
Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

author:Sweet potato entertainment
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Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?
Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

Text: Sweet potato entertainment

Sweet potato entertainment

Weather, a natural phenomenon that changes anytime and anywhere, has an important impact on human survival and life. So, do you know what kind of legendary life is behind the weather forecast that is broadcast on time every morning?

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

The life story of a meteorologist who grew into a household name weather forecaster and eventually had a happy family is here to tell you one by one.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

The history of Song Yingjie's fame

Song Yingjie was born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, to an ordinary worker family. As a child, he had a special interest in weather and meteorology. Mom often mentioned that when he was a child, Song Yingjie liked to sit alone in front of the radio and listen intently to the weather information broadcast on the radio. Although it is just a few simple numbers and words, in the child's innocent heart, it seems to paint a magical picture of nature.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

A small interest grew up with Song Yingjie in this way. In 1984, Song Yingjie was admitted to Nanjing Institute of Meteorology to study weather and climate as he wished. During his time in school, he plunged headlong into cold and boring theoretical knowledge, and although it was hard, he never gave up his inner dream.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

In 1988, Song Yingjie, who had achieved success in his studies, was assigned to work at the Central Meteorological Observatory. As an obscure grassroots worker, his job is mainly to go to the field every day to observe weather data, and then report the data to the higher authorities. In the face of repetitive and monotonous work, Song Yingjie has never been bored, because he knows that he is a small link in the weather forecasting career.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

In this way, Song Yingjie worked silently at the Central Meteorological Observatory for 5 years. It wasn't until 1993 that an opportunity finally opened its doors to him......

Life after marriage is not all smooth sailing, and the two have quite a few differences in many aspects. Liu Heng is young and vigorous, more casual in his work, and his living expenses are more luxurious. As the head of the family, Song Yingjie is more cautious about family finances and hopes to plan expenses reasonably.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

Although the dispute ended in reconciliation, it made the two realize the difference in concepts. However, marriage is the process of running in with each other, and after years of getting along with each other, the two finally found a balance in their lives.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

Song Yingjie lives happily

Time has come to 2014 in the blink of an eye. This year is a special year for Song Yingjie's family that is worth remembering forever. 49-year-old Song Yingjie, after 14 years of life, finally ushered in the first new life in his family.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

The birth of a son, named "Doubao", brought new joy to the lives of the middle-aged couple. Raising children in their later years was originally a very hard thing, but Song Yingjie and Liu Heng cherished it very much. They put all their love on this little life.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

While enjoying the joy of family in his old age, Song Yingjie did not relax his work. In fact, more than any other role in his life, he was first and foremost a meteorologist, tasked with reporting the weather to a national audience.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

Years of work experience and professionalism have given Song Yingjie a high reputation among his peers. He does not "eat on his face" like some weather anchors, but is widely praised by the audience for his professional and vivid explanation style.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

In 2021, Song Yingjie, who is over the age of six, finally hosted the last episode of the program on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of meteorological work. When he stood in the familiar studio and said "goodbye" to the camera, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and even couldn't hide the tears in the corners of his eyes.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

"I have grown from an obscure small employee to witness the development and growth of the meteorological industry. Broadcasting the weather is like my biological child, but I have to be separated from it at the moment, and I am inevitably a little reluctant to ......," Song Yingjie said emotionally.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

In this way, this lovely "weather old man" officially said goodbye to the screen. However, he has always been silently paying attention to and recording the weather changes in his hometown of Liaoning. For a northern man, that attachment and concern for his hometown is a complex that can never be parted with.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

In Song Yingjie's personal computer, he has recorded large and small weather changes by hand over the years. From childhood to adulthood, these data bear witness to his persistent pursuit of meteorology and his indelible attachment to his hometown.

Although he has retired, Song Yingjie's enthusiasm for weather forecasting has not diminished. Every morning, he still turns on the TV or surfs the Internet to check the latest forecasts, and carefully records the data in his weather diary.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

As he grew older, Song Yingjie began to devote more and more energy to his family. He often returns to his hometown in Liaoning with his wife Liu Heng and two children, so that they can experience the natural scenery and unique cultural charm of their hometown.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

Whenever he sets foot on the land of his hometown, Song Yingjie always has indescribable feelings. He would take his family to the woods he used to visit when he was a child, to breathe fresh air in the fields of the countryside, and to drink hot and spicy soup in the early morning in the small farm yard......

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

Song Yingjie knows that these bits and pieces that are closely related to his hometown are the whole definition of "home" in his heart. He hopes to pass on this sentiment from generation to generation, so that his hometown will remain in the hearts of his children and grandchildren.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

In addition to accompanying his family, Song Yingjie is often invited to return to his alma mater, Beijing Institute of Meteorology, to share his work experience and life journey with his younger siblings. Whenever he talks about the hardships of his initial pursuit of his meteorological dream, Song Yingjie will say earnestly:

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

"A person should have a determination to never give up on the cause he loves. Just like us meteorologists, in the face of the ever-changing weather situation, we can never be complacent and slack. Only by persevering in our efforts can we continue to make progress. "

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

In the eyes of the students, Song Yingjie is a beacon that will never be extinguished, using his own life experience to interpret what it means to be "persistent". Many young people have been inspired and motivated by his words.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Song Yingjie is already past his prime. But this gray-haired old man always brings people a warm and positive energy like sunshine. The trajectory of his life is like a brilliant and colorful sunrise in the sky, shining the whole world brightly.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

When you turn on the TV or mobile phone to check the weather forecast, you may be able to feel Song Yingjie's unpretentious but persistent love for nature. Along the way, he used his own experience to interpret the extraordinary of an ordinary person: as long as you have dreams and persevere, life will eventually shine.

Song Yingjie: Go all the way, marry a 12-year-old younger sister, and become a father at the age of 49, what is happening now?

Song Yingjie's life story is undoubtedly a legend that can be sung and cried. Even in his twilight years, he remained passionate about meteorology and passed on his nostalgia for his hometown to the next generation. Song Yingjie's life path illustrates how to chase dreams with tenacity and love, and let life experiences shine brightly.