
The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

author:It is very ornamental

How would it feel to be neglected by your 7 children when you needed the most care and attention in your later years. This is the real experience of a 91-year-old mother in reality. The old man could not take care of himself because of his old age, and his children should take turns to take care of him, but the reality was that no one cared, and only one daughter could not bear to see this scene and took on the burden of taking care of the old mother alone.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

In May, a poignant family incident occurred. In the Wang family in a small town, his mother is 91 years old, and she is sick and has almost lost her ability to take care of herself. According to common sense, such elderly people should be taken care of by their children. But the reality is far harsher than imagined.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

The Wang family has seven children, six girls and one boy, the oldest is 70 years old, and the youngest is in his early 50s. They all live not far from their mothers, and with the exception of a daughter who works in other places, they should be able to take care of the elderly with ease. In fact, the old mother's living conditions were extremely bad.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

One day, 60-year-old Wang Siping went home to visit her mother as usual and was surprised to find that her mother's room was in shambles. The floor was littered with rotting leftovers, as well as uncleaned excrement. This scene deeply pierced Wang Siping's heart, and she immediately began to clean up the room to cook again, and help her mother take a bath and change clothes.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

It turned out that the brothers and sisters of the Wang family had already agreed earlier that each of them would take turns to take care of their mother for a month. In fact, except for Wang Siping, everyone else found an excuse to shirk responsibility. Wang Siping was anxious in her eyes and decided to take care of her mother by herself.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

A few months have passed, Wang Siping has used up almost all her physical strength and energy, and the other brothers and sisters still have no action, and even accused Wang Siping of being nosy. Feeling helpless, Wang Siping tried to seek help from the outside world over the phone, hoping to arouse the conscience of her siblings.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

The family conflict of the Wang family gradually heated up. The eldest and third refused to continue to take care of the old man because the younger brother took the old mother's house and savings and felt that he should take full responsibility. This attitude gradually affected several other siblings, and only Wang Siping insisted on it.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

Every day, in addition to taking care of her own life, Wang Siping also has to take care of her mother who is paralyzed in bed. Three meals a day, he personally brought food to his mother, and the other siblings did not even want to come to see him. Although Wang Siping's younger brother is the only boy in the family, he also chose to leave it alone because of his sister's blame.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

Wang Siping felt unusually tired and helpless. She tried to communicate with her family several times in the hope of finding a lasting solution, but each time it failed.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

Wang Siping's actions did not change the attitudes of the other siblings, but her persistence and sacrifice brought a touch of warmth and dignity to the old mother. Every day, despite being physically exhausted, Wang Siping will still go to her mother's bedside on time to take care of her to ensure that the basic life of the elderly is satisfied.

The 91-year-old mother has difficulty taking care of herself, 7 children, no one to take care of her, and the fourth: the eldest does not set an example

The story continues, and Wang Siping's actions are a wake-up call to society's treatment of the elderly. In this challenging era, how to properly handle the responsibilities and care within the family has become an unavoidable issue for every family.