
Ambush on July 15, 2024 dog days are not generally "three" characteristics are different from the past, early understanding

author:Lemon tea

Reading guide: Ambush on July 15th, revealing the "three" characteristics of the dog days in 2024, which is different from the past, understand it early

Every summer, we have the hottest time of the year – dog days. And in 2024, the arrival of dog days has a different "color". Between tradition and custom, let's look for the difference together. As we enter July 15th, the dog days of the season, which are particularly hot and humid, will officially arrive. The cycle of the new day varies from year to year, and the trend of temperature and weather patterns will also change. What is particularly special this year is the three aspects that make it unique.

Ambush on July 15, 2024 dog days are not generally "three" characteristics are different from the past, early understanding

Climate characteristics 1: continuous high temperature warning

Unlike the dog days of previous years, the dog days of 2024 will face a longer period of continuous heat warnings. From the beginning to the end, the persistent heat may pose even greater challenges. This kind of hot weather will not only affect our daily life and work, but also have a profound impact on agriculture, water resources, etc. Therefore, the public should prepare for heatstroke prevention and cooling in advance and arrange outdoor activities reasonably.

Ambush on July 15, 2024 dog days are not generally "three" characteristics are different from the past, early understanding

Climatic characteristics 2: uneven distribution of precipitation

Another striking feature is the uneven distribution of precipitation. During the dog days, some areas may experience extreme weather such as heavy rainfall, thunder and lightning, and storms. At the same time, some areas may experience more pronounced drought conditions. In this regard, local residents need to take precautions, and government departments should also actively allocate resources to carry out weather emergency management and defense.

Ambush on July 15, 2024 dog days are not generally "three" characteristics are different from the past, early understanding

Climatic Characteristics 3: Seasonal Characteristics of Hot and Humid Summer*

Unlike the traditional heat in the north, dog days in the south and some coastal areas can be more humid and hot. Such seasonal characteristics bring more challenges to people's lives. In particular, middle-aged and elderly people and groups with specific diseases need to pay special attention to physical adjustment and health protection. Under the double blow of humidity and heat, it is more important to arrange work and rest reasonably and ensure a healthy diet.

Ambush on July 15, 2024 dog days are not generally "three" characteristics are different from the past, early understanding

Dog days in 2024 have unique characteristics and remind us of the need for more attention and precautions. Despite the challenges and trials that come with us, as long as we fully understand and respond reasonably, we can still survive this "extraordinary" summer.