
Huawei was "warned", and in June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 40,000, and the Xiangjie S9 copied the M9 miracle and hurt too much

author:Cheerful sunshine aFi


In the fierce competition in the automotive industry, Huawei is like a bright new star, which instantly illuminates the entire market. However, this dazzling light has also caused countless waves.

Huawei's sales of HarmonyOS Zhixing in June reached a staggering 40,000! This number is like a thunderclap that exploded in the automotive field. The outstanding performance of the M9 and the S9 has made Huawei make great progress on the road of car manufacturing.

Huawei was "warned", and in June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 40,000, and the Xiangjie S9 copied the M9 miracle and hurt too much

1. The rise of Huawei's car-making

Huawei, a long-established giant in the field of communications and technology, has made its foray into the automotive industry by no accident. With its strong technical background and innovative spirit, Huawei has quickly emerged in the field of smart cars. The M9 and S9 are undoubtedly a strong proof of Huawei's car-making prowess.

Huawei was "warned", and in June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 40,000, and the Xiangjie S9 copied the M9 miracle and hurt too much

With its excellent power performance, intelligent driving system and luxury configuration, the M9 has become the object of many consumers' pursuit. Not to be outdone, the Xiangjie S9 shows a unique charm in terms of design, technology and user experience. Huawei has fully integrated its advantages in AI, chips, and systems into its automotive products, bringing users an unprecedented driving experience.

Huawei was "warned", and in June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 40,000, and the Xiangjie S9 copied the M9 miracle and hurt too much

The success of these models is not accidental, but the result of Huawei's years of technology accumulation and continuous investment. Huawei's R&D team worked around the clock to overcome technical challenges and optimize product performance, which made the M9 and S9 stand out from the competition.

Second, the wave of public anger provoked

Huawei's brilliant achievements have sparked public outrage. Huawei's success means that the living space of other manufacturers is compressed.

Some vendors accuse Huawei of upsetting the balance of the industry, arguing that it has unfairly seized market share with its strong technological and financial advantages. They complained about Huawei's "paraquat model", arguing that Huawei had single-handedly overwhelmed the luxury car market, leaving traditional manufacturers who have been working in the automotive industry for a long time feel extremely stressed and helpless.

Huawei was "warned", and in June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 40,000, and the Xiangjie S9 copied the M9 miracle and hurt too much

What's more, Huawei's rapid development is a challenge to the rules of the entire industry. They believe that Huawei's approach is too aggressive and undermines the stability and orderly competition in the market. These accusations and complaints have come one after another, and Huawei has fallen into the whirlpool of public opinion.

3. Impassable walls

”。 The integration of these three core technologies enables Huawei's automotive products to have unparalleled advantages in terms of intelligence, performance, and user experience.

For other automakers, it is almost impossible to replicate Huawei's success in a short period of time. The research and development of AI technology requires a large amount of data and algorithm support, the manufacturing of chips requires high-end processes and technologies, and the optimization of systems requires deep software development experience. These technical thresholds are undoubtedly insurmountable mountains for most manufacturers.

Huawei was "warned", and in June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 40,000, and the Xiangjie S9 copied the M9 miracle and hurt too much

Huawei has also demonstrated strong capabilities in supply chain management, brand marketing, and after-sales service. Combined, this series of advantages forms a high wall that discourages other manufacturers. Even if some manufacturers try to imitate Huawei's model, they often fail because of the lack of core technology and comprehensive strength.

Does all this really mean that Huawei's supremacy in the automotive industry is unshakable?

Huawei was "warned", and in June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 40,000, and the Xiangjie S9 copied the M9 miracle and hurt too much

Huawei's success is indeed remarkable, but it has also sparked some controversy. Some people believe that Huawei's rapid rise in the automotive industry may lead to excessive concentration in the industry, which is not conducive to market diversification and innovation. Moreover, with the continuous development of technology and changes in the market, other manufacturers are not without opportunities to break through Huawei's blockade.


The future of the automotive market is full of uncertainties, and it remains to be seen whether Huawei can continue to maintain its leading position, and whether other manufacturers can find a way to break through Huawei's high walls.