
The fate of the heroine of Haitian Eagle: Wu Xiao's family is round, Yahong is a good mother-in-law, there is joy at the beginning of summer, and Nina is sad

author:Xiaoshan chatted about gossip

Between the vast sky and the ocean, there is a group of heroic sea and sky eagles, who write their own legends with their youth and blood. And behind these legends lie the stories of four women, whose fates are intertwined with laughter and tears, and have become an integral part of this magnificent epic.

The fate of the heroine of Haitian Eagle: Wu Xiao's family is round, Yahong is a good mother-in-law, there is joy at the beginning of summer, and Nina is sad

Originated from the Internet

Wu Xiao, the university teacher, is the strong backing of Qin Dadi, the captain of the test pilot. When Qin Dadi was selected as the captain of the carrier-based aircraft test flight team and shouldered the heavy responsibility of the country, Wu Xiao silently supported him behind his back. She took care of her paralyzed father-in-law and children with cerebral palsy on her own housework, and shouldered the burden of the family on her weak shoulders. Finally, after Qin Dadi was injured in a test flight and changed jobs, the family ushered in a long-lost reunion. Wu Xiao's perseverance and dedication have been exchanged for the company of her husband day and night, as well as the warmth and tranquility of the family.

The fate of the heroine of Haitian Eagle: Wu Xiao's family is round, Yahong is a good mother-in-law, there is joy at the beginning of summer, and Nina is sad

Originated from the Internet

Chen Yahong, a member of the expert group of the test flight military industrial enterprise, and the love story of the pilot Yu Tao are full of twists and turns. After the two received their marriage certificate, they had to postpone the wedding due to their busy work. However, in the short time they got together, Chen Yahong used wine as a medium to reach a tacit understanding with Yu Tao's mother. This reasonable mother-in-law understood their busy schedule and accepted such a special form of wedding. Chen Yahong's tenacity and sincerity allowed her to harvest the warmth and happiness of her family in addition to her busy work.

The fate of the heroine of Haitian Eagle: Wu Xiao's family is round, Yahong is a good mother-in-law, there is joy at the beginning of summer, and Nina is sad

Originated from the Internet

At the beginning of the summer, the psychiatrist of the troop flight brigade finally found his own happiness after experiencing a failed relationship. The betrayal of her rich second-generation boyfriend made her miserable, but instead of dwelling on the past, she bravely faced the reality. At work, she discovered that Xie Zhenyu of the test flight team was a trustworthy partner, and the two gradually came together. When Xia Chu told Xie Zhenyu the news of her pregnancy, the happiness of the two was beyond words. The strength and bravery at the beginning of Xia allowed her to rediscover the sunshine of life in the haze of broken love.

The fate of the heroine of Haitian Eagle: Wu Xiao's family is round, Yahong is a good mother-in-law, there is joy at the beginning of summer, and Nina is sad

Originated from the Internet

However, not all stories have a perfect ending. Liu Nina, the arrogant single girl, bravely confessed to Kang Yancheng after being conquered by the performance of the pilots of the carrier-based aircraft test flight team. However, after witnessing the tragic failure of the test flight of a foreign carrier-based aircraft, Kang Yancheng became afraid of love and finally broke the appointment. Liu Nina's love dream was shattered, and her heart was full of endless sadness. And when Kang Yancheng died tragically in the mission, this sadness reached its peak. Nina Liu's ending makes people feel sorry for her, but her love and courage are still moving.

The fate of the heroine of Haitian Eagle: Wu Xiao's family is round, Yahong is a good mother-in-law, there is joy at the beginning of summer, and Nina is sad

Originated from the Internet

These four women, their lives are full of challenges and difficulties, but they all face it with tenacity in their own way. Their stories tell us that no matter how many hardships life throws, as long as we have firm faith and endless courage, we will be able to get out of the predicament and find our own happiness. In the magnificent picture of the sea and sky eagles, they are the most beautiful scenery. Their endings may not be the same, but their stories will always be remembered

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