
As local finances tighten and farming resumes to pay public grain, will farmers still be willing to farm?

author:Corn said

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Corn said

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At present, with the acceleration of urbanization and the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure in the mainland, the problems of labor outflow and the reduction of farmland area in rural areas have become increasingly prominent, which have had a certain impact on agricultural production and peasants' livelihoods. At the same time, the financial pressure in some localities is also increasing, and how to effectively alleviate the local financial tension has become a difficult problem facing the authorities at all levels.

In this context, some experts and scholars have put forward their own suggestions, including the resumption of the system of "farming and paying public grain". As soon as this proposal was put forward, it aroused heated discussions in all circles of society, and many people expressed support for it, believing that the restoration of this system could encourage farmers to diversify their land and increase grain production, and at the same time reduce the burden on local finances. There are also some people who are concerned about this proposal, arguing that the current willingness of farmers to farm has changed to a certain extent, and they may face great resistance to solving the problem through simple and crude administrative orders.

Whether it is the expert who put forward this suggestion or the majority of netizens, they should be soberly aware that there are indeed certain changes and diversifications in the current farmers' willingness to farm, and it is not easy to do it through a simple administrative order to truly stimulate farmers' enthusiasm for farming. If we really want to revive the system of "farming and paying public grain", we must give full consideration to the actual situation and needs of the peasants, and at the same time, we must carefully guess how we can truly benefit the peasants and society through the restoration of this system.

As local finances tighten and farming resumes to pay public grain, will farmers still be willing to farm?

1. The system of "farming and paying public grain" under the pressure of local finance

With the continuous advancement of urbanization, the labor force in the rural areas of the mainland continues to flow out, and the area of farmland is gradually decreasing, which undoubtedly has a certain impact on agricultural production. At the same time, the financial pressure in some localities is also increasing, especially in some large agricultural provinces, which not only have to bear the responsibility of supporting and protecting agricultural production, but also have to hand over a large amount of financial funds to the central government, which undoubtedly brings great challenges to their fiscal balance.

In this context, some experts and scholars have begun to re-examine the system of "farming and paying public grain". It is understood that this system can be traced back to the ancient times of the mainland, when farmers needed to hand over part of their fields to the state as a payment of state taxes, and the state would also regulate the grain market in this way to ensure the country's food security. Now, some experts and scholars have suggested that the system could be revived in the current rural areas, allowing farmers to hand over a portion of their fields to the authorities as a support for local finances, and that subsidies could also be provided in other ways to encourage farmers to diversify their land and increase their food production.

It can be said that as soon as this proposal was put forward, it aroused heated discussions from all walks of life. Proponents believe that in this way, farmers can be effectively mobilized to farm and increase grain production, and at the same time, the burden on local finances can be reduced, which is conducive to the sustainable development of agriculture. There are also some people who are worried about this, arguing that the current farmers' willingness to farm has changed to a certain extent, and that it will be difficult to achieve the desired results if they want to solve the problem through simple and crude administrative orders.

As local finances tighten and farming resumes to pay public grain, will farmers still be willing to farm?

2. Changes and diversification of farmers' willingness to farm

Indeed, in the current social context, farmers' willingness to farm land has changed to a certain extent. On the one hand, with the acceleration of urbanization in rural areas of the mainland, more and more farmers choose to go out to work, and they feel that they can obtain a more stable income by working, compared to the relatively small profits brought by farming. On the other hand, with the progress of science and technology and the change of agricultural production methods, the time and energy required by farmers to farm land are gradually increasing, which undoubtedly brings certain pressure to their production and life.

It can be said that there is indeed a certain downward trend in the current farmers' willingness to farm, if we want to change this situation, we must conduct in-depth analysis to understand the real thoughts of farmers, and at the same time stimulate their enthusiasm for farming through targeted measures. From this point of view, the revival of the system of "farming and paying public grain" can certainly play a certain role in promoting, but we cannot simply implement it as an administrative order, but should fully consider the actual situation and needs of farmers, and at the same time, we should also explore more flexible and diverse implementation methods in combination with the actual local situation.

