
The doctor repeatedly advised: When the elderly have sex with each other, they should pay attention to these 3 things, otherwise trouble may come to the door

author:Fun facts about science


People have always been very interested in sex, not to mention the elderly in marriage and love, because they are passionate or lonely, the frequency of intercourse may attract attention.

It's just that many elderly people don't understand some points when they have sex together, which may expose some problems after the two of them have sex together.

Many elderly people have not had sex together for a long time for many years after they get married, and after being together, they still want to have children and grandchildren, so there are many opportunities for two people to have sex together.

But they don't know that women at this time have entered menopause, and their physical condition is not suitable for childbearing.

Therefore, doctors generally advise elderly couples not to have sex with each other as much as possible.

Recently, a doctor reminded the elderly that they must pay attention to three things when they are in the same room, and they must not make mistakes, otherwise they may "trouble the door".

What are the three things that the doctor said, and why should you pay attention, here are some of them.

The doctor repeatedly advised: When the elderly have sex with each other, they should pay attention to these 3 things, otherwise trouble may come to the door

When having intercourse, it is necessary to prevent the husband and wife from being physically active too intensely.

Most older people have sex for the first time in their lives at a very young age.

However, as the years go by, some people become very picky due to the high frequency of intercourse recently, thinking that they are really old just because the frequency is low.

After all, what is the reason for the obvious increase in the frequency of these elderly people in recent years?

It all started when I was a teenager.

Adolescence is the time when the human body is vigorous, and the amount of hormones secreted by men will increase, and the secretion of estrogen by women will also increase, breeding the development of the mind and body.

With the guidance of the mind, the body seems to be less interested in sexuality at this time, and there is little interaction between men and women.

However, in the process of growing up, the human body gradually returned to the basic normal from the year of development, and parents found that the child was no longer the shy and shy child, but the age of flowers.

After entering puberty, the body's metabolism is becoming more and more vigorous, and the closely related sexual organs will naturally become vigorous.

At this time, the child has good bones and good health, so even if the frequency increases, there will not be much trouble, and it is easier to conceive a baby.

The doctor repeatedly advised: When the elderly have sex with each other, they should pay attention to these 3 things, otherwise trouble may come to the door

However, when the age increases, the metabolism declines, and all aspects of the human body become weaker and weaker.

The most suitable time for the frequency of intercourse in a person's life is between the ages of 20 and 30.

People at this age are in the period of physiological exuberance, coupled with the reason for the sinking of the year, people at this time are in the best condition in all aspects of their body.

With such conditions, the frequency of the body can no longer bear the same sex is very rare.

But often at this age, men expect to run into things, but women don't have the mind, or vice versa.

So many couples will struggle at this age, but they will also get through it.

But when they want to have sex again, they are already old, and it is torture for them to be unable to bear the frequency of sex with their bodies.

But what these couples don't know is that if they barely have sex at this time, they are likely to get hurt or become more unhealthy.

But these couples don't understand, they only feel that their wives have become picky, and they also want to run into problems.

Many couples are generally helpless, and the frequency of intercourse is too high, which can easily make the elderly fracture and abnormal aging, and the elderly who are immediately fooled may also be seriously ill.

That's why doctors tell the elderly to take care of their bodies.

Pay attention to the appropriate medication when having intercourse.

In addition to the picky elderly, some elderly people are in menopause after not having sex for a long time, but they still want to have children and still want to restore their fertility.

But they don't know that after they enter menopause, they will no longer have the opportunity to have children, even if they have sex frequently, they can no longer have children.

Nowadays, the degree of medicine is developed, and many techniques are artificially assisted.

So are the elderly in menopause, and they still have the opportunity to have children?

That's not easy to say.

In the doctor's opinion, the elderly are in menopause, and if they never have a room again, then they will not have children.

However, the elderly want children, and they choose to have sex with each other during menopause, artificially assisted breeding, in order to save the final opportunity.

At this time, they have frequent intercourse in order to achieve a rapid pregnancy.

But they don't know that their physical condition is not suitable for this frequency.

The frequency of intercourse is unbearable, and their physical condition is easy to be out of balance at this frequency.

Intercourse at a certain time means that the body frequency is high, and it has always been like this, and the body cannot fully adapt, and it is inevitable that there will be physical problems.

Therefore, the doctor will advise the elderly not to be too frequent, and the elderly can apply some antioxidant drugs, which can better improve the body mass.

The doctor repeatedly advised: When the elderly have sex with each other, they should pay attention to these 3 things, otherwise trouble may come to the door

However, it is necessary to consult a doctor when it is appropriate to use it as appropriate, whether it is a sedative drug or a mild drug.

Because in the breeding, the physical condition of the elderly is very poor, and choosing the wrong drugs will lead to reproductive organ problems, not only can not have children, but also become very fatal.

Therefore, the doctor repeatedly told the elderly to apply drugs cautiously under the guidance of the doctor, which will bring endless trouble to the old man's body in the future.

Be sure not to look at the neglected small medicine, which has too much effect.

Pay attention to skills and environment when having sex.

There is more than one elderly person, their physical strength and energy are not at this age, but they just want to have children in the same room.

For these old people, their ambitions are good, but their bodies are not in good condition, so in this case, they need to learn some skills.

It's the same sperm of two people, but it's the body that's different, and the sperm of these two people can't be fused all the time.

On the one hand, men are the same as spermatozoa, but their bodies are in a different state and way of functioning than young men.

Because the same sperm loss in elderly men comes from the male genital function of the elderly, the male genital function of these elderly people has long been different from that of the young period, and the wrong way will lead to physical problems and even death.

In addition, it is women, their physical condition is more complicated, in any case, women are much more difficult than men to artificially overcome.

The condition of women in old age is not worse than that of their youth.

After menopause, the quality of women's eggs will decrease, so if they want to get pregnant, the chances of success are very small, and their uterus becomes "cold" and there is no living environment to live in.

So is it true that women can't have children?

In today's advanced medical industry, this is just a point, and women of many ages can achieve their goals through artificially assisted breeding.

If they are too old to conceive a baby, they can only get a good chance through artificially assisted breeding.

Only in this way can the old ladies in the elderly couple become the mothers of the baby.

However, if you want to conceive a baby, you can't say that you can conceive, so what they lack is naturally young.

They need to shape a young body, many people say that youth is not a moment, youth is a state, if you want to shape a young body, the first condition is to keep the body young.

If they don't have such a state, they have to maintain the state of their bodies in some way.

Only in this way can they become younger when they are artificially assisted breeding, so that they can conceive the baby smoothly.

The doctor repeatedly advised: When the elderly have sex with each other, they should pay attention to these 3 things, otherwise trouble may come to the door

However, many elderly people do not understand how much courage it takes to breed artificially, and at this time, breeding is also very frequent for the elderly, so they need to maintain their physical condition when they are artificially assisted breeding.

If they are always very frequent, but their bodies are not synchronized, it will also affect a person's end-of-life benefits.

The doctor repeatedly advised: When the elderly have sex with each other, they should pay attention to these 3 things, otherwise trouble may come to the door


After hearing the doctor's three reminders, do you understand the three things that the elderly need to pay attention to when they have sex with each other?

So here's how to do it.

The doctor's third suggestion is very good, you must learn skills to have intercourse, and you must maintain your condition if you want to have intercourse.

Take the ancients of the continent as an example, how did they know that they were pregnant and gave birth?

They do not know the ovulation period of a woman through an instrument, but judge it by the external environment, and they observe the changes in the woman's body temperature.

Women generally have a high temperature during sleep, and they judge a woman's ovulation period by observing her body temperature at different times.