill the agreement

Shuyang's Wang and Gu are in trouble.

Their children's tuition and fees for school were delayed by almost 15,000 yuan, and the school directly sued them in court.

After the court intervened, the parties reached an agreement.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

The tuition fee of 15,308 yuan is scheduled to be paid off before April 20, 2024, and an additional 3,000 yuan will be paid for overdue damages.

But when it came time to repay the money, the couple obviously had an income of several thousand yuan per month.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

But they neither declared their assets nor paid back their money.

On June 25, the court had no choice but to take Wang into judicial custody for 15 days.

It's a puzzling thing.

Shouldn't compulsory education be free?

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

Even if the school is private, such a high fee.

The average family is indeed enough.

So, some people just say.

If the economic conditions are average, it may be the most responsible way for the child not to have children easily.

Live a good life by yourself and be filial to your parents.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

Not burdening others is also a kind of wisdom in life.

I don't know what you think about this issue, welcome to leave a message to discuss.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Where is compulsory education?

News of parents being judicially detained for failing to pay their children's tuition and fees exploded online.

Netizens asked: Didn't you say that nine-year compulsory education is free?

How can there still be tuition and fees in arrears?

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

Some people were puzzled, saying that for the first time in their lives, they had heard that they would be detained for arrears of tuition and fees.

Shouldn't compulsory education be free?

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

There are also comparisons, pointing out how the bosses who owe hundreds of thousands of wages to workers are not dealt with so quickly.

Among the many questions.

The breakdown of tuition and fees of 15,000 yuan for a semester has become the focus, and many netizens have called for the publication of the list of fees, wondering what exactly is included in this money.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

Some people bluntly said that they have never been clear about what compulsory education means.

Recalling the embarrassment of studying in the past, I lamented the high cost of children's education now.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

Some netizens extended the topic, mentioning that they were in arrears when they bought a house but no one was detained.

and challenges to legal validity.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

At the same time, there are also people who take the opportunity to be sarcastic.

Think that the school seems to be more like a business, especially the commissary within the school is very profitable.

Others jokingly asked rhetorically if the situation was reversed.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

The school owes money to the parents, will it arrest the principal and the director.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

During the discussion, there was no lack of confusion about the concept of compulsory education and confusion about the current cost of education.

and concerns about equity and transparency in education.

I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation
I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation
I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation
I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation
I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation
I've heard about it for the first time! owed 15,000 tuition and miscellaneous fees, and as a result, the parents were detained for 15 days, netizens: What's the situation

Overall, the incident triggered a broad public debate about the substance of compulsory education, the transparency of education costs, and the applicability of the law.