
Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

author:Optimism and facts

Huawei exploded the new machine! Officially launched on June 29, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

Dear tech enthusiasts, it's time for the exciting release of the new machine! Huawei has surprised us again. Just now, Huawei officially announced that the highly anticipated Huawei Pura70 Beidou Satellite News Edition is officially on sale! This mysterious new machine has finally been revealed, so let's find out!

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

Do you still remember the new machine that was haunted in the maintenance list of Huawei's official website some time ago? That's right, that's it! At that time, this move made many netizens scratch their heads. It can be repaired but can't be bought, what is this operation? Is Huawei playing with it? There are different opinions and speculations. And today, Huawei has finally given the answer.

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

This time, Huawei Pura70Beidou Satellite Message Edition launched three versions in one go:256GB、512GB and 1TB,The prices are 5599 yuan、6099 yuan and 7099 yuan respectively。 At first glance, this price seems to be about the same as the previous standard version. Wait, if you do the math, it's only 100 yuan more expensive? That's right, you heard it right! As long as you spend an extra 100 yuan, you can enjoy the Beidou satellite message function. Is Huawei very conscientious about this wave of operations?

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

When it comes to Beidou satellite news, there may be friends who don't know much about it. To put it simply, you can send an emergency distress message even when there is no mobile signal. Imagine hiking through no man's land or climbing a mountain and suddenly encountering a dangerous situation. At this time, a satellite distress message may be your lifesaver! For outdoor adventure enthusiasts, this feature is a godsend!

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

However, Huawei's operation has also caused some people to get tangled. Why? Because when the Huawei Pura70 series was released before, only the three high-end versions of Pro, Pro+ and Ultra supported satellite messaging, but the standard version did not support it. This can make it difficult for many friends who plan to buy the standard version. Interestingly, the same standard version of Huawei Mate60 supports Beidou satellite messages, and the price is about the same as Huawei Pura70. This has led many people to abandon the Pura70 in favor of the Mate60.

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

But now, it's a different story. The launch of the Huawei Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition has given consumers more choices. Friends who originally planned to buy Mate60, now as long as they add 100 yuan, they can have an updated Pura70, and it also has a Beidou satellite message function, is this a good deal?

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

Of course, this is not the only highlight of the new machine. The Huawei Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition is also equipped with a new Kirin 9010E processor. This is Huawei's self-developed chip, and the performance is absolutely good! Coupled with the 6.6-inch straight screen and straight edge design, the second-generation Kunlun glass, the 50 million pixel super concentrating main camera, the 4900mAh large battery, 66W wired fast charging, and 50W wireless fast charging, it is simply full of sincerity!

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

However, there are two sides to everything. Although the Huawei Pura70 Beidou Satellite Messaging Edition looks good, there are some small regrets. For example, it doesn't support starlight and IR capabilities. This has caused a lot of controversy. Some people say that the infrared function is more practical than Beidou satellite messages. Indeed, in daily life, there may be more scenes of using mobile phones to control TV and air conditioning. Some people still wonder why Huawei's self-developed Starlight technology is not used in this mobile phone?

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

This brings us to the question: for ordinary users, is infrared, starlight, or satellite messaging more important? There is no standard answer to this question, it all depends on individual needs. If you are an outdoor enthusiast and often go to some remote areas, then Beidou satellite messages are undoubtedly the most practical. But if you're a homemaker who likes to use your phone to control a variety of home appliances, then the infrared function may be more suitable for you. As for Starlight, it is mainly used to achieve fast connection and file transfer between devices, which is useful for people who often need to dump files between different devices.

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

Huawei's strategy this time is actually quite clever. They give consumers more choice. If you want a comprehensive experience, you can choose the higher-end Pro series; If you have a limited budget but want to try it first, you can choose this Beidou satellite message version; If you are not interested in satellite messages, you can also choose the standard version to save 100 yuan. It can be said that Huawei wants to cover the market in all directions this time!

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

So, what is the market prospect of this new machine? Judging from the current situation, the launch of Huawei Pura70 Beidou Satellite Message Edition will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the mobile phone market. Its pricing strategy is quite aggressive, and it is likely to attract a segment of consumers who originally intended to buy phones from other brands. Especially for those users who are curious about new technologies and don't want to spend too much money, this phone is undoubtedly a great choice.

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

However, we also have to look at this new machine rationally. Although it has the highlight function of Beidou satellite messaging, in daily life, most people may not use this function. In contrast, the infrared function may be a little more practical. Moreover, Huawei's other high-end models may be more balanced in terms of overall configuration. Therefore, what kind of mobile phone to choose still depends on your actual needs. Don't be fooled by all kinds of gimmicks, and don't blindly follow the trend. The most important thing is to find a phone that really suits you.

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

Finally, we have to admire Huawei's marketing strategy. From the initial mysterious appearance in the maintenance directory to the sudden official announcement of the sale, Huawei has successfully created a topic and whetted the appetite of consumers. This kind of method of wanting to capture and indulge in the past has to be said to be quite clever. Whether you're a fan of Huawei or not, I have to admit that Huawei does have two brushes when it comes to marketing.

Huawei's new machine officially went on sale yesterday, 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, are you excited?

So, in the face of this new machine, are you excited? Do you choose to spend an extra 100 yuan to enjoy Beidou satellite news, or insist on choosing other models? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!