As local finances tighten and farming resumes to pay public grain, will farmers still be willing to farm?

3. The attitude of the peasants towards the proposal of "farming and paying public grain".

It is precisely on the basis of an in-depth understanding of the actual situation of the peasants that we can clearly understand that there are certain differences in the attitude of the peasants towards the proposal of "farming and paying public grain". On the one hand, some farmers expressed their support, believing that in this way, they could make their own contributions to the country and society, and at the same time, they could obtain corresponding subsidies and support through other means, so as to reduce their production pressure and help achieve sustainable development.

On the other hand, there are also some farmers who are worried about this, they feel that today's agricultural production is different from the ancient times, and if they want to solve the problem in this way, they may face a lot of uncertainty, and they are also easily affected by some unfair phenomena, which will lead to the loss of their rights and interests. It can be said that this concern is not unreasonable, if we really want to achieve good results through the restoration of this system, we must fully consider these possible problems, and at the same time establish a complete set of policy implementation mechanisms to ensure that the rights and interests of farmers are effectively protected.

Fourth, how to stimulate farmers' enthusiasm for farming

It is not an easy task to truly gain the understanding and support of the peasants. If we want to regain the system of "farming and paying public grain", we must start from many aspects to stimulate farmers' enthusiasm for farming. Consideration can be given to increasing agricultural inputs to help farmers improve their agricultural production by providing high-quality seeds, pesticides and fertilizers, so as to increase their output and income.

It is also necessary to start with infrastructure construction and public service level, such as strengthening farmland water conservancy construction and improving rural transportation conditions, which can provide better guarantee for farmers' production and life, and at the same time improve their quality of life, and in the long run, it will also have a positive effect on farmers' willingness to farm.

In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen the publicity and guidance of farmers, so that they can clearly understand that the resumption of the "farming and grain payment" system is not a simple and crude administrative order, but in this way, to achieve sustainable agricultural development and ensure national food security, and at the same time to establish a set of fair and transparent supervision mechanism, so that farmers can participate in the process of policy formulation and implementation, so as to enhance their sense of gain and participation.

Fifth, carefully consider the challenges that may arise from policy implementation

It can be said that in order to truly arouse the enthusiasm of farmers for farming, it is not possible to do it through simple and crude administrative orders, but it is necessary for the authorities at all levels and relevant departments to calmly and in the long run to guess how to formulate a series of targeted policies and measures to truly solve problems for farmers, and at the same time, it is necessary to fully consider the various challenges and difficulties that may be brought about.

It is necessary to be soberly aware that there is indeed a certain downward trend in the current farmers' willingness to farm, which involves a lot of complex social and economic factors, and to change this status quo, it is not possible to do it overnight, but it requires long-term policy guidance and support, and also needs the participation of the whole society, so as to find the most suitable path and direction for the current rural development.

It is also necessary to carefully consider the challenges and difficulties that may arise from the revival of the "farming for public grain" system. For example, in the specific implementation process, it is easy to have some unfair phenomena, some farmers may be excessively affected, while others can circumvent the policy through various means, which will undoubtedly bring certain instability to the society, and will also increase the cost of management and supervision by the authorities.

It can be considered that in the process of specific policy implementation, a set of flexible and diverse agricultural product trading mechanisms can be established, so that farmers can participate more in the market-oriented operation, so as to improve the added value of agricultural products, and at the same time, we can also consider introducing more incentive measures, such as incentive policies, technical support, etc., so that farmers can get more benefits and recognition through their own efforts and wisdom.


In short, the current rural areas are indeed facing many problems and challenges, and in order to effectively solve these problems, it is not possible to simply rely on administrative orders, but requires the joint participation and efforts of the whole society to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas from multiple aspects. It is true that the revival of the system of "farming and handing over public grain" can be an attempt, but in the specific implementation process, the authorities at all levels and relevant departments must give full consideration to the actual situation and needs of the peasants, and at the same time, they must also carefully guess how to truly benefit the peasants and society through the restoration of this system, so that the peasants can get more benefits and recognition through their own efforts and wisdom, so that they can live a happy and happy life in a stable environment.

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