
The elderly born from 1949 to 1979 are now blessed, and they no longer have to worry about providing for the elderly

author:Sister Jin Ling talks about life
The elderly born from 1949 to 1979 are now blessed, and they no longer have to worry about providing for the elderly

The elderly born from 1949 to 1979 are now blessed, and they no longer have to worry about pension.

The elderly born from 1949 to 1979 are now blessed, and they no longer have to worry about providing for the elderly

Personally, I think that people in this age group from 1949 to 1979, because people born in this age group have experienced the early days of the establishment of our country, when the country was just established, and the life was difficult, and the various changes in the later generations have also witnessed with their own eyes.

The elderly born from 1949 to 1979 are now blessed, and they no longer have to worry about providing for the elderly

For example, paying public grain, calculating work, going to the mountains and going to the countryside, eating big pot rice, resuming the college entrance examination, and family planning, these things have all happened to this generation. Now that this generation has arrived, it is time to provide for the elderly, these old people are really blessed, and there is no need to worry about the problem of pension.

Why do I say that? Take a look at the following 3 reasons, the first reason, the matter of paying the public grain, the grain that the farmers have worked so hard to grow, it is a bead of sweat falling to the ground and falling eight petals! Now that the national policy is so good, there is no need to pay public grain for a long time, and subsidies are also given to farmers, tax reductions are given, and everyone is encouraged to diversify their land.

The elderly born from 1949 to 1979 are now blessed, and they no longer have to worry about providing for the elderly

In this way, farmers can farm much more easily, there is no pressure, and the remaining grain can be sold for money and put into their own pockets, and when they are old, this kind of land benefit can become old-age security.

The second reason is that their children, now their children have the ability to support themselves, have a livelihood, have the ability, and don't have to worry about the lives of their children.

The old people are naturally not worried, they know that their children have the ability to take care of themselves, which is also down-to-earth, young people, under the leadership of the country to contribute to the country, the development of our country is changing with each passing day, the economy, industry, science and technology are in the forefront of the world.

The elderly born from 1949 to 1979 are now blessed, and they no longer have to worry about providing for the elderly

The third reason, pension, in the past, the old people had to rely on their children, as if it was handed down by the older generation, and the children had to go to the elderly, and now the state has set up pension insurance and medical insurance for the elderly, as long as you participate in this insurance, you can get a pension every month after retirement.

Although pensions vary from person to person according to the length of service, they all bring some security to the elderly in their later years.

So! The pension is given to us, just to make our old age a good life, which can be said to be worry-free, and we can spend our old age more at ease and more stably.

By looking at the above 3 points, you can see it. What about the old people born between 1949 and 1969, are they really blessed now? Although this generation has experienced a lot of hardships before, they are now in exchange for a happy life in their old age, which is also a bittersweet end! Do you think that's the reason? Thank you for your interest!