
Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

When the wheel of fortune of football gently rotated in Kuala Lumpur, and the name of the Chinese team appeared in Group C with strong teams such as Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia, at that moment, the heartbeat of countless fans seemed to miss a beat. But there is such a group of people, and their eyes are not full of worry, but excitement and anticipation of the upcoming challenge. They are industry insiders, and they believe that as long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be a rare "lottery".

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

Speaking of lottery, this is a university question. Some people see it as a litmus test of luck, while others see it as a starting line for strength. For the Chinese team, this grouping is a great opportunity to prove themselves. The optimism of the insiders is not groundless, they see the potential of the Chinese team, and they see the fighting spirit burning in the eyes of those young players.

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

Recalling the last World Preliminaries, the Chinese team's performance in the top 12 was not satisfactory. At that time, they always seemed to be a little bit hot, unable to fully transform their strength into victory in the game. But failure is the mother of success, and this grouping is the best stage to test their growth.

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

The current Chinese team is in a new stage. Solidarity and letting go of baggage are synonymous with them. Under Ivankovic's leadership, the team is showing unprecedented cohesion. The players are sweating on the training pitch and they know that it is only through relentless effort that they can bring out those 70 per cent in the game.

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

Speaking of Ivankovic, the arrival of this coach has brought a new tactical concept and style of play to the Chinese team. He emphasised the integrity of the team and the responsibility of each player on the pitch. As the captain, Wu Lei leads by example, every time he runs and passes the ball, he sends a message: go all out and leave no regrets.

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

For the upcoming matches, the schedule of the Chinese team has been scheduled. The first game was away to Japan, and it was a tough game. But industry insiders believe that as long as the Chinese team can play at its due level, even if it is a strong opponent, there is nothing to fear. Every detail of the game, every scramble, will be the key to winning or losing.

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

In the hearts of fans, every game of the Chinese team is full of suspense and expectation. They will cheer for every offense and be tense for every defense. Entering the World Cup is not only a goal for the Chinese team, but also a responsibility and a commitment to the country and the people.

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

As we get closer to the game, we can expect it to be a great fight. The boys of the Chinese team will write their own legends on the green field. They will prove with their actions that as long as they are united and dare to fight, then no matter how strong the opponent is, it is possible to create miracles.

Industry insiders: As long as the Chinese team can play 70% of its ability, this draw will be "signed"

This is the story of the Chinese team, a story about dreams, hard work, and unity. In this story, every player is the protagonist, every training session is a foreshadowing, and every game is a test. And we, as witnesses of this story, will look forward to the glorious moment that belongs to the Chinese team.

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