
Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

author:Strive for ABC

Try not to study medicine, this is not a simple admonition, there is a profound truth behind it. Here I want to start with a sentence from a Tang poem: "Life has tears and clothes." "On the road of life, we will encounter all kinds of setbacks and difficulties, especially studying medicine. When we understand the hardships and difficulties, perhaps we can better understand why we try not to study medicine.

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

First of all, the path of medicine is a path full of thorns. Medical knowledge is vast and profound, and it takes a lot of time and effort to learn and master. From basic medical knowledge to clinical medical skills, every link requires rigorous learning and practice. Medical books are piling up, medical knowledge is updated rapidly, and doctors need to keep learning and continuing to learn in order to keep up with the pace of medical development. This pressure to keep learning is daunting.

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

Secondly, the responsibilities of doctors are important and related to the safety of life. Doctors are faced with life, the hope and sustenance of patients. The slightest negligence can bring irreparable losses to the patient. This kind of pressure puts a heavy psychological burden on the way to study for medical students. And this great responsibility also makes many people hesitant when choosing a career.

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

In addition, the medical industry is becoming increasingly competitive. With the improvement of medical standards and the enhancement of people's health awareness, more and more people choose to join the medical industry. This has also led to increasing competition in the medical industry. To gain a foothold in the medical industry, you need not only solid professional knowledge, but also excellent practical and interpersonal skills. This competitive pressure leaves many people feeling lost and confused when choosing whether or not to study medicine.

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

In addition, the doctor's effort is not always proportional to the return. Doctors work intensively and stressfully, but the level of pay is not always matched by it. This imbalance between pay and return is prohibitive for many. Especially in this materialistic society, many people pay more attention to material rewards and ignore spiritual pursuits. Therefore, studying medicine is not the first choice for many people.

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

However, although the road to studying medicine is full of hardships and difficulties, there are still many people who choose this path, for what? For the reverence for life, the pursuit of knowledge, and the commitment to health. They are willing to give their youth and blood for the health of patients. Their dedication and perseverance let us see the nobility and greatness of medicine.

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

Here, I would like to end this article with an ancient poem: "The road knows the horsepower, and the people will see the hearts of the people over time." "Although the road to studying medicine is difficult, only those who have really walked this road can appreciate the true meaning and value of it. Therefore, we should be more understanding and supportive of the work of doctors, so that they can feel cared for and respected by society. At the same time, they should also be respected, not blindly persuading others to study medicine, but letting them make choices according to their interests and aspirations.

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?

In short, trying not to study medicine does not mean denying the value and significance of medicine. We should objectively look at the hardships and difficulties of studying medicine, and at the same time, we should respect those who choose to join the medical profession. Let us pay tribute to the development and efforts of the medical industry, and like and forward comments for those who have paid for the cause of health!

Try not to study medicine, what is the reason